Shiela's POV
I transformed into my wolf form and wag my tail playfully around him.
"Your Wolf is white and playful" He said and I growl and changed to my human form.L
"It's White because I have the power of freezing things. I can make a wide river turn to a large ice" I told him.
"I can move you without touching you" He bursted.
"Okay look here we are not arguing about who has a better special power here" I said and he laughed.
"I actually do envy the royal children..." He said.
"Oh why? "
"'Cos You guys are lucky.."
"Well.. I won't deny that fact though"
"So what are we gonna do or talk about next 'cos I'm already getting bored" He asked.
"I should be asking you that because you usually come up with brilliant ideas.. I'm just there, always waiting for you to come say something to me.."
"I can't believe I confessed how I truly feel about you" I said.
"It's okay.. I feel it's normal" He said and I nodded innocently.
"Uhmm Shiela, how about we have dinner today." He asked me.
"That sounds great!" I answered him.
"At my place or yours?" He asked me.
"Uhm, mine.."
"You've never been to my room"
"I know where it is at"
"Yeah, you do... But I'm always coming to your room. Ever bothered to check up on me first?" He asked me..
"Okay fine.. we would have dinner at your place. Happy?"
He smiled...
Just then, Ashley walked in.
I wanted to ask him, what he is doing here but less I forget, his father literally own this environment.
"Hey" Lincoln said to him.
"Shiela, I can see you've been indoor with Lincoln all day"
"Anything bad about that?" Lincoln confronted him.
"Uhm, I was talking to Shiela though. I would appreciate if you'ld stay out of it"
"You mentioned my name.."
"Lincoln please.. do not fight him" I whispered to Lincoln and stood in front of Ashley instead.
"What do you want from me Ashley?" I asked him.
"Join us for dinner... Order from the Luna!" He said.
"Shiela would not..."
"Lincoln!" I cut in sharply..
"Okay Ashley" I said and we watched him leave.
"Shiela we just made plans to have dinner together"
"Sorry Lincoln. I missed breakfast with them this morning. I don't wanna skip this one too... Even if it's just once... Moreso, it's an order from the Luna not Ashley" I told him..
"Fine, we would have our dinner date another time"
"Uhn dinner date you call it.." my eyes must bulged out of it socket.
"Yeah, what do human call it when two opposite sex spends their time together" He said.
"Lincoln we are not dating!"
"Okay..I'm outta here" He scurried out of the room..
When it was time for dinner, I went to the feast Hall which I knew the direction to already.
The Alpha king, his Luna, Aurora.. The playboy's twin sister was there too.
"Are you joining us Shiela? Yaay!" She welcomed me.
"Yeah I invited her" The Luna said and I gave a little bow and smiled.
"I was gonna call you to join us for dinner since you missed breakfast with us" The Alpha king said.
"Shiela, come sit next to me" Aurora held my hand and led me to her seat. "Here"
I smiled and said "Thank you"
Soon Ashley walked in, he paused when he saw me then later came forward to have his seat..
Just then Athena walked in.
"Athena" He mentioned her name.
"I'm having lunch with you guys. I know I'm always welcome" She said.
"Tonight, It's supposed to be the Alpha royal family only" Aurora said.
"Really? Then what's Shiela doing here? Are you blind to see that she is sitting next to you??" Athena insulted..
"Uhh... You disgust me" she murmured.
"It's okay.. Athena can join us, since she wants to" The Luna said and Athena sat next to Ashley..
The maid, Glinda came with some other maids and they begin to serve us our meal.
"Enjoy" They said after giving each and every one their meal.
Lincoln walked in..
"Lincoln" I was shocked to see him here.
"Glinda, please serve mine too. I'm having my dinner here with them" He said and sat beside me... I was surprised because No one said anything about it.
"No" Ashley suddenly barked.
"You don't usually have dinner or breakfast, lunch whatsoever with us" I could see he tried to control his anger.. his eyes were burning red, is his special power possibly flame?
