Landon got up from his king-sized bed, stretching out as he wore his floppy slippers. It was a Saturday. Saturdays are always awesome for Landon. He goes ice skating, swimming, depending on his mood for the day.
But this time around, this Saturday won't be an awesome one. He would have to sit down for the House help interview.
"Gosh! I hate today." He mumbled, scattering his hair with his palm in frustration. He checked his wall clock and saw it was almost 7 am. "Woah. I woke up quite late." He thought, walking to his table and sitting.
He reached for his PC and switched it on. While he was still yawning and rubbing his eyes, the PC came on. After booting, the first thing he did was check out the site where the aspiring maids were to fill their forms. He clicked on the number of participants and he saw more than two thousand participants.
"Wow." He exclaimed. As of yesterday evening, he saw One thousand Five hundred participants, which means more than five hundred joined overnight. "How do I even interview these people?" He thought, sighing. He switched off his PC and walked to the bathroom. He picked up his toothbrush, added some toothpaste, and began to brush his teeth.
His P.A should be on his way. So he should be prepared before she comes. After brushing, he took his bath rapidly, washing his hair alongside. He came out of the bathroom with his towel around his waist and his hair dripping wet.
Suddenly he heard a knock on his door and he sighed. "She Is here." He thought, walking to the door and unlocking it. "Come in." He said, walking to his mirror as his Personal Assistant Ruby walked in.
Immediately her gaze landed on Landon's super hot body, she was dumbstruck. In her entire life, this would be the best body she has set her eyes upon. Seeing him shirtless sent sparks up to her brain and she wanted to exclaim, but then cautioned herself.
"Are you okay?" Landon asked as soon as he noticed she wasn't speaking and all she did was stare at him. "Ah... Yeah...I am good. Sorry for that." She said, and Landon nodded looking away coldly. Landon had known right from the time that Ruby had always had a crush on him, but he never saw her as more than just a personal assistant.
He promised himself that once she starts to make some moves he wasn't cool with that he was going to fire her immediately. But ever since then, she had never done anything to piss him off. She was still the best PA he ever had. "Sir the interview would commence at 8 am, and I randomly picked those that are capable of the job." She said as he grabbed his shirt.
"We would talk in the living room." He stated, and she nodded walking out of his room. He loves doing things in his room most times when he doesn't feel like stepping out of bed, she comes to meet him right there. But today is different, the way she stared at him made him change his mind completely. "I don't like what I don't like." He reminded himself.
He stepped out after buttoning his shirt and wearing his shorts. He got to the living room and saw she was busy on the laptop. "What were the criteria for picking them?" He asked, sitting and putting her leg over the other. "Their address. We need someone closer to this place. Someone in this city." She stated, and he nodded. "Is that all?" He asked, and she carried the laptop to where he was seated.
She placed it on her thighs so he could get a clearer view of the people she picked. He stared at the screen and just then got closer to her a little. Ruby inhaled his cologne, and she shut her eyes. He smelled so good.
Landon looked at her and saw her eyes were shut. "Are you alright?" He asked and she quickly opened her eyes. "Yes sir. I am sorry, but the light was affecting my eyes." She lied, and Landon nodded reluctantly before looking away. The dumbest person on Earth would know she was lying at that very moment.
"So how many people did you reject their offers?" He asked. "Almost one thousand five hundred sirs." She said, and he nodded. "And almost all of them are from far places?" He asked, and she nodded. "As far as Golden City sir." She said, and he turned to look at her immediately.
"Golden City? How many people from Golden City?" He asked eagerly. "Maybe ten. Why sir?" Ruby asked. "Give me the laptop." He said, carrying the laptop from her thighs and placing it on his. He clicked on the search engine and typed out her full name; Kimberly Johnson.
It loaded for some seconds and when the results came out, it was the person he was hoping it would be. "Yes!" He said laughing, and Ruby looked at him in shock. Landon hardly laughs, and when he does that means he is very happy.
She stared at the screen to see who this lady was, and when she saw her picture, she asked herself just one question. “Who is this lady to him?" Landon laughed so hard, and when he remembered he was in front of Ruby, he made the laugh fade away and put on a fake serious look.
"I have found the person I want. She would be given the job, but we can still hold the Interview. Send her a message now." He said, and Ruby reluctantly bobbed. He dropped the laptop on the table, stood up, and walked back to his room with a broad smile.
"She finally let go of her Ego! This would be so much fun!" His Brain yelled, making him laugh again. This time silently, so Ruby won't hear him.