The first ray of sunlight filtered through the curtains and I stirred in discomfort from the restless night I spent on his massive bed. Sighing, I sat upright and it dawned on me that I didn't have a nightmare, in fact, I don’t think I dreamt at all it felt as if I had only closed my eyes for a couple of minutes.
My body ached and I stretched my limbs throwing the duvet off my body. I glanced to the side of the bed and it was still tucked in indicating that the Alpha didn’t come to bed last night, I just realized I didn’t even know his name. I glanced around and he was nowhere in sight.
The air felt cool and crisp with a subtle hint of petrichor, the earthy scent after rain. The curtains gently swayed with occasional breeze seeping in through the slightly opened window.
Feeling curious, I made my way towards the window to see what was on the other side because I paid no attention the day I was brought over too lost in my misery. My bare feet sank into the plush carpet as I moved forward.
Slightly moving the curtains, I felt warm breath fanning my neck sending signals all over my body both in a good and bad way. I jumped in surprise quickly settling my gaze on his form and I could visibly see anger etched on his face. It was clear that he was struggling to keep his emotions in check and not act on impulse.
“Curiosity killed the cat”. The word made my feet grow feet. The weight of his words spoke volumes not only was he a warning, but it was also a piece of advice not to push him to the edge. Inspecting him even closer, I couldn’t help but notice the refreshing scent of mint emanating from his breath and I suddenly felt self-conscious even though I had used my fingertips to clean my teeth using his toothpaste and gargled a cup of mouthwash last night. His beauty was almost lethal, it wasn’t something out of this world, but the darkness that clouded around him gave him this edgy vibe that drew you in, like a magnet.
I mumbled “I’m sorry?” to him as confusion washed over me. I couldn’t understand why I was even apologizing in the first place. It was as if he possessed some sort of inexplicable power that made people submit to him, and I was no exception.
He let out an exasperated groan and muttered” fuck it” almost inaudibly. He turned away from me in frustration and if it weren’t for my proximity, I might have missed his reaction entirely. He sighed and made his way out. I watched him go a little bit curious, I can’t help if curiosity would kill the cat anyway.
I facepalmed myself because I realized I hadn’t asked him about my personal belongings when I had the chance to but I decided to go on with my morning routine anyway.
As I stood in the closet, my eyes fell upon one of his shirts hoping he wouldn't mind. The scent of him still clung to the fabric, and without thinking much about it, I slipped it on, feeling an odd sense of comfort.
Not knowing what else to do, I turned the doorknob and fortunately for me, it was unlatched. I wanted to just turn back and sit down, lost in my train of thoughts but the adamant side of me screamed for me to go grab something to eat and use the opportunity to look around the house.
Stepping out, I noticed the house was eerily quiet. I walked down the large corridor in search of the kitchen, I was a little nervous because at home I wasn’t allowed to make myself breakfast or eat without being permitted to. John said I was fat anyway.
My memory drifted back to the day John called me down to make breakfast for them and I subconsciously threw a piece of bacon in my mouth. He punished me by placing a silver spoon on the fire and burnt my tongue with it. I was in pain for almost a month. It was torture.
Suddenly, my eyes caught sight of a grand room with massive double doors. The doors were slightly ajar, beckoning me to take a peek inside. A sense of curiosity washed over me, urging me to explore more. The room oozed a warm, inviting yet dark aura, as if it held a secret waiting to be uncovered.
I couldn’t resist the temptation any further and ventured inside, feeling a rush of excitement slowly building within me. As I pushed the door forward, my eyes widened in amazement at the sight before me. The interior was impeccably well-kept, with beautiful paintings adorning the walls. I couldn’t help but stare in awe at the detailed details of the faces and the stunning depiction of a woman who looked like the Alpha King. It was clear that whoever created these works of art possessed a great amount of talent. The level of level of craftmanship was simply breathtaking, and I couldn’t help but feel grateful for the opportunity to witness such beauty firsthand.
My eyes were immediately drawn to a particular painting on the wall. It was a beautiful piece of art but something seemed off about it. It looked like it had been painted years ago. Intrigued, I began to explore the rest of the room, taking in the other paintings. As I looked at each one, I couldn’t help but feel a swell of gloom and despair coming from them.
