JOSHUA is having fun teasing his new secretary, he doesn’t know what was gotten unto him when he is reading the work Danielle did. It seems that he is another person when he’s with Danielle.
“Oh my, what do we have here?” A familiar voice echoed the floor. He looked at the direction and found his parents’ surprised face looking at them. “You are being loud these days, Joshua.” Althea, her mother commented.
“What are you doing here, mom, dad?” He asked, his parents didn’t inform him that they will stop by today. He noticed that Danielle flinched and immediately stood up from her seat.
“Good day, Mr. and Mrs. Levine.” Danielle politely greeted them, her white face is now red.
“We dropped by to see who is your new secretary that she lasted two weeks.” Clyde, his father said and looked at Danielle.
Joshua cleared his throat; it seems that the situation is making Danielle comfortable.
“Let’s talk inside, mom, dad.” He said. Before entering his office, her parents took a quick glance at Danielle and smiled at her. “Danielle, please brew some coffee again, my father and I have the same taste, as for my mother, she likes tea.”
“How about snack, should I bring something?”
“Josh, sweetie, these cookies are good, do you still have some?” Althea’s voice was heard from his office.
“There goes the answer to your question.” Joshua uttered before entering his office.
“These cookies are good.” His mother said taking a bite. “I wonder where Joshua got this, most cookies in the market are sweet.”
“Danielle baked those.” He said while taking a seat on the couch across his parents. “So, what are you two doing here?”
“Why? You don’t want us to witness you laughing wholeheartedly with your secretary?” Althea asked. “It’s the first time I saw you laughing with a girl.” She took another bite. “These cookies sure are good. It is not so sweet but there’s something in it that makes you want another piece.”
“I admit, Danielle bakes well. But what I really love the most is her spicy chocolate cake.” He said, he still remembers when he saw the cake in the pantry. He was looking for Danielle to confirm his schedule in the afternoon, but she’s not in her table, he went to the pantry and she’s not there. He figured that maybe she’s using the comfort room. He was about to leave the room when he saw a box of cake. Unconsciously, he took a slice and tasted it; it is not too sweet and it is a bit spicy. That’s the scene that Danielle saw when she entered the room. From that moment on, his coffee will always be accompanied by pastries that Danielle baked.
“Oh, does she know that you’re not fond of sweets?” Clyde asked.
“Yeah, that is why she adjusted the measurements of the ingredients.” He answered. “So, what are you doing here? You’re not here to talk about Danielle, right?”
“Nah! We are supposed to go shopping but due to heavy traffic, we decided to drop by here. We didn’t call you thinking that you’re in a meeting so we just asked the receptionist. Thankfully, you’re in.” Clyde answered.
“Why don’t you two take a vacation?” He suggested. “A second honeymoon, perhaps?” He added making her mother giggle.
“We already had our second honeymoon when you were seven.” His father said.
“Then go for a third or fourth!”
“Hon, it seems that Joshua needs a brother.” Althea teased making Joshua shut up his mouth. He knows that his mother had a hard time carrying him and she even nearly lost her life when she gave birth to him. As an only child, he wanted to have a sibling to play with; he always pestered his parents to have another child, he still remembers the painful smile of his mother every time he mentioned it. Althea always wanted to have another child but Clyde was against it, he can’t risk his wife’s health and life by conceiving another child; for him Joshua is already enough.
“I didn’t it mean that way, I just want you both to enjoy.” Joshua said. “Besides, I’m too old to have a younger brother.”
“Old enough to marry.” His mother said. “You’re already 28, it’s time for you to give us grandchildren.”
“Mom, you know that marriage is out of the topic.” He complained.
“You just haven’t found the right woman for you.” Her mother smiled. “You reminded me of your dad, that’s his usual line, before meeting me, for him marriage is just a contract and it is useless.”
“but look at us now, we are happily married.” Clyde added and planted a kiss on his wife’s lips. Joshua is about to say something but they heard a faint knock on the door.
“Excuse me, your coffee is here.” Danielle said politely.
