Harper’s POV
The scene I walked into kept playing in my head. I noticed Josh quickly pulled away from the lady he was sharing a passionate kiss with.
The lady, who looked stunningly beautiful with a model-like appearance, was annoyed. She snapped at me for barging in without knocking.
I stood completely still, averting my gaze, and stuttered an apology to both of them.
Josh's eyebrows furrowed, and his expression hardened. His voice turned sharp as he asked why I didn't send mail as usual.
I apologized and hurriedly exited the office. How was I to know he was having a private moment? Is this the jerk my father expects me to spend the rest of my life with?
I met Amelia afterward. "Are you okay?" she asked, concerned.
"I'm fine," I said, feeling overwhelmed.
I returned home with a heavy heart. I can't just explain the reason.
Thoughts swirled in my mind as I started packing my belongings to leave for my aunt's place.
I had been avoiding Josh since the incident in his office.
Unexpectedly, Amelia came to my house and saw my packed bag.
"Where are you going?" she asked, looking at my packed bags.
"I'm going away for some time. A lot has been going on, and I feel trapped like I'm suffocating without a means of escape."
She looked confused, "I don't seem to get you, Harper."
"I've arranged to marry Josh in two months."
"Is it the same Josh that we both know?" she asked her eyes bulging out from her socket
"I nodded my head."
"Our boss?" She asked again to be sure.
"Yes, Amelia. The same arrogant, egoistic boss that kicked me out of the gym and constantly questioned my competence at work."
"What can I do to help?" She asked me. I'm sure she was as confused as well.
"No one else knows about me leaving town, save you and my mum. Please tell no one." I trust her that she won't rat her mouth to anyone.
"Okay, Harp." She moved closer and hugged me tightly. "I'm going to miss you."
"Amelia, please, I can't breathe."
Oh sorry, then she released me, with a small smile on her face.
"I'm grateful to have her as my friend."
She helped move my bags to the car, I bid her goodbye and she waved till I was out of sight. Feeling a sense of comfort with The breeze flowing through the open windows of my car, as I drove to my aunt's place.
When I finally arrived at Coupeville, my aunt hugged me warmly. Her children, Sean and Kate, welcomed me with open arms.
Aunt Samantha has two children. Sean is older, while Kate, my age mate, is over the moon to have me around.
We gathered round the table after a delightful meal, catching up, feeling tired, I stood up and said my goodnight.
Lying in bed, I gazed at the ceiling. I couldn't help but think about my family and work.
The next day, I was alone at home. I poured out my emotions in my journal.
Afterward, I pampered myself with a self-care ritual, taking great care of my body.
I was sitting in the living room reading a book, when the door suddenly opened, and Kate walked into the house, bustling with energy. "You're looking good Harper."
"Thank you."
"How about we hit the club tonight?" I asked, wanting to get loose for once.
"That sounds like fun."
We got ready to hit the club. Kate seems to know the bouncer; he let us in after she exchanged greetings with him.
As we were enjoying the evening, Alex, Kate's boyfriend, walked in."
"Hey, ladies! Mind if we join you? Nolan and I were in the area and thought we'd stop by."
"Of course, Nolan. It's good to see you," Kate responded with excitement.
Kate's eyes lit up as she and Alex engaged in a passionate kiss.
I was introduced to Alex and Nolan.
I felt my heart racing fast when my hand came in contact with Nolan. I swiftly pulled my hand.
Nolan is tall and quite attractive with toned skin. I can feel a connection whenever our eyes meet or when our hands accidentally brush against each other. We talked like we've known each other for a long time.
I didn't realize time was spent looking around. I realized Kate was no longer at the bar, and I became worried.
I pulled out my phone, then I called her "Hey Kate, where are you?"
"I'm so sorry, I left with Alex. I didn't want to interrupt your time with Nolan. Don't worry, he's a perfect gentleman. He'll make sure you get home safely."
I wasn't thrilled with how things turned out.
"Seems like you'll be giving me a ride home in your car since Kate left," I said to Nolan.
"No worries," he said.
There was an awkward silence throughout the drive home.
He kindly offered to walk me to the door. It made me smile.
As I got to the entrance, I realized it was locked. I immediately called Kate, but she was unreachable. The same thing happened when I called my aunt. I was worried.
"You can stay at one of my hotels for the night," he suggested.
"No, thank you," I replied quickly, still trying to reach Kate on the phone.
"I understand. It's unfair for me to offer you to stay at my place since we just met," he said, rubbing the back of his head.
"I'm Nolan Bennett. I understand you for not trusting me. But don't worry you are in safe hands." he added.
A small smile played on my lips as I responded, "Wow! arrogant."
Eventually, I agreed to stay at the hotel he owned. Considering Kate won't leave me with him if she doesn't trust him. As we arrived at the hotel, I was stunned by its size.
"You own this hotel?" I asked
He simply smiled without saying a word.
I felt comfortable in the room he took me to.
There was something about Nolan that I couldn't quite put into words. It felt like there was something like a force drawing me closer to him, and it was both thrilling and scary at the same time. I didn't want to take any risks.
My instincts told me not to trust my emotions. As Nolan was about to leave, our eyes locked for a brief moment. it was as if time stood still, he smashed his lips on mine gaining dominance. I was lost in his touch.