Julian's Pov
At the sounds of my hysterical cries, Lincoln barged into the room.
His face was neutral, as normal, but his eyes were wild and alert.
I was sitting on the floor, my emptied suitcase in tatters around my feet.
My white dress – which still had small splatters of blood from when Layton broke Alpha Jones arm earlier that day – was crinkled and creased from how I was position on the floor.
When Lincoln realised that there was no danger, he frowned down at me; crossing his arms over his chest in dominance.
“What’s the matter?” he demanded, annoyed.
“He’s not here” I sniffed, hiccupping from my heavy sobs.
“Donald”. At them mention of his name, Lincoln growled and stormed up to me.
I yelped in shock when he picked me up, and threw me forcefully onto his bed.
I whimpered in fear, as Lincoln followed me onto the bed.
His callous hands grabbed hold of my arms – pinning them above my head as he sat across my waist. He was heavy, and I wheezed.
Lincoln's Pov
“You are mine” I screamed in her face. “How dare you talk of another man in my presence.
And don’t think I didn’t hear about that pathetically, weak, wolf who tried to claim you as his own this morning.
You’re lucky it was just my Beta there, because I would have killed that fucking mutt”.
She was sobbing, hard, out of both sadness and fear.
Julian's Pov
I whimpered in fear, eyes watering – I was very confused with his behaviour.
Confused and scared.
I knew that Lincoln was scary, he was the Bad Alpha after all, but that didn’t mean that I had ever thought he would be so aggressive.
I whimpered in his hold, as his claws came out and dug into my bound hands.
I felt a wetness there, he had drawn blood.
“Donald, is my teddy bear” I whispered, voice small and childlike.
At my words, Lincoln looked confused – eyebrows dipping and a deep frown creasing his forehead lines.
He looked like he was trying to work out the hardest quadratic equation; as if my words were in some foreign language he didn’t understand.
“Huh?” he groaned out.
“My teddy bear, his name is Donald, and my mum took him out my suitcase” I told him, eyes tearing up once more.
“She told me my mate would laugh at me for having a teddy bear, but my daddy gave it to me”.
I hiccupped once more, before more tears began to fall.
Sighing heavily, Lincoln got off me. He released my hands, and finally noticed my cut wrists; he frowned, but didn’t comment on them.
However, he backed away from the bed slightly. I hiccupped again, as soft sobs filled my throat; constricting my air intake.
I sat up slowly – my eyes watching Lincoln in case he pounced on me again.
But he didn’t, he simply stood there; staring in the normal disconcerting way he always did.
“I’m sorry Alpha Lincoln, but I have to go home.
I can sleep without Donald” I told him, voice calm and small.
“No” he roared loudly, anger creeping into his wide eyes once more. “You will never leave”.
And with that, he turned on his heels and stormed out the room.
I jumped when he slammed the bedroom door shut, not just because of the loud sound, but also due to the anger that he used to shut it.
I whimpered again. Curling up on the bed, I cried for what seemed like hours.
When I finally glanced up at the large windows, it was dark outside.
My eyes were red and sore, and my head and healing wrists hurt.
I didn’t want to be there – I wanted to be at home with; Jacob, my family and Donald.
I felt my tiredness looming over me, like a plague I couldn’t fight. But just as my eyes were about to shut, one thing popped into my head – are the doors locked?
Jumping out of bed, I made my way to the bedroom door. Cautiously, I eased it open before my eyes searched the empty landing.
It was a pretty corridor - with a white standing staircase leading to the first floor, and a polished wooden floor that seem to glisten under the small spotlights in the ceiling.
As soon as I stepped out, my bare feet touched the cool floor.
I slowly walked down the stairs, making sure my feet were light and gentle.
I didn’t want Lincoln to hear me. He already found out about Donald and thought I was odd, if he knew about my compulsions to check locks; he would think I was insane.
I was worried if he found out just how screwed up I was, that he would no longer want me. That he would send me away.
I crept through the lounge, before I saw the front door. Walking up to it, I touched the lock – cringing at the cold metal.
It was locked – so I unlocked it, then locked it. Then, I unlocked it once more, just to lock it again. Satisfied, I turned away.
Then a little voice spoke up in mind; you did lock that after you unlocked it, right?
The little voice made me doubt myself, so I turned back and unlocked and relocked the door six times before I was satisfied.
I nodded at the lock, happy it was secure, before I turned around. As I prepared to go back to Lincoln room, his voice filled the room. “Do you intend to murder me or something?”
I spun on my heel, to see Lincoln leaning against a lit doorway – behind it I got a small glimpse at the kitchen.
Lincoln held a crystal glass in his hands, it looked like it contained some kind of alcoholic substance.
He looked casual – posture relaxed, leg slouched and eyebrow quipped. I would have said his emotion was slightly amused, but I knew that he never showed any emotion.
“What?” I asked, heart thumping. I was both scared and embarrassed for being caught locking the doors obsessively.
“You seem to be making sure those doors are locked” he commented, placing the glass down,
“I was just wondering if you were planning to murder me. Or, at least, take advantage of me”.
I blushed furiously, “of course not, Alpha Lincoln. I just wanted to make sure that the door was locked”.
It sounded like a pathetic excuse – even though it was the truth.
“Lincoln” he growled out, walking over to me. I gave him a look of confusion as he walked up to me.
“My name” he said, taking my face in his hands, “is Lincoln”.
“Sorry” I whispered, voice coming out thick. It was only being so close to him that I noticed how his inked tattoos evaded the edges of his neck – a small bit of black ink edged out from the collar of his shirt.