Each painting portrayed scenes of pain and torture that felt too real I couldn’t help but wonder what the stories behind them were. My eyes scanned the walls frantically, searching for something that would catch my attention. And there it was-. It was unlike anything I had ever seen before. It was the back of a man with wings tattooed to it, and it looked so realistic that I was instantly drawn towards it. My hands involuntarily reached out to trace the lines and curves of the painting. The details fascinated me because they felt too familiar, it was as if I knew the person in the painting.
Turning my head to the other side of the room, another particular drawing caught my full attention. I felt my body grow cold because it was of a man who looked strikingly similar to me. With his ocean blue eyes, silver hair that was rooted to his head, and full lips just like mine, the resemblance was uncanny. What the fuck, how the fuck, and who the fuck was all I could think of. It caught me off guard because I knew I looked nothing like my mother. However, as I gazed at the image, it felt like I was staring at my reflection. But what was the most intriguing thing about the drawing was the man’s eyes. They were cold and piercingly dark, free from any ounce of kindness. It was almost like a wild beast, ready to pounce and savor its prey. The contrast between his striking features and the ominous aura he gave off made the painting feel raw and real.
Suddenly, a loud crash broke the silence. I turned in surprise to see the Alpha fuming, he stormed towards me his fists clenched to his sides, his eyes dark and murderous.
“What the fuck are you doing here” Before I could brace myself, he held my neck in a chokehold I couldn’t breathe, I tried to pry his hands off me, trashing and scratching him but he didn’t budge even a bit. He increased the pressure and I could see dots forming in front of my teary eyes.
“p-pl-please” was all I managed to choke out, desperation evident in my voice but that only seemed to fuel him more, he applied more pressure and the back of my head hit the hall with a bang, his very dark eyes flickering between black and red like he was trying to tame his wolf down like he was trying to be in control and chain his wolf down like he was fighting an inner battle and oblivious to his surroundings. Like, he was fighting his beast who felt the need to assert dominance, to show me where I belonged.
He stared into my eyes Intensely and I could see his struggles, I could see the Alpha king not only on the surface but how miserable he truly was. I could see the flickering between what was left of his humanity and he released me, shoving me hard to the side.
“Fuck!!!” he yelled loudly punching the wall above my head, creating a dent in the process. His breathing was ragged and sharp as he ran his hand through his luscious dark hair severally, while I was rooted at my place gasping for air.
” What are you doing here” he sat beside me, his head between his legs, not looking at me.
“I didn’t mean to intrude” was all I could say. I was embarrassed to say I was curious most especially after he had warned me just this very morning.
“Stay out of here” he growled, his voice low and dangerous “This is my property, my space and you have no right to act on your own” I nodded in fear and understanding, not able to confront him with the questions I had.
“I’m sorry, I won’t come here again.” He closed his eyes, taking deep breaths for some minutes as if trying to calm himself. When he opened them, the wildness had subsided a little but the underlying anger was still there.
“Now get lost” he ordered me, his tone softening slightly but still firm. Without another word, I flee from the room my heart pounding in my chest. I tried to make sense of what just happened.
I suddenly felt bad for him when I shouldn’t be. I just witnessed a darkness that both frightened and intrigued me. I walked aimlessly in search of the kitchen and my mind wandered back to the mysterious paintings and the raw emotions they conveyed.
I met an elderly woman on the way and she spoke softly while she brimmed from ear to ear.
“You must be Alpha’s bride” and I nodded at her while returning her positive energy.
“Come on dear, I have already set the table” She led me to the dining area where there were different varieties of food.
I muttered a thank you to her as I sat on the table while she went away to handle other businesses. Here I am in this humongous house, with my companion yet again I was all alone, just me and my thoughts as I ate in comfortable silence.
Who was she? Does he have maids? How come I’ve never seen other people apart from Xander and this kind woman? Are there other people roaming in this large, dark house? How is it spotless when I don’t see people raving in and out? Where are the pack members?
Most importantly, what was he hiding? What is his name? and what was so important that made him act that way? I had a lot of questions that I didn’t know if I would get the answers to but for now, all I could do is to respect his wishes and hope one day I find the answers to. I would learn his secrets.
Afterall…. "Curiosity killed the cat".