Tears ran freely from my eyes as I ran as fast as I could. I'd done it. I was finally free!
I wiped the tears with the back of my hand, smiling through my blurry eyesight as I ran away from my demons. I'd waited so long for this. I'd planned this so many months ago and dreamt of this day.
With the happiness there was also a feeling that I wasn't being fast enough. That no matter how much I pushed myself to run, it wasn't enough and he would eventually find me and drag me back to the place which was the equivalent of a living nightmare to me.
"No." I shook my head and ran even faster. I couldn't let him get to me.
I stumbled on the brick pavement and lost my footing. I crashed down on the dirt. My knee was scraped. Blood was starting to dot the wound but I was happy. After a long time, blood was pouring out of a wound that was by a complete accident. It wasn't caused by someone intentionally.
Suddenly I felt a hand land on my shoulder. I shrieked and looked back. It wasn't the person that I expected. It was just an old man.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
I merely nodded, not able to form words as I struggled to rein in my fear. He stepped close.
"You're hurt." He said but I recoiled from him as soon as he extended a hand to help me up.
I got up hastily on my own and without saying anything, took off again. I couldn't afford to waste even a second. I had to get away.
I couldn't stop. If I did, they'd find me and this time I wasn't sure I'd be able to bear the pain when they'd teach me a lesson.
I ran until I didn't have any energy left to take another step. I ran until my legs were numb and shaking with exertion.
I looked up. I was in the subway. I got on it, planning to get away at the farthest station from here.
It was way past midnight. I huddled myself into a corner seat, occasionally looking at my surroundings to look for any potential threat. There weren't many people and although I was happy none of them were foliar faces, I still didn't feel safe when there was a middle aged man with crooked teeth, a yellow grin and a round stomach looking a woman up and down. She wasn't aware of his vulgar stare as she sat opposite him, busy on her phone. There was a man standing near me even when there were a lot of seats vacant and he was making me feel particularly uncomfortable even though he wasn't even looking at me. There was a couple sat a few seats from me who were kissing and doing things inappropriate to do in public.
Someone sat next to me and I jumped, not having heard them. It was the man who was standing previously. Instinctively, I recoiled further into my seat. I felt him shift a little closer to me and my heart started beating fast in fear. I clutched my bag to my chest tightly.
He had one hand in his coat pocket and I couldn't help but think that he was holding a knife.
The doors opened as the train stopped at a station. Without thinking, I bolted out of my seat and got off.
My feet slapped against the pavement as I walked down a street. I didn't know where I was. There weren't a lot of people around as I walked. I was no longer running and it was because I felt a little safe now.
I stopped short when I heard footsteps behind me. They weren't close but they had matched my speed and maybe it wasn't someone who wanted to hurt me but I was excessively paranoid tonight.
I turned a corner and peeked a little down the street and I saw the man on the subway with a hand still in his coat pocket.
I stepped back and then took off in a run. I had no doubt he was following me. Even if he wasn't, I wasn't going to take chances and wait for him to walk past me.
I took a lot of random turns so as to lose him but he was always behind me. What scared me the most was that he had quickened his pace and was almost running after me.
I came across a hotel. It was a little fancy for me but I wasn't thinking straight and I had no idea where I should spend the night so I reluctantly made my way in.
I just hoped the person hadn't seen me enter. I went to the receptionist and asked for a room. The hotel was shabby and looked unsafe but it was still going to put a hole through my wallet, even if it was just for one night.
The receptionist lowered her glasses and stared at me for a little too long and I squirmed under her gaze. "Didn't you just check in a while ago?" She asked and I just stared up at her in confusion.
"No, I just came in now." I said quietly.
She took a second look at my hair and clothes and my overall appearance and shook her head, muttering to herself, "I think I should get my eyes checked again."
I didn't answer as she told me to complete the formalities. It seemed that the hotel didn't care much about identities and information as long as they got the money as they didn't ask much of me and handed me the key without much verification.
The room wasn't all that bad. It provided me a safe bed and that was all I really wanted after a day like this.
It had a tiny bathroom which wasn't the cleanest but I wasn't complaining.
I went to bed right away, forgetting to eat anything for dinner but it wasn't like I was given dinner every day anyway. I didn't want to go out for dinner because it was scary out there and I doubted this place had room service.
I checked twice to see if the door was locked before I went to bed.
I heard a faint noise from the room adjacent to mine. It sounded like someone was throwing up and I tried to ignore the sounds.
"What the fuck is this place." Someone shrieked before the night went silent.