Travis saw the shadow of someone approaching before he heard the soft voice say, “Um, excuse me. I’m a bit of a bookworm but I’m interested in upping my fitness… do you think you could help me with a bit of advice about weights?”
Travis doubted she even read the newspaper. Before he even turned around he figured she was there to flirt and he had no problem with that. No harm, no foul.
He turned around and quickly had to revise his opinion, stunned by the image that assaulted his mind. Rimless glasses, tumbling raven hair and forgotten books…
He found his voice after a split second. “Couldn’t you find a free trainer?”
She wrinkled her nose. “My sister grabbed the last one. She is into kickboxing and she hardly shuts up anyway.” The truth so far, she smiled slightly.
“Okay, no problem. I’m Travis.”
“I know. The trainer- Blair- told me. I’m Verna.”
“Verna. You said something about weights?”
“Yeah, how should I get started on them? I’m more of a runner so I’m blank when it comes to lifting.”
“Don’t get into lifting. Your arms look great and toned already.” And it would mess up that ab-so-lutely sexy décolletage.
“Oh,” she said clearly not expecting him to say that. Then she smiled brightly. “Thanks.”
She turned to go.
“Hey- wait. Is that it?” he asked, reluctant to let this sexy librarian go.
She looked taken aback but Verna managed to say, “I think so… thank you. I’m sure you’re a good source of advice on arms.” She eyed his arms with slightly raised brow. His weren’t massive, but nicely contoured. Very nicely.
Travis laughed and lifted another bar bell. Looking at her, he asked, “What kind of books do you like?”
“What?” she asked for the second time in the conversation.
“You said you were a book worm. Whose books do you enjoy?”
She lit up. “Oh, for your first question, I read everything- I like about half of it.”
He chuckled. She continued. “And I love John Saul,” she giggled. It was his turn to raise a brow.
Then she added, “And Dan Brown, Theodore Burns and Sydney Sheldon are a few other contemporary favorites.”
Travis stared at her. “What do you like by Burns?”
“All of them! But my favorite is his latest Cooler Now.”
“That’s not out yet!”
Verna was shocked. “I know, but how do you know?”
“Theo’s my brother.”
Her eyes widened then she frowned. “You look a little young to be his brother- son, maybe?” then she gasped. “You’re the Travis he dedicated Spoken to?”
Travis nodded. “I’m eighteen and a half years younger.”
“Oh? Oh. Wow.”
“And how do you know Teddy and about Cooler Now?” he asked, curious as to how his brother had kept such a pretty secret.
“I’ve done a bit of his editing.” She chuckled. “A bit... more like his last two books.”
It was his turn to be shocked. “You’re León?”
She smiled. “I am.”
“Somehow Ted has always made me believe that you are a guy!”
“He has a way with words. He always has.”
“Don’t I know it.”
Before they could go any further, Stacey walked up to them and put her arm around Verna. “Hey V. Ready to go?”
“Are you two twins?” Travis asked, looking at the staggering resemblances between the two women.
Stacey laughed. “I’m two years her senior. My name’s Stacey.”
“This is Teddy’s little brother, Stacey. Travis Burns.”
“Hey! You’re kidding.”
“I was just about to invite Verna to the Canterbury Café for a cappuccino this Saturday. You’re welcome too.”
“Aw. Thanks, but I’m spending the weekend at my fiancé’s parents’ house in St. Paul.”
Travis turned to Verna. “Any fiancés I should invite too?”
She laughed and shook her head.
“Can you make it there by ten-thirty?”
She nodded. He smiled and she was surprised to see a gold-capped pre-molar appear.
“See you around.” The two sisters walked away.
When they got home and were preparing dinner, Verna laughed.
Stacey looked up from the chopping board with a quizzical look. “What?”
“I didn’t even exercise today.”
“What did Travis say about you weight training?”
Verna told her and it was Stacey’s turn to laugh. “At least Travis is diplomatic about it. Blair dissuaded me by saying it would totally deplete my bust!”
Verna giggled and nearly choked on some green pepper.