I hugged my knees as I sat on a comfortable bed in a huge bedroom...Why am I always getting in trouble ?
All I ever wanted was a happy life but all I got was being locked in people's rooms
Why am I so unfortunate ?...I couldn't help but sniff as tears fell from my eyes
I started hearing sounds at the door and I became scared waiting for the worst
Why did the sir from earlier kidnap me ? I'm sure he's the one cause he winked at me
A girl who was probably my age walked in with a dress followed by other two women
The second one carried a huge bag while the last one rolled two big bags in and went to the closet
"Go get a bath...you stink "the first girl said rudely and i scoffed "the bathroom is in that room when you open the door and If you don't know how to use the shower since you are a low life call me for help"she said with an eye roll
If only she knew that I once lived a life like this...
I walked into the bathroom and a wow escaped my mouth...everything was made of glass..the floor had a waterfall wall paper causing me to be scared thinking that I will fall any minute from now
I saw a glassy table with many soaps, shampoos and lotions including other toiletries ...I knew some of them while some were new to me
Wait ! Why do I have to bath...does he want to sell me or what?
I sighed and decided to mix myself a bath with the many different soaps
After taking a bath and washing my hair I really smelt great... I rubbed the lotion that caught my eyes and left the room with a towel around my body..I even wrapped my hair with a wrapper
I found the rude girl sitting on the bed LIKE a queen...why can't she just try to have sense of humour...I mean she's just a maid
" You even know how to use a wrapper..."she scoffed and I rolled my eyes
"Take..Josh said you must wear this..such a pity it would not be able to hide you bad skin full of scars" she said and I looked at the mirror I did not notice before
I had so many scars that it suddenly made me embarrassed and insecure
"You are so full of yourself but no thanks" I said and walked into the closet hoping that the women I saw before packed clothes in it
I found many clothes that looked really expensive...I opened the drawer and found comestics
I opened the second one to find jewellery and the last one carried undies... I put on the undies and a pair of matching sweat pants and a hooddie
I applied lip gloss and wore a watch with a matching bracelet
I walked out to find the rude girl...she ran her eyes all over me that I started thinking she was gay
I ignored her creepy stares "Do you by any chance know where they kept the hair drier" I asked and she adjusted herself and rolled her eyes
"I hate my job" she scoffed " You left it in the bathroom" she said and concluded with a tongue click
After finishing my hair I looked at myself in the mirror and gasped... I really looked different... but I miss my parents...I quickly wiped the tears that were forming in my eyes
"Anything wrong ?"the rude maid asked "Like you care ? Anyways why are you still here? Are you some personal maid or what ?" I asked curiously as I climbed the bed...I was starting to find her long stares creepy
"Sadly yes" she said with an eye roll and I chuckled
"Okay then I'm going to sleep"i said and layed comfortably on the bed...yesterday I couldn't sleep cause I have never slept outside so I was really scared.When I wake I'm going to take a walk in the house to see if I'll find a place where I can escape
"Like I care" she said and I chuckled as i closed my eyes
I felt a hand caressing my face and I quickly woke up...my sight was blur at first so I strained my eyes to see more clearly
I saw the guy that winked at me...he really looked handsome with his brown eyes and curly hair with a pointed nose but I couldn't help but jump off the bed with fear...who knows if he wants to use me as his sex slave
"Hey" he chuckled but I just scoffed...the rude girl was nowhere to be seen which means she left
"What do you want from me?"i asked and he smirked as he stared intently into my eyes like he is searching for something and then he ran his eyes all over my body.