"You seriously want to make such a difficult choice? Will you reject the chance God has given you to change your destiny?" Zoey asked Daisy seriously, who only responded with a sigh.
Daisy was really fed up with the question. Since last night, Zoey had asked her the same question a million times, not giving up even though she kept giving the same answer.
"No! No! No!" Daisy exclaimed in annoyance at Zoey's face. "If you ask the same thing one more time, then I won't talk to you anymore!" she threatened while combing her hair.
Zoey pursed her lips, annoyed that no matter how hard she tried to change Daisy's mind, she didn't falter.
"Let's say you get a job at another hotel," Zoey said, which made Daisy glance at her through the mirror in front of her.
"You will only work as a maid, and it will not make you rich. You'll just be repeating the same tiring plot as before. Daisy, seriously. Is it okay for you to live like this into old age and pass up the chance to become a billionaire's wife?"
Zoey again tried to influence Daisy, and Daisy was again made to take a deep breath because of it. Daisy put down her comb and turned her body towards Zoey, giving her all her attention so that she realized she was severe and didn't want to continue discussing this.
"He's not going to marry me, Zoey. You know all the women who have been the boss' girlfriends, right? They are very beautiful and gorgeous, and Boss will give everything to his girlfriend. But after some time, he will get tired of that woman and replace her with another woman. The same thing will happen to me if I'm willing to accept his offer, "explained Daisy.
"It doesn't matter!" And Zoey immediately replied confidently without having to think about it first.
"If you end up getting dumped after he gets bored, it's no big deal. As long as he's still interested in you, you can take full advantage of him and–"
"Are you really this kind of woman?" Daisy interrupted Zoey, unable to bear to hear what her best friend had to say to her.
Zoey, who noticed Daisy's judgmental look, looked disappointed at her and groaned in annoyance. Annoyed at Daisy, who didn't want to listen to what she said, and also annoyed at herself for suddenly being so ambitious.
"But what we're talking about is a billionaire's girlfriend. Where else is a rich, handsome man who would want you like that if you miss this opportunity?" wailed Zoey– who still couldn't take it for granted if Daisy wasted it.
But because Daisy gave her an annoyed look because she was still talking about it, Zoey finally gave in and took a deep breath.
"Then you must succeed with your own business. Struggle to get a better job. And, if at all possible, you should hire me for your new job. I can't imagine how boring it would be to work without you," Zoey said in a sulky tone, finally making Daisy smile at her again.
"You don't have to worry about me and do your job well. Ah, also convey my apologies to the other friends for leaving without saying goodbye," Daisy ordered while putting on her shoes at the door.
Zoey again took a deep breath after Daisy really left and left her alone.
"It feels like letting a treasure chest just sink," she lamented, still unable to let this go. "Oh God, I will be an obedient servant if You give me that treasure chest. Couldn't You reconsider it and just give it to me instead of just letting it sink in?"
"Oh, from the Golden Tree Hotel? Sorry, we can't accept you."
Daisy looked at the HRD in front of her with a look of disbelief because she was rejected again for the same reason. She had tried to apply for a maid job in four hotels, and they all turned her down for the same reason; because he came from the Golden Tree Hotel.
So because she was feeling exhausted and hopeless, in her thinning patience, Daisy started to confront the man in front of her.
"Why did you reject me just because I worked at the Golden Tree Hotel before? Isn't it one of the best hotels in the country? And given my three years of experience there, I think I'm qualified enough to work at another hotel," said Daisy.
"Of course it is a very good hotel, and we have no doubts about your qualifications, Miss. But that's not the problem," said the man. He gave Daisy a pitying glance before adding, "I think you should go see your former boss first and work things out with him. Otherwise, no matter which hotel you go to, you will definitely be rejected."
"Pardon?" Daisy blinked her eyes with a confused expression. "Why... What does this have to do with my former boss?"
The man turned his head left and right before leaning close to Daisy, making her do the same. Then in a whisper, he said, "I shouldn't be telling you this, but I have a daughter who is the same age as you, and I can't bear to see you like this. Miss, your former boss has contacted all the hotels and warned us not to admit you. He is too powerful, and no one dares contradict him, therefore you should finish your business with him if you don't want to continue like this."
"Today seems so long," Zoey complained as she left the elevator after finishing her work. "If only Daisy was here, I definitely wouldn't– Daisy!"
Zoey didn't continue grumbling and shouted when she saw Daisy walking into the hotel. But the woman didn't even respond or even glance at her. With her face looking tense and severe, Daisy entered the elevator and went to the hotel's top floor.
"Is he going to see the Boss?" thought Zoey as she looked at which floor Daisy had gone to. And the woman immediately covered her mouth with an expression of disbelief when a thought crossed her mind.
"Oh God! Did she finally come to her senses and take my advice on accepting Boss's offer?!"
"All our work is done, how long are you going to be here, huh?" With his impolite tone, Sean asked River who had made him miss home for almost an hour.
"I'm still waiting for someone to arrive," River said. "She should have come a long time ago."
"Who are you waiting for? You don't have any plans to meet anyone else today!" said Sean, who seemed impatient to go home soon.
And River, who realized this, lazily waved his hand to shoo Sean away, saying, "Then you just go there!" Don't wait for me."
"Oh, right, huh? Okay!" Sean, who didn't want River to change his mind, hurriedly walked towards the door. "Then I will– Oh, my goodness!"
Sean gasped in surprise because, right after he opened the door, someone barged in and passed him just like that. The man's eyes widened when he saw Daisy walking towards River, while River again waved to drive him away.
"What else is he planning this time?" Sean muttered as he walked out to give the two of them some privacy. But his intention to go home was gone because now he was peeking into River's room to see what the man would do with Daisy.
"Welcome, Daisy." River greeted Daisy in a friendly manner while Daisy glared at him. "It seems you forgot to be polite to me now that I'm not your boss anymore."
"I thought everything was over yesterday after I received your dismissal, Sir," said Daisy. The woman spoke straightforwardly, even though River's two sharp eyes still made her feel nervous and intimidated.
"But why now are you interfering in my life and keeping me from getting a job elsewhere?" asked Daisy with an angry tone tucked into her words.
But River responded with a smile that looked sweet on his handsome face. The man placed his chin on the backs of his hands and said, "Now you know, it won't be easy if you choose to refuse my wishes."
Daisy gritted her teeth and suppressed her emotions as she asked, "Then what do you want from me? You will continue like this until I agree to be your lover?"
River laughed as if Daisy had said something ridiculous to him. "No, Daisy. You've already rejected me twice, and I won't let you refuse a third time," he said.
"Then what do you want?" Daisy asked urgently, sounding even more impatient than before.
River didn't answer right away. He took a piece of paper from his drawer and placed it on the table.
"I will give you a job. And if you still refuse this time, then I assume you really will become my enemy. And believe me, I can be very cruel to my enemies." River spoke in a threatening manner which irritated Daisy even more.
But Daisy's annoyance turned into shock when she saw the contents of the paper that River gave her. At the very top of the title, written in bold capital letters;
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