Sophie stood still.
“Who.. Who's there?” She asked nervously.
A figure emerged from the shadows, “It's me.”
Sophie wanted to scream her lungs out but she lost the desire to when the figure got closer…
Larry approached Sophie with a small bag in his hand, “What are you doing here?”
“I should be asking you that!” Sophie replied with a pointed finger.
“Oh, hello princess, look around, it's a store. I'm here for some flour,” Larry raised his hand so Sophie could see the bag in his hand.
Sophie found this new stranger interesting, especially because he called her princess on the first meeting. How sweet.
Sophie looked through the room,”Oh. I didn't know it was a store, I just ran in because I was trying to hide from Mr. Russuo.”
Larry chuckled, “Why are you hiding from my father?”
“Oh he's your dad?” Sophie startled and asked surprisingly.
“Yeah, I'm Larry Russuo. You are?” Larry extended a hand to her for a handshake.
Sophie shook hands with Larry and it seemed like Larry's soft rub on her hand made her unable to speak properly.
“I'm.. I'm..Maria..Uh, no no. Sophie. Sophie Young.” She sputtered.
Larry chuckled, he was used to this reaction from people, females especially.
He was a very handsome man, not to mention the fact that he was also good at flirting.
Larry withdrew his hand and Sophie finally felt she was back to her senses.
“So, for how long do you plan on hiding away in the store?” Larry questioned Sophie.
“I was just about to leave…but I'm still not sure if it's safe to go out.” Sophie replied in a soft tone.
Larry moved closer to Sophie, “Why are you so scared of my dad?”
Sophie lowered her head to avoid eye contact with Larry, “Well, he's so strict and he'll scold me if I try to enter the kitchen with these.” Sophie wiggled the broom and napkin in her hand.
Larry's gaze moved to Sophie's hands, “Oh. I see…”
“Give them to me.” Larry instructed.
“If you want to leave this store as soon as possible, give it to me.” Larry said, extending his hands towards Sophie.
Sophie handed the items over to Larry.
“Take this.” Larry passed the bag to Sophie.
Sophie still looked nervous, “But he’ll scold me.”
Larry smiled, “Not when you're holding a bag of flour. If he asks about me, just tell him that I ordered you to bring the bag of flour, I assure you, he'll nod his head and turn away.”
“You sure?”
Larry winked at Sophie, “Trust me princess.”
Sophie turned away quickly to prevent him from seeing her flushed face.
“Go serve the dishes before Mr Russuo comes down, it's almost seven.” Maria ordered the chef.
The chefs were running from the kitchen to the dining table, each dropping a tray of beautiful delicacies.
Maria quickly turned towards the kitchen, “That's enough, he's already here.”
Mr Russuo wasn't visibly seen yet. All Maria heard were the clicking of his heels on the staircase and that was enough to stop whatever action that was going on.
“Good morning sir.” The workers chorused upon Mr. Russuo's arrival.
Russuo nodded subtly before taking his seat.
Russuo always had something light for breakfast but he always made it the custom for them to cook at least three to four dishes for him to pick from.
Russuo pointed at a dish and the chef started to dish his food immediately.
When Russuo started to have his food, there was another clicking of heels on the staircase…
It was Scott. Russuo's replica both in features and in character.
“Good morning dad.” Scott greeted and took a seat.
Sophie stood by Scott's chair while waiting for him to make his choice on what he wanted to have.
“Morning son. Great day, yeah?” Russuo asked as he took a scoop of his salad.
“Yes dad.”
Russuo nodded, “I hope you're prepared for the meeting later today.”
“Course.” Scott turned his plate to serve himself.
Sophie moved closer to the table, “Let me help with…”
“I didn't ask for your help kid.” Scott snapped at Sophie.
Sophie retreated in embarrassment.
Kid? Am I really that petite? Sophie wondered as she examined her body.
“Morning big man!” Larry greeted joyfully while taking a seat beside Scott.
“You lack courtesy Larry,” Russuo grumbled a reply.
“Ugh, dad. You don't have to be so formal at the dining table.” Larry said as he turned his plate over.
“Table manners, little brother.” Scott declared.
Sophie reluctantly stepped forward, “Let me help with the serving.”
Larry turned to Sophie with a smile, “Alright milady.”
Larry turned back to position to meet his father's icy glare.
Amanda took another sip of her apple juice, “Sophie, you've been missing classes lately. What's wrong?”
Sophie tucked the falling strands of her hair as she walked, “I have only missed one class. Plus, it's just this new job I got.”
“You still missed it. You're also always looking tired in class, few a times you sleep off. If your new job is going to stress you this much then I think you should just quit the job already.” Amanda suggested.
“No.” Sophie replied sharply.
Amanda frowned, “Jeez, it's fine. You didn't have to reply that way. What's so special about the job anyway?”
“Umm..I'm sorry. It's just that you were suggesting such a bad decision for me, especially when you know how much i need the funds.” Sophie pressed her lips into a thin line as she finished.
“It’s cool. What do you do though?” Amanda inquired.
Sophie tried to change the topic, “Err..umm…Did Mrs Sharon give any class project?”
Amanda halted in her tracks, “Don't change the topic on me. What's the nature of your job?”
Sophie furrowed her brows, “It's not that important seriously. I'll tell you about it later.”
“No Sophie. I want to know right now.” Amanda insisted.
Sophie stood her ground, “I'm still not telling you.”
“Alright. Don't tell me. But also never call me your friend because I'm ending our friendship.” Amanda declared and continued walking, this time faster than normal.
Sophie watched Amanda walk away and then she wondered…
Was she really going to end her friendship over a job?
Asking herself that question made her realize the gravity of what was going to happen if she didn't stop Amanda.
Sophie started running towards Amanda, “Amanda wait…please.”
Sophie's words put Amanda to a halt but she didn't turn back.
Sophie caught up with her, and stood in front of her.
“Fine, I'll.. I'll tell you.” She said while trying to catch her breath from the running.
Amanda remained indifferent but responded, “I'm listening.”
Sophie pressed her lips into a thin line before speaking again, “Promise you won't judge me?”
“You know I never judge you Sophie.”
Amanda’s reply was just what she needed to hear.
Sophie closed her eyes and opened them in a fit to muster the courage to speak.
“Well..I started this job at a night club.”
Amanda hit her forehead slightly, “Seriously? That's what you were afraid to tell me?”
“No. I was afraid to tell you that I'm a stripper.”