(Edited once)
“It all began eight years ago,” I stated and looked at Julian. I felt liberated from saying those words.
Raymond is not here to beat the crap out of me if I talk with anyone. Besides, Julian seems kind so far. Even if I tell him about my rough past, he can’t do anything except listen.
Why would he even do anything for me? I was just an abused eighteen years old. Nothing was special about me.
“It is hard to believe now, but we were a happy family. Everything was literally perfect until one night, that changed Raymond’s and my life. My parents were on vacation in Brazil. They were sending us pictures and videos saying that they missed us, and they looked happy.” I stopped talking for a second, fighting back the tears, then continued. “We couldn’t go with them because I had acrophobia. I was afraid of heights, and Raymond had work and assignments to submit. When their trip was over, they got on the plane. However, as we have been told, the plane got hijacked by terrorists who wanted ransom and to free one of their friends from federal prison.”
“After several hours of negotiations with the government, they got mad and started shooting all over the plane. Since the windows were not bulletproof, one bullet cracked open a window, which caused a lot of damage due to air pressure. The pilot lost control of the plane, and it went down. It crashed in Fernando de Noronha. Hours passed, and the coast guards found the plane. They discovered that only seventeen passengers out of the 200 survived… My parents did not.”
I did not have the power to cry because I was too drained. I looked at Julian and saw hurt, pity, sadness, and anger in his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but decided against it. “Talk to me, Julian,” I muttered, and he sighed while rubbing the back of his neck.
“I’m very sorry. I know that saying sorry won’t get your parents back, but still, you are strong and alive, and you have to be grateful for that.” I nodded. “I have a question, though… How did you know what happened in detail? Did you ask the surviving passengers?” he asked.
“Yes, we did. Also, we found a video tap in my parents’ luggage, hidden in a box. Everything was filmed and recorded, from the take-off until the crash. It was horrible seeing everything with your own eyes. The police took the tape after we watched it for evidence.” I replied while gazing at my palms.
“That must have been hard watching it… watching them die before your eyes,” Julian stated. I nodded, remembering the good old days that I had with them. “What happened to you and Raymond?”
I fixed my gaze to look at him properly. It was out of my comfort zone to speak about this, but he gave me the courage to keep talking. “We were very depressed about their death but knew that it was not good to continue grieving over them forever. We had to move on, and we did. Raymond became my legal guardian after filling out lots of papers and having visits from a social worker. He treated me nicely and did his job as a caring, loving brother, yet out of nowhere, he came home drunk one day, and like in all cliché movies, that didn’t end well.”
“When Raymond saw me that night, he hit me. He slapped me hard on the face for no reason. I was too young to comprehend what was happening back then, so I thought that it was just because he was drunk and it was a one-time mistake.” I stopped speaking to take a deep breath, then saw that Julian was pissed at what he was hearing. He asked for it.
“I was so wrong believing that it won’t occur again. The beating didn’t stop until this very day. When I asked him why, he told me that I made his life a living hell and that it was all my fault. I didn’t know what he was talking about and didn’t dare ask. Today, he told me that he sold my body to some of his friends, and I had to satisfy them. That’s why I broke into your house out of fear of being caught. Sorry about that.” I smiled at him. He looked enraged but then softened a little when he saw my smile.
“No, I’m glad you did that because I got to meet you. Don’t worry about it, and you will stay here for sure since I gathered that you have nowhere else to go. We have plenty of rooms, and you are welcomed by everyone. Don’t even try to argue with me because you have no other place besides here.” He replied with a victorious grin, and I could not help but beam at his kindness.
I made a new friend. A friend who knew about my suffering and did not judge me.
“Thank you,” I whispered again, feeling the sleep pushing its way to my eyes, which were begging me to close them. I took one last glance at Julian then darkness dominated my whole vision.
As I watched the tv on my comfortable couch in the warm living room, I heard the main door close. I got up and saw my brother. “Raymond, Raymond, listen to what happened to me today. So, me and my friend were playing with the ball then some meanie boy came to us and took it from us, we tried to take it back, but he hit my friend, so I got angry and punched him in the face, and, and…. “ as I was ranting nonstop, I felt a sting on my cheek. I looked up and saw Raymond holding a bottle of alcohol, looking like a madman.
He slapped me.
I placed my palm on my cheek and felt the pain. “R-Raymond?” I was dumbfounded by his sudden action.
“You selfish bitch, it’s all because of you. And it’s always you. I hate you, you stinky little brat,” he yelled with hiccups.
“What did I do?” I asked, stuttering from the terror and fright. He didn’t answer me. Instead, he swung his big fist at my small face. It was a painful blow. I felt fear score every inch of my small body. I didn’t know what was happening. I ran to my room, crying my heart out.
“Mommy, Daddy, I need you with me. Raymond is acting funny. Why?” I whispered, fearing that he would hear me while looking at the sky from my window.
As I closed my eyes and opened them again, I found myself in Julian’s arms. What? Since when?