Then he turned again and drew her close to him. “I’m sorry.” He said and landed his lips on hers again.
He lifted her this time and found his way to the bedroom adjourning the dining area.
He placed her on the bed carefully. She had this puppy look on her face. She was dangerously beautiful.
Shawn was hot now. He couldn’t stop. Coupled with the fact that he was drunk. All he wanted was to be inside Cheryl.
He unbuttoned his ma shirt as Cheryl watched him. He shouldn’t be doing this.
His lips landed on her again as they both burned in passion. It was an unforgettable night for Cheryl.
Grrrrrgggg….the loud sound from Cheryl’s woke up her. As she groaned and stretched on the unfamiliar bed. She looked around and then by her side. Shawn! He was freaking naked in bed with her.
The ringing from the phone persisted and she picked up her bag from the nightstand and took out her phone.
“Where are you, Cheryl!” That was Abby’s angry voice at the other end.
“In hell.” She said, her eyes fixated on Shawn’s sleeping figure.
“Are you being sarcastic?”
“I’ll explain later,” Cheryl said and cut the line.
She turned to Shawn’s sleeping figure again. Last night. She Palm slapped herself. She’s fucked. She stood up quickly and located their clothes that were scattered in the room in a state of passion.
Passion? More like lust.
She quickly dressed up and left the room.
“What?!” Abby shouted in shock. She stared at her best friend who sat on the sofa in their living room.
“You slept with your boss? What happened to the No dating policy at work?” She moved close to Cheryl and sat with her.
Cheryl rolled her eyes. “It was a mistake. And we are not dating.”
“So it’s like a one-night stand?”
“You can call it anything,” Cheryl murmured.
“Why do you look so down?! You should be happy, right?”
“I don’t know, Abby.” Cheryl was looking downcast. This might be a dream come true for her but she wasn’t sure about her boss.
“You know how Shawn is, this might just be another fling to him. I might even lose my job.”
“Oh, God. Cheryl.” Abby said, now it dawned on her.
“Forget it, Abby. I need to be alone.” Cheryl said and walked to her room while her best friend watched her. “You don’t have to go to work today,” Abby screamed after her.
“I know dummy. It’s Saturday.” Cheryl said without much enthusiasm.
Cheryl breathed and knocked lightly on the only thing that was separating her and Shawn.
The large door that led to his office.
“Come in.” A deep bass voice came from within.
She opened it and walked in. He was looking dangerously as usual. He focused on his computer.
“Good morning. Boss”
“Cheryl.” He said without looking at her. Cheryl bit her lips as she stood for a while without saying a word. This was getting awkward, what was she supposed to do though?
“How was your weekend, boss?”
He looked up at her now. “Great.” He wasn’t smiling. Cheryl nodded while Shawn still has eyes fixed on her. She just stood and stared at him.
“What?” He asked.
“Why are you standing there without saying anything?”
Jerk! Cheryl’s mind screamed. How can he behave nothing happened. She expected his call throughout the weekend but nothing came from him. And now he was giving her cold shoulders?
“Oh… I want to submit your schedule for today.” She said quickly and dropped a file on his table.
“Okay. You can leave now.” He said and turned to his computer again.
“Okay.” She bit her lips and turned to leave.
She smiled inwardly and turned to him. “Yes, boss.”
“Get me the head of finance.” He said and turned back to his computer almost immediately.
“Oh. Alright. Sure.” A disappointed Cheryl said and walked out sluggishly.
She got to her office and stared at the computer.
“Arghhh!” She screamed in anger.
But what was she expecting though? She knew better.
It was a few weeks after their one-night stand and Shawn hasn’t brought it up. Cheryl would always pray he does but he never behaved as if they once had a night of pleasure.
“We’re here.” Cheryl turned off the engine as she swirled into her Shawn’s mansion. It was one of the biggest in the country.
“Sorry for troubling you, the driver had to leave early,” Shawn said when he got off the car.
“No problem boss.” She said as she handed him the keys. She made to leave but Shawn stopped her.
“Cheryl.” He called out while she turned. “Have some tea before you leave.”
Did she hear right? Her boss was inviting her in? Of course, this wasn’t the first time in his mansion. But he was officially inviting her in. This was different.
Or was it because of the other night? Will he finally reciprocate her feelings? This felt like a dream. She couldn’t get her hopes high.
“There’s no need for that boss.” She said and turned.
“Are you mad at me?” Shawn asked as she turned.
“You’ve been giving me cold shoulders, Cheryl.”
“I didn’t realize,” Cheryl said. You deserve more than that. Her mind screamed. How can sleep with a girl and pretend nothing happened the next day? She wanted to ask.
“Oh come on, Cheryl. I’ve known you for years and I know for sure that you’re mad at me.”
Cheryl eyed her boss. She was truly mad. He knew her reasons. But why was he pretending and asking her dumb questions? She should be smacking him instead.
“You’re wrong, boss.”
“Prove it.”
“Come in for tea.”
“I’m not interested.”
“A few minutes won’t kill you, Cheryl. If you insist, it implies you’re mad.”
Cheryl sighed.
“Sure. Boss”
They walked into the gigantic building. Of course, the Mystic Mansion was the most beautiful building she has ever seen but its beauty hits differently tonight.
“Sit. I’ll get your tea.” He said when they got to the living room. Cheryl nodded as Shawn strolled off.
This doesn’t feel real. What was his trying to play this time? Cheryl thought.
Does he want her in his bed again? No way that will happen. She thought painfully.
“Thank you,” Cheryl said when Shawn handed her a cup of tea.
He took his seat opposite her and watched as she drank from the cup. She was nervous. He knew that. After their one-night stand. He couldn’t get her off his head. It was like he was under a spell. Everything happened so fast and now he’s in a dilemma. He knew what Cheryl wanted, but he couldn’t give her.
“Ah…” Cheryl started nervously. “I should get going, boss. I’m done with the tea.” She stood up. She hated the silence. If he wasn’t going to talk about it then she had better leave. The look he was giving was uncomfortable.
Cheryl gave a confused look. “Yes, boss”
“Right.” He nodded. “You should.” He completed curtly and stood up. He walked up to her. She was looking at him now. Run Cheryl! Her mind screamed. But her heart wanted his arms around her again. Was she stupid or just in love?