But, I couldn’t work out what the design was.
“ Julian ?” Lincoln questioned, his hands still clasping my face.
His hold was firm, but there was an odd tenderness to his large, rough, hands.
“Yes?” I replied, my grey eyes meeting his beautiful eyes.
“That male wolf, the one who tried to claim you as his – even though you are mine – was he your boyfriend?”
He was trying to keep his voice normal, and calm, but I could hear the slight growl of possessiveness in his words.
“No” I shook my head negatively. “He was best friend, but it was never any more.
I’ve never had a boyfriend”.
“Good” Lincoln nodded.
There was a quiver of his lips, which some people may have thought was a smile, but it didn’t last long enough for me to be able to tell.
“Now, you haven’t slept. He stepped away from me, dropping his hand. You can hi kwaku on+233544142683 to be added to Story headquarters room. cold, frosty, attitude returning as quickly as it had shattered.
“I can’t sleep without Donald” I admitted, shifting uncomfortably on my feet.
“It’s just a stupid bear, go to bed” Lincoln snapped aggressively, a slight anger to his harsh voice.
I frowned deeply, trying to hold my tears at bay.
I had cried enough in one day, and I had worked out – pretty quickly – that Lincoln had a short temper, and it angered him when I cried.
“I can’t” I whispered. He didn’t understand what Donald meant to me – what he was for me.
He was my friend, my protector; the remembrance of my late father.
“I know it seems weird to you, and probably to most people. But Donald is special to me, and I seriously can’t sleep without him”.
Lincoln looked at me for a minutes, studying my face as if I were joking, then sighed heavily when he realised I wasn’t.
Pinching the bridge of his nose, Lincoln closed his eyes and paused. I stood frozen, awaiting the large snap from him. But it never came.
Lincoln's Pov
Instead, I walked out the room and through a door – which led to a downstairs basement.
There was few bumps and crashes, before I emerged out. I looked annoyed, but didn’t say anything about it.
I simply walked over to her and held a teddy bear to her. She looked at it with shock.
It was a tattered bear, obviously not been used in a few years, and one of its ears was missing.
It was a beige in colour, with darker patches from obvious spills and damages;
and a few small bits of stitching from where someone had to try repair the rips in it.
It looked like a very used bear. Loved, but used.
“It can be Darius number two” I grumbled, looking frustrated.
“Donald” she corrected me. “But I think that your teddy suits Darius better”.
“Whatever” I shrugged, “now go to bed, Julian. I am not playing this game, it’s late and you’ll be tired in the morning if you don’t go to sleep”.
“Night, Alpha Lincoln” she said, turning away from me... as she cuddled Darius to her chest. It smelt of Lincollnn.
It's Lincoln” I shouted after her, as she reached the stairs.
Julian's Pov
I mentally scolded myself for getting him name wrong, again, but was too scared to say anything else.
But I was becoming more desensitised to Lincoln anger.
Because I could see he didn’t mean it all; he was hot headed, and short tempered, but he cared – in his own, weird, way.
It made me smile to know that he cared for me enough to give me a teddy bear.
I knew it was childish of me to need that comfort of Donald, but he was my emotional rock.
The part of my father I held onto to. I liked that Lincoln had given me Darius – who obviously used to be his own toy – it made me feel special.
Although it crossed my mind that he only gave it to me, to keep me quiet.
I went back to bed, snuggling with Darius until I feel asleep.
Darius wasn’t Donald though, and no matter how many times I woke up – I still sort the familiar comfort of Donald.
However, when I realised that Donald wasn’t with me, I got nervous and I had to keep getting up to check the locks.
Every time I got up, Lincoln would get up too – from his room on the opposite side of the corridor.
At first he would come racing out, eyes crazy and ready for a fight.
Then after the third time, he would just walk down with me to the door – watch me obsess over the lock – then lead me back to my room.
The following morning, we were both tired.
A knock came on my door, close to eight am, before Lincoln popped his head inside.
“I have work to do. Don’t leave the house” he told me bluntly.
“Okay, Alpha Lincoln” I said, through a yawn.
“ Lincoln” he growled, annoyed. His lack of sleep did nothing to improve his mood – if anything it just made him even more unhospitable.
Which up until that moment, I hadn’t thought that to be possible. But it was, he seemed even more snappy that usual.
“Okay, Lincoln Addison I replied – too tired, in my fatigued state, to really understand what I was saying.
I heard Lincoln sigh heavily, before he left my room.
A few minutes later, the front door closed.
When I got up a few hours later, I heard a knocking at the front door.
Frowning I walked over and glanced through the peep hole.
On the other side of the door, stood a pretty woman.
Her hair was a deep red colour, and her eyes a dark brown.
She was model material – with a bust that was obvious to her thin waist.
Her curves were too die for, and her face was that of an angel.
I felt self-conscious, and suddenly didn’t want to open the door. But, I knew I had to.
“Hello?” I questioned, staring at the beautifully intimidating woman.
"Julian, I presume?” she stated, turning her nose up at me. I glanced down at my baggy white night dress, and large fluffy slippers.
I looked like a small child, I knew that; and it made me tug on the cotton material slightly.
I felt so plain next to the woman.
“Yes” I stuttered out. She gave me a small smirk – one of disgust and amusement.
The next words to come out of her mouth, made my eyes bug and my heart pound terribly.
“My name is Andrea, and I’m Lincoln's girlfriend”.