It’s been a few hours since I left Ethan’s house. I still can’t believe I agreed to fix our relationship. I don’t even know how that’s going to happen. I don’t have a single idea as to how I am going to do that. I am watching tv in the living room when Khloe walks in with her hands filled with shopping bags.
“How was your day at the mall,” I say to her once she drops all her stuff down.
“It was fun, and I got a few things for you. I know you are going to love them” Khloe says smiling while she goes through the bags and brings out a few shirts that I instantly fall in love with
“They are nice, thank you,” I say taking them from her hands. They are lovely shirts.
“I know, and once I saw them, I knew I had to get them for you.”
“Thank you.”
“You are welcome and what’s troubling you. You looked troubled when I walked in” Khloe says, noticing my earlier mood.
“I won’t say I am troubled. I was just thinking of how I am going to amend Ethan and I’s relationship.”
“Oh, that.”
“Yes, that.”
“Do you know I actually thought you guys were going to become friends while working on your assignment?”
“Yeah, I remember you saying it but we all know how that went.”
“You guys only grew more hatred for one another.”
“Yes, we did.”
“Then what if you don’t,” Khloe says, confusing me.
“How do you mean.”
“You know the reason why you guys fight all the time is that you both dislike each other. What if you try not to dislike him anymore?”
“That could have worked if the reason I disliked him was not because of the way he treats me. The only reason Ethan and I’s relationship is the way it is. Is because he thinks I am trash and I live to correct him” I say smiling
“Hmmmmm there is really no hope for both of you. I give up.”
“I know,” I say wondering maybe I should not have promised Grace something impossible, but then nothing is actually impossible in this world.
Monday came and the day for Ethan and me to present our assignment came too. We presented, and it was beautiful, every single person that saw our assignment loved it. I was so happy it went well. And like Monday came so as Friday is here. I just finished my last class of the day, and I am driving back home. I arrive home to find my roommate getting ready for a party.
“Finally you are back, don’t oversleep and answer my call when I need you to pick me up,” Khloe says while putting on her earrings
“You need to start paying me for picking you up,” I say, sitting down on the couch. Anytime Khloe goes to a party, I always pick her up after she is done partying, because she would be too drunk to drive, and does not like the idea of a stranger taking her home while she is drunk.
“My love for you is enough payment,” Khloe says blowing me a kiss
“I wish it was, and have fun at your party, bye,” I say to Khloe before she walks out the door
“Bye,” She says walking out the door
After she leaves I take a bath, eat, pray and watch TV series. I watch a few episodes of the Neighbourhood before going to bed. I don’t sleep for long before my phone starts ringing and Khloe is the one calling. I groan and answer the call from Khloe.
“Just send your location, and I will be there shortly,” I say once I answer the call
“I love you bye,” Khloe says, sounding extra excited, which could only mean she is already drunk.
I stand up from my bed and change from my nightgown into a pair of black jeans and a sweatshirt. I cover my hair with a black veil and wear black fluffy slippers. I step out of my room and walk outside the house to be on my way.
Alhamdulillah finding her location with the help of Google map was not difficult, but right now I can’t seem to find her. I tried calling her phone to let her know I am here, but she is not picking up her phone. I have been looking for her for the past 20 minutes, and it feels like I am looking for a ghost. Everyone I ask is either too drunk to answer me or does not know where she is.
I am about to try her number again when something horrific happens before my eyes. I don’t know how it happened, but I watch as Ethan falls from the upstairs balcony, not before hitting his head hard on a tree branch before falling into the pool. He is totally unconscious and is drowning. Almost everyone here is drunk and has not noticed him in the pool. How did he even fall from the balcony? I don’t think about that right now. I quickly run towards the pool and jump in to save him. I use all of my strength to drag his body out of the pool.
Ya Allah I just hope I was not too late. Ethan’s body is not moving. I start to perform CPR on him, praying dearly he wakes up. I don’t get a response after what feels like hours to me, but I don’t stop. I continue, please don’t die; I can’t bear to live with the fact that I watched you die. I place my ears to his heart, and I can hear his heartbeat, but it’s faint. I keep doing the CPR, and what seems like an endless circle of me pressing my palms on Ethan's chest, he finally coughs out the water in his lungs. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Thank you so much, Allah, for saving him.
“Why are you hovering over me,” Ethan says once he stops coughing
“I was so scared that you were dead. Alhamdulillah, you are alive.”
“What are you talking about?” Ethan says, confused. I am about to answer him when Ethan’s friends gather around him asking him what happened and checking if he is okay.
I did not know all this while I was doing CPR for Ethan people were watching us. Someone even called 911; they arrived soon after Ethan woke up. I was so surprised by how I did not notice anything happening around me while I was trying to save his life. Most people who knew Ethan and I’s relationship would be surprised with the effort I put into saving his life, but I am not. Ethan is a human being, and I might not like his rude personality, but I could never wish death upon him. Alhamdulillah, I was able to save him.
I am on my way to pick up my brother from the airport. He was meant to come last two weeks, but he had to change his arrival date. I don’t have to wait long at the airport before he arrives. I spot him without difficulty among people.
“As salamu alaykum,” I say hugging my brother
“Wa alaykumu salam,” Usman says hugging me back
“I missed you,” I say taking one of his luggage from his hands
“I missed you too, and you have grown since I last saw you,” Usman says looking at me from head to toe
“You saw me last year, of course, I have grown,” I say chuckling
“That’s good and how are you feeling. Amina told me what happened last night. I hope you are not still traumatised” Usman says sounding very concerned about my health
“I have never seen someone almost die in front of me, but I am fine. In Shaa Allah with time that moment will be in a blur” I say smiling assuredly
“That’s good and In Shaa Allah you will.”