I felt blank. No anger, no pain, no regrets. Just blank. Josey had gone to call off the wedding. Right now, I don't even care what people say. I won't cry. Not today.
I knew my family would be in pain when they learned what had happened but if u acted normal, everyone would get over it much quicker.
Taking off my wedding gown, I changed into black jeans and a white top and was about heading back downstairs when my door swung open.
"Sweetie are you alright? Why did Josey make that announcement?" My mum asked suffocating me within her arms.
Don't cry Gabby. Don't cry Gabby. Don't cry Gabby.
I recited this in my head like it was a poem.
"I'm fine mum. Richard isn't coming." I replied coldly and made an attempt to leave the room.
"But why? Is it something we need to reschedule? We could have just asked them to come another day, right? Do you have any idea how much money we put into all this? You can't sit and think, 'Oh yeah, I think it'd be fun to call off my million dollar wedding', Gabriella Presley. What about all the arrangements? Talk to us!"
" El, stop it! You didn't even ask how she's doing." My dad almost yelled making me realize he was in the room too.
"That's the first question I asked when I came in here, remember?" My mum defended.
"Well, you didn't ask it like you meant it. You said it like it's a formality"
" Can you both just stop fighting? Mum I'm fine and about the arrangements, I'll make sure to work my ass off until I pay you to the very last die." I replied too tired to argue, slumping back on my bed.
I saw my dad tug at my mum's hand and they both left my room. I concluded that the realized I needed time to heal.
But heal from what exactly? I didn't exactly know what to feel. Anger? Hate? Pain? Regrets? I couldn't help but wonder if things would have been different if I had listened to Josey and called off the wedding earlier.
Perhaps, I wouldn't be feeling so indifferent or maybe we wouldn't have spent so much for the wedding or maybe I wouldn't have had my hopes so high up only to get them dashed again like a crushed tomato.
Someone rapped on the door.
"Come in, dad"
I had gotten used to the way he knocked - thrice quickly and one last time after a brief pause.
He opened the door a little and peeked into my room like a little child. I let out a low laugh.
"Hey Princess. I didn't know you'd figure out that it's me. I thought you'd call Josey." He said sitting on the bed.
" I'll always recognize you dad even when were countries apart. How're you?" I sat up.
My dad chuckled,
" How am I? Are you serious? You're the one that looks all washed up but still very sexy." He said the last words with a smirk.
" Dad!" I smiled, feeling embarrassed.
This man always had a thing or two to say to cheer me up. Kudos to my mum. She had taste on this one.
"What? I'm right, am I not? Richie threw his lottery ticket away."
My smile resurfaced as a frown.
" Dad?"
"It's fine Princess. I know everything. Josey told me"
Josey! That snitch!
Just then, Josey walked into the room.
" Snitching bitch!" I yelled and threw a pillow at her which she caught almost like she was expecting it.
"I'm sorry Gabs. Your dad was so cute and hot, I couldn't resist." Josey apologized, fake pouting.
" Really now?" I asked.
"Yeah well. What else do I do with all this cuteness, eh?" My dad asked, touching the sides of his cheek one at a time.
I laughed at their silliness.
"Dad I'm fine"
"Yeah right. I found a few pictures of Brittany on the Internet. She looks really daft." My dad added.
Once again, he made me smile.
"Does mum know about all of this?" My voice cracked while saying the last word.
I guess I finally figured out what to feel- Pain.
"No she doesn't." My Dad assured and noticing my teary eyes, he pulled me to his broad chest and stroked my hair.
I felt like a little child who wanted to suck her thumb. I swear I would have married this man had he not been married to my mum.
"Let it all out Princess" He said again.
I felt another hand parting my back and I knew it was Josey.
I finally understood that your best friend doesn't have to be your childhood friend or someone you've known for decades.
"Can I have food now?" I asked sniffing my nose & drying my tear stained face.
I knew you'd ask! Heartbreak has no hold on eating. Bring in the trolleys!" Josey yelled and one after the other, four trolleys made their way into my room.
Where did I know this girl from again?