"There is always a first trial" Lincoln said and put his hand over my neck and drew me closer to him.
Glinda came over to serve his meal.. then she and the rest of the maids took their leave.
We began to eat in silence but I secretly watched My Mate and his slut.. I made sure he didn't see me stealing glances at him.
I noticed He and Athena communicating through their eyes and gestures but I couldn't figure out what they were saying. All I notice was Athena smiling widely and she placed her hand over his neck just like Lincoln is doing to me.
I took my eyes off them and paid fully attention to my meal and everyone else.
Ashley's POV
We ate supper in silence, I was still upset with Lincoln for joining us yet there was nothing I could do because Mom and Dad supported his presence with their silence.
Not untill I felt a hand on my dick. (Under the table).. who else, if not this bitch who was sitting next to me.
I looked at Athena and she smiled.. I took her hands off and scorned at her but she won't stopped.. so I just held her hands under the table and we managed to eat as if nothing is happening.
Just then, my mom broke the silence..
"Shiela.. Lincoln, I can see you both have gotten along so well" My mom, the Luna said and she smiled.
"They look so good together.. Just look at them, so compatible" My sister said and gave Athena an aweful look.
"By the way Shiela, have you found your mate?" My mom asked and she suddenly cough out while I almost choke..
"Oh sorry. I almost forgot about the incident that happened to you. I'm sorry for making you recall the past"My Mom said..
"No it's fine.. My Mate wasn't killed by those intruders"
"Oh really"
"Yeah" She nodded.
"So who is he??" My mom asked her again.
I really hope she won't mention my name..
"Uhm I don't think I have a mate.."
"Everyone does"
"I haven't found my mate rather" She lied.
"Oh that's sad.. similar situation happened to my son, Ashley but he has found his mate and I think he has moved on too" My mom said.
"Yeah baby. We have moved on" Athena said and pecked my cheek..I wanted to quarry her but at the same time, I wanted to make Shiela jealous and envious of us.
"Moved on my foot" my twin sister said and rolled her eye. She hate this girl Athena so much.
"I believe no girl would want a male slut even with the fact that they are mate" Lincoln said.
"Shut it Lincoln!" Athena cut in sharply.
"What? Why the fuss, I didn't say a guy wouldn't accept a whore as his Luna" Lincoln said...
"So what are you trying to insinuate Lincoln?" I spoke up.. I won't watch him say dirty words about me.
"But why do you both feel so attacked?" He said sarcastically...
Arrgh... My nerves! I was about to fire him back with my own words but my mom interrupted.
"What's going on here???" The Luna scolded and we kept quiet.
"I was only speaking on behalf of Shiela. She would never accept a male slut as a mate... when she finds her mate" Lincoln repeated..
"It's okay Lincoln" Shiela said softly and touched his hand which Lincoln intertwined with his.
"I'm not worried about my mate, because I have you Lincoln" the Alpha king and his Luna are always there for me, Aurora has been good to me too and even the maid, Glinda is not exempted. I have so many people who loves me for who I am, I'm worried less about finding my Mate" I said.
"Awwn Shiela. That's so sweet of you" Aurora said and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"I knew from the onset that accepting you here is the best thing that would ever happen to us"
"Oh dear, I love you already. Anytime, any day baby girl" My Mom said.
"You are the most loved one here" I heard Lincoln whispered into shiela's ear and he kissed her forehead.
"I'm done" I stood up all of a sudden...
"You have barely eaten.." The Alpha king said.
"Night Night Daddy.."
"Mommy good night" I said and was about leaving when I remembered something then I returned to kiss Athena directly on her lips.. I knew she was shocked yet she put on a smile. Good she played along very well... I was trying to get back at Lincoln and Shiela.
"Good night baby" Athena said to me and I smiled, looked at Shiela and left.
"What's wrong with my son nowadays? He has been acting strange" The Alpha king murmured to his wife.
"I thought I was the only one that noticed it"
"What do you feel?"
"Something is fishing" The Luna suspected.