“Come in.” Joshua said. Danielle approached them holding a tray. She slowly placed the coffee in front of Clyde and the tea in front of Althea, lastly, she placed the cookies in the middle.
“Oh! Thank you, dear.” Althea smiled. “the cookies are delicious. I heard from Joshua that the spicy chocolate cake you baked is also delicious.” She added making Danielle blushed. She took a quick glance at Joshua who is staring at them. “Why don’t you take a seat and let’s have a chat.” She added making Danielle flustered.
“Thank you, ma’am, but I still have a job to do.” Danielle answered.
“Take a seat beside Joshua, dear.” Althea insisted, making Joshua sighed, knowing his mother, she will still insist despite of any reason you give. “It’s okay, Danielle, I don’t bite.” Danielle took a glance on Joshua, asking for help.
“Come and take a seat, Danielle.” Joshua said in defeat. Danielle obediently took a seat beside him.
“Where are you from, dear?” Althea asked.
DANIELLE’s heart is beating so fast as she took a seat beside Joshua, she is just a mere secretary and seeing Joshua’s parents is nerve-wrecking so how much more now that they wanted to talk to her.
“Where are you from, dear?” Althea asked.
“I’m from Baguio, ma’am.” She answered politely as she can.
“Oh, it’s been so long since we’ve been to Baguio, hon.” Althea said to her husband. “I miss the cold weather and the smell of pine trees.”
“Then go and relax at Baguio.” Joshua butted making Althea glared at her son.
“How old are you, by the way?” Althea asked her.
“21, ma’am. I just graduated from my course pharmacy.”
“congratulations!” Althea happily said. “But are you not going to take your boards?”
“I am still planning if I will file, ma’am.” She answered. She wants to take the board examination but she’s exhausted at night and wants to rest instead of reviewing.
“It must be tough balancing work and review.” Clyde said. “Especially that you’re working under one of the busiest men in the country.”
“Actually, Sir Joshua insisted that I should just focus on my review, he doesn’t want to hire me at first but I insisted.” Danielle said.
“But why, dear?” Althea asked with curiosity. “I don’t mean any offense, but may I know why you decided to work? I mean after you passed your boards, you can work in line with the course you finished.”
“It’s for experience, ma’am.” Danielle shyly answered. She doesn’t want to disclose the real reason why she needed work.
“If its experience you want, you can work as a pharmacy assistant in your city, so why bothering traveling here in Manila and work as a secretary?” Clyde asked. “It just doesn’t make sense.”
“It’s because the salary here is higher compared when I apply as a pharmacy assistant.” Danielle answered making the couple dumbfounded. No one uttered any word and it was Joshua’s laugh who broke the silence.
“Actually, Danielle here wanted to inherit her father’s company that is why she wants to work under me. She believes that I can teach her the basics in running a business.” Joshua said making Danielle blushed.
“Oh, is that so?” Clyde said not really buying it. Althea on the other hand stared at them.
“Do you like my son, Danielle?” Althea suddenly blurted making her dumbfounded. “Hon, look at them, don’t they look good together?” She told her husband making Danielle blush.
“Hmm… You’re right, hon.” Clyde agreed with his wife.
“Stop it mom, dad!” Joshua warned. “You’re making my secretary uncomfortable.”
“Are we making you comfortable, dear?” Althea asked Danielle.
“I… Uhm…” She stammered; Joshua’s parents are smiling warmly at her.
“Mom, Dad!” Joshua hissed. “Danielle, you may go and continue your work.” Joshua ordered her, making her secretly sighed in relief.
“Don’t go yet, dear.” Althea stopped Danielle. “I still want to talk to you.” She said smiling. Danielle suddenly felt nervous, why does her mother’s boss want to talk to her.
“Mom, you can talk with my secretary but not now, she still has some documents to prepare for our meeting with the client later.” Joshua butted in.
“Is that so…” Althea seemed disappointed. “Then visit you sometime then, Danielle.” Althea said smiling.
“Certainly, ma’am.” Danielle said still feeling uncomfortable, she still has no idea what does Althea wants from her. “Excuse me.” She excused herself.