Nicolette's POV
Beck let out a snarl and lifted his hand to punch my couch as I lifted my shirt up to show bruises lining my abdomen. I quickly caught his hand and rolled my eyes.
"You're going to tear a hole into my couch if you keep punching it," I say calmly. He scowled at me and sat back down.
"How are you so calm. If he keeps doing this shit it'll get worse," he snarls. The bruises on my abdomen were tender and I winced as I rubbed my finger over them.
"Because I can't control what he does, it won't kill me because I'm basically almost indestructible and him having sex with a she-wolf isn't on the list of things that could kill me.
"Bull crap Nicolette. I have never seen you wince from a bruise. But look they're all over your stomach," he points out. I sigh and pull my shirt back down as he runs his hand through his hair.
"What the he'll are we gonna do Nicolette?" He asks me. I let out a scoff and push myself of the couch and pick up the spilt blood packet off my carpet.
"You are not going to do anything to try and stop this. I'll handle it," I mumble. I bring a small cup to the blood stain on the carpet and hold my hands right above it. I said a quick chant a the blood peeled itself off the carpet and into a ball in front of my hands. I bring the blood to the cup and closed my hands to break the spell.
The blood fell into the cup and I picked it up and dumped it out in the sink and washed the cup.
"You're heat will be coming soon," he realizes. My hands freeze and I let out a curse. I forgot to think about that. Once I meet my mate my heat starts