I hurriedly run after dad. "Daddy! Daddy! Please! Don't go! Daddy!" I weep loudly, sorrowfully but Dad didn't even bother to take a glance, he looked the other way. The car is now moving away from us. My cheeks are now soaked in tears.
Mom hugged me from behind. I saw tears on her cheeks but she's silently crying. She caressed my hair as I bawled on the street.
The crowd is staring at us but I don't care, all I want is to have Dad back.
Mom spun me so I can face her. "Sweetie, don't worry. Dad will come back for us. I'm sure he will. He'll not abandon us." She hugged me tightly.
*End of flashback*
15 years passed and Dad didn't go back. He never visited when Mom had a stroke. Even on her second heart attack, he didn't concern himself. I don't even know if he got the news.
We waited for him all these years, I lost hope. I hate him for being unfair to us.
How can he just throw us under the bus just like that?
After that incident, I cannot sing in front of a crowd anymore. I feel suffocated and my body shivers uncontrollably.
Our friends and neighbors also became aloof and cruel toward us. They constantly talked about us behind our back. No one helped us in times of need anymore.
Even when Grandma's sick and we have to get her to a hospital, they just shrugged it off and wouldn't lend a hand. It's a relief that Mom and I were able to handle that.
Why did I become a singer even if I can't sing publicly? It was two years after Dad left us, Mom had a stroke. She was fired from her job as a secretary because her speech is slurred and her body's right side is partially paralyzed. She cannot perform her duties well.
She opened a small clothing shop in front of our house but because of our bad reputation in the neighborhood, the shop didn't prosper and it bankrupted us.
I have to help Mom and the only way I know is to sing. I was twelve when I submitted demo tapes to different talent agencies.
After a few months, Starlight Talent Agency saw potential in me and took me in. I flew to New York to start my career. Manager Kimberly Rogers or Manager Kim is famous in the music industry. She's like a second mom to me. She's caring and loving.
Kim is aware of my fear that's why she offered to get help so I can overcome it. I met up with Psychologists and Psychiatrists all these years but to no avail.
I recorded my songs alone in a studio. For 13 years as an artist, I've got 35 top 1 hits and almost all my songs won awards.
On the pinnacle of my career, I had Mom and Grandma move to Texas.
I cannot perform live and that's the downfall of my career.
I held concerts assuming that I'm cured. My doctors gave their approval and Rehearsals were good but whenever the big day comes, I crumble down. I go back to point A as if I didn't even put in an effort to be healed.
Everything's tiring like an endless journey but I'm doing this all for Mom and Grandma.
I've gotta save my career so that I can support them and with that, I have to date an A-list celebrity like Tony. I know it's not the right thing to do but I have to ask for Tony's help. I desperately need it.
"Ash. Ash?" Tony's trying to get my attention.
I walked down the memory lane and it still pains me like crazy.
"We've got to think of a way to get out of this situation. I'm not talented in music. I can't sing, dance, nor play any instrument." Tony whispers to my ear.
"I'll come up with something." I say, trying to sound confident. I cannot let it happen again or it will be the end of me.
There are many cameras surrounding Tony and I. Our date has officially started and it'll be aired after the trip. We're inside the cruise cinema watching a horror film.
I hate horror films, I think they're pretty boring. I'm not affected by scary things.
I munch a mouthful of buttered popcorn and drink my Pepsi Cola.
Only the two of us are inside the cinema. We're seated at the middle. Feeling a bit cold, I hug myself.
Tony gazes at me while he raises the armrest between us. He slowly moved towards me.
I feel butterflies in my tummy. I'm also aware that my face is hot and bright red. Tried to calm myself but I failed. OMG! Tony, why do you have this effect on me?
Tony presses his red lips to my ear and whispers, "Did you come up with an idea for tonight?"
"T-tonight?" What does he mean by that? Don't tell me..?
"I d-don't know nothing." Ash, don't stutter!
Can you blame me? He smells so nice and manly. His broad shoulders and muscular arms touch mine. I can't help but notice his face and body. Plus, he's got a good personality, too. All women will have the same reaction, right? He's freaking gorgeous!
He's moving closer. This time, I can't move. My body feels stiff like a statue. I feel so nervous that my heart's pounding out of my chest.
I hear him say, "Isn't this the perfect time to hold hands and then kiss?"
"Correct." I said shyly. I held his hand and face him. I pout my lips and slightly parted it, close my eyes and wait for him to kiss me. I place my hand in his.
"The heck, Ash! What's your deal?" A shocked and amused expression registers on Tony's face. He chuckles, shaking his head.
I blink and I realize that I'm daydreaming. I tried to get my hand from his but he grasps tighter.
He blows me a kiss, winking at me. Talk about rubbing salt to my wound. Am I insane? This is so embarrassing, especially with cameras around us. Why would I daydream of this guy? What to do? What do I do?!
"Ah. I did pout because I need to go to the restroom. It's that way, right? That's why I pointed my lips to that direction. Then, I-I h-held your hand because you may want to come with me." Words flow like water. I didn't even have time to think about it because I talked fast, nervous as hell.
I keep my face stoic. Ash, you're the Queen of stupidity! Why would you invite a grown man to go with you in the comfort room?
Looks like he did not buy it but he just beams at me, showing the two deepest dimple I've ever seen, "No, I'm fine. You may go." He lets go of my hand. Charming!
I get up from the soft red chair that's now as red as my face, so flustered because I made a fool of myself. Tony grins playfully at me.
When I got back, Tony asks me if I have any idea about what we'll do to avoid tonight's show. A light bulb turns on in my mind. So that's it. How humiliating. I have a dirty, dirty mind. I facepalm in my mind.
"An idea will come soon, don't worry. For now, let's just focus on our date. I badly need this so that people will forget about what happened at my concert recently. You may have heard the news, right?" I ask.
"You're just using me." Tony says without emotion.
A surge of pain struck me. Yes, what he said is true. If I think about it carefully. I'm really using him and this is not me. I don't use other people for my own advantage. Yet this is not just for me but for Mom and Grandma.
"I'm just asking for your help. You're aware that I'm already at the end of my rope. Can we act like we're truly dating during this trip? Just enough to cover the controversies I'm facing right now." I cannot look him in the eye, I feel so humiliated at this moment.
His face hardens, "What's in it for me?"
"Ask away." I know he's not the type to let other people use him.
"Sign a blank oath." He says directly. His face is expressionless.
"What the hell is that?" I choke in surprise and cough, trying to change my tone. Remember, I'm the one needing his help, "I mean, uh, I don't know that, can you please explain?"
"It's simple. It means you'll do anything I request without any complaint nor hesitation because you already signed it beforehand." He smirks.
Is he toying me? I pray for patience and courage because what he said is far scarier than this movie we're watching.