“But what?” I asked, spreading the jam on the bread.
“We kind of dated for a while but it didn't work out. In fact, we became enemies so it was weird to see her so happy to see me earlier,” hmmn.
I felt there was a kind of history there. I wanted to mention the tension I noticed between his mom and Henry but that sounded like gossip and it's not a good way to start over.
“Will you let me shave your beard?” I asked, it was uncomfortably itchy looking at his unkempt beard.
“Sure, “ he shrugged. “Shaving cream and blade's in the bathroom over there,”He pointed towards a door.
I returned to the room with cream and a blade. I spread the cream across his chin and cheeks, down to his neck. Carefully, I sat on his legs and began to swipe the blade across his face.
“You smell fantastic,” Clyde whispered, his breath a mix of mint and something sweet.
I swallowed the hard lump in my throat and kept shaving him. Suddenly, I let out a loud hiccough, and he instinctively grabbed my waist to steady me on his lap.
I paused, caught in the depths of his enticing blue eyes. I studied his features: his sculpted jaw, flawless skin, pretty lashes, and those pink, juicy lips.
Without thinking, I pressed my lips against his, sliding my bottom lip into his mouth, fueled by the moment.
My phone buzzed non stop against my pillow. I raised my head. It was Yellow. I tossed my phone aside, remembering my dream. I swear that was not how last night played out but my dream apparently thinks otherwise.
Dreaming about kissing a nineteen year old now? Low blow med.
“Urghhh,” I groaned. It's probably just fatigue plus weeks of insomnia.
Yellow called again.
“Hi,” I yawned, pressing my phone to my ear.
“We are going to the park at noon,” she sounded excited.
I'm older than Yellow by two years but who the fuck sounds excited to go to the park at the ripe old age of twenty-nine?
“Do I get a say in this?” I winced in mental torture.
“No! Bye!” She ended the call.
What choice do I have? Sit at home all day, sulk about missing home and letting the memory of my perverted dream torture me or be in the park with chirpy Yellow?
I chose Yellow.
I meant, I literally chose Yellow. A few minutes before noon, I slipped into a yellow sun dress and just let my long red hair cascade down my shoulders for the first time in a long time. I zoomed off to Yellow's house without even a glance at the treehouse. I mean, I feel guilty for having such a dream.
Only if I knew the park was going to be as much of a nightmare. Sitting in the middle of park with Emilia on his lap was Clyde, his puffed up eight foot bodyguard watching them from afar.
“Urghhh. Is he following me?” I protested, my heart beating faster at the thought of my dream.
“Technically, he was here first,” Yellow defended him.
“Do you guys still hate each other?” Yellow nudged me.
“No, we are cool. I'm just grumpy today,” I lied.
“Well, you are grumpy all the time,” she mumbled below her breath.
We went on to get some hot dogs and soda, sat quite fat away from them under the shade from a tree and watched. Watched the whole park, not Clyde and Emilia. He was literally spinning her, racing her across the park while she laughed, giggled and held on to him tight.
“Why are we here?” I groaned internally before Yellow would conclude that I'm a complainer and unfriend me, leaving me completely alone.
My phone rang which was weird because the only person that could ever call my phone is Matt or Yellow. Yellow is here with me and Matt? Well Matt never calls me.
I glanced at the screen of my phone, it was an unknown caller. Yellow was dozing off on my shoulders so I gently pushed her head up and rested it on the back of the chair.
Clyde and I locked gaze for a split second before I stood and picked the phone call. He was about to wave but I didn't even wait to see him do that.
I thought we were starting again? We agreed to be friends, I'm the matured one here, why am I being so childish.
“Med,” The person from the other line called.
I froze, unable to move.
I could recognize that voice anywhere. Mille, how did she find me? I was too stunned to speak so I ended the call.
Urghhh. Why did I do that? I should have at least spoken to her, I owe her that. I bet she hates me.
“Red,” someone called from behind me.
I turned around. Clyde.
My eyes landed on his soft kissable lips.
Get it the fuck together Med!
I mentally scolded myself and stared down at his legs instead.
“Are you okay?” She asked, worry etched on his face.
“Who? Me? I'm fine,” I smiled. I told Clyde about everything and why I'm here in Seattle.
He kissed his teeth in an attempt to stop himself from pressing further. “Can I get you ice cream?” he asked, trying to read my expression.
“Sure,” I nodded. Eye searching for Emilia.
“She left,” Clyde said, his wheelchair emitting a soft smile as he turned around.
My phone rang again. I knew it was her, Millie without even looking. I should pick up and say something to her. I tapped on the receive button and lifted the phone to my ear.
“Medora, don't hang up please. Your dad is dead.”