Kaelyn’s POV
While I was walking through the hallway to my last class of the day, I had been getting weird stares from everyone; mostly girls. This had been going on ever since I came back inside after that talk with Shane. The moment I walked through the door that leads into the cafeteria, I saw a bunch of people with their faces pressed up against the glass window. I don’t really know why they were staring at Shane and I, all he did was give me his jacket. It’s not like he’s never done that to another girl before.
“Are you wearing Shane Collin’s jacket?” Grace shrieked from behind me. I set my math books down on my desk and turned around to face her. She had the stupidest smile I had ever seen plastered on her face.
“Um… yeah,” I said. The classroom started buzzing with chatter, everyone whispering into their friend’s ear and pointing at me. My stomach started to hurt and my face was getting hotter by the second. I hate it when people put all the attention on me; it literally hurts!
“Oh my god, Kaelyn, he’s never ever given any girl his jacket before!” She put her hands on my shoulders and stared wide eyed at me.
“I’m sure he has, I mean he’s been with enough girls to give at least one his jacket.”
“Actually no, Kaelyn, he’s never ever given another girl his leather jacket; it’s like his baby,” Sierra came up behind Grace and joined the conversation.
“Do you know what this means?” Grace turned to Sierra.
“Yeah, that Kaelyn broke our pact to not let any of those four bad boys seduce us,” Sierra scoffed. I looked down. Yeah, I did break that promise.
“Sierra, shut up.” Grace snapped. I’ve never heard Grace say that to Sierra before, Grace isn’t the type of person who would do that. “You should be happy for Kaelyn, after all the things she went through with Ryder. And just because you let Gage take advantage of you, doesn’t mean that Shane will do it to Kaelyn, so you need to stop,” I stared wide-eyed and Sierra. She had never told me that Gage took advantage of her. When did this happen? How did it happen? What happened?
I’m a little hurt by Sierra not telling me. I’ve told her all of my secrets and she’s been keeping this one from me? I thought we told each-other everything.
When I exited lala land, I noticed that Sierra and Grace were in a heated argument and Carter was trying to calm them down. Thank god our English teacher, Mrs. Smith walked into the class before their argument could get any worse.
“Class, please take your seats,” Mrs. Smith instructed. Grace and Sierra glared at each-other before going to sit on separate sides of the room. Carter came to the back of the room and sat next to me. He looked at Shane’s jacket, and then stared at me with confusion overtaking his bright green eyes. After Mrs. Smith was deep into her discussion about The Great Gatsby, I started to zone out.