But in one condition you will work in Amazon since no one there know who my son is" the president added
It's time the show starts I will start working tomorrow" Danny smiled as he went upstairs and Andy followed
Honey how can you allow such thing" Mrs Judy frowned
I know our son too well if I didn't approve his idea he won't bother in getting married again" the chairman said
But how can he chose to work as a cleaner of all work" Mrs Judy hissed
It's his chose so let just see what comes next" the chairman smiled
What if he gets hurt gosh! you are even happy about this" Mrs scoffed
Darling nothing will happen to him and beside we should be happy now that his taking the marriage issue serious" the chairman said and Mrs Judy looked at him
Don't worry I will tell my secretary to keep her eye on him beside his man enough to make his decision" the chairman added and Mrs Judy sighed
It's fine since he's okay with it I'm okay too" Mrs Judy said and the chairman smiled when a maid called rose walked to them and bow
Ma" the food is ready at the dinner table" rose the maid said
Ok you can go" Mrs Judy said and rose bow before walking away
Such a good girl" Mrs Judy smiled
Daniel and Andy drove into the chairman mansion
as the both step down from the car
I can't wait to see my Danny the cleaner" Daniel laughed
You are crazy beside you brought the crazy idea" Andy scoffed and Daniel laughed as the both walked in
Good morning ma" Daniel and Andy greeted Mrs Judy and she responded
Daniel, Andy how are you both doing" Mrs Judy smiled
Very much fine" Daniel smiled and Andy pitch him
Oh! Daniel and Andy you both are here" the chairman smiled joining them
Yes sir, we came to see the new cleaner" Daniel and Andy sighed
The new cleaner who could that be" the chairman and Mrs Judy said the same time as the looks at Daniel curious
He mean Danny" Andy quickly said
Oh! I'm sorry if I made you all curious I mean Danny the new cleaner" Daniel said and everyone laughed
Gosh Daniel you can never kill me,, Danny is in his room probably getting dressed for his new crazy work that he got himself into" Mrs Judy laughed as Daniel and Andy start making their way upstairs
Tell him to be fast his late for work" the chairman laughed and Andy smiled
Josephine we be seem waking someone up, who could that be no one else but the sleeping beauty Lily
Lily come on why are you still sleeping you are starting work today" Josephine shouted
Just this once I will join you" Lily said sleepy
Gosh what's wrong with you for crying out loud you keep telling me that I'm almost done and you are still sleeping" Josephine yelled
Stop yelling once you done bathing come wake me up" Lily hissed closing her eyes
How many times should I bath gosh I have bath already" Josephine scoffed
Then just give me ten minutes I will join you after ten minutes but for now just let me sleep" Lily muttered and Josephine sighed
I think you need that cold water again to wake up" Josephine said as she approach the freezer and Lily jerk up from the bed
Wait what did I just heard.. what are you trying to do Josephine" Lily shouted as she got up from the bed
Oh you are awake you aren't feeling sleepy anymore" Josephine hissed
Wait were you planning to pour me that cold water again" Lily yelled
Since you refuse to wake up" Josephine smiled
You are unbelievable gosh I can't sleep again just because of this your crazy cleaning work" Lily hissed going into the bathroom and Josephine laughed
Danny we be seem sleeping peacefully on the bed when Daniel and Andy walked in since the door was not lock
The both stopped when the saw Danny still sleeping
I thought he will be starting work today so why is he still sleeping" Andy scoffed
And the chairman is downstairs thinking his getting ready for work but no here he is sleeping peacefully" Daniel hissed as he push Danny down from the bed
Ashh" Danny groaned
What just come over me how can I fell for the bed like that" Danny muttered as he stood up from the floor but frowned when he saw Daniel and Andy sitting on the bed
Can you both start explaining how I fell on the floor" Danny frowned looking at both of them
Probably you know who own you that explanation" Andy laughed
Daniel" Danny frowned and Daniel smiled
Why are you still sleeping aren't you going to work" Daniel snapped and Danny eyes widened
Gosh that's true" Danny screamed as he rushed into the bathroom and his both friend laughed
Gosh! I will be very late for work today, Lily what the hell are you still doing inside" Josephine shouted
Just a little make-up, don't worry I will be right there with you" Lily scoffed
Any billionaire that set there eyes on me will fell in love immediately" Lily mumbled smiling
Gosh that's why you are keeping me waiting" Josephine scoffed
Just wait a little moment I'm almost done" Lily smiled
You know you are going to take this long in your make up then you should have wake up more earlier gosh Lily you have spend more than thirty minutes on this your make-up" Josephine scoffed
Oh you are even counting the time okay fine I'm done but you keep saying we are late for work when I probably know we are not going to work but to go clean the whole building in Amazon" Lily hissed
Is cleaning not a job Josephine smiled and Lily laughed
Maybe for you but for me it can never be a job" Lily hissed and Josephine laughed
Once I get my billionaire number I'm off" Lily said as she walked away
Please I'm begging don't turn the company upside down" Josephine laughed
Lily and Josephine has arrived at the company and the chairman secretary has already given Lily her ID card of course the chairman told her Josephine we be getting a new cleaner today
What is keeping my billionaire is he not coming gosh if I had known I will be at home sleeping" Lily scoffed when two cars drove in
Hey bestie he's here" Lily hissed but was disappointed when Daniel and Andy was who step down from the car
He might be on the second one" Lily smiled but was also disappointed cos the guard open the car door and the chairman step down with Danny
Hey bestie who is that handsome dude that just got down from the same car with the chairman" Lily smiled
I have no idea but his handsome just like you said" Josephine muttered
The chairman walked in and the worker bow as the all greet him and his eyes fell on Lily and the secretary notice so she quickly said "she's the new cleaner" the secretary said and the chairman smiled
Wow Josephine you did it" the chairman said and Josephine smiled
You all are curious right ! here is Danny he will be joining the cleaner to clean the building from today" the chairman said and Lily hissed out loud
His a cleaner gosh" she shouted and everyone turned to her
What's wrong if I'm a cleaner" Danny scoffed and Reed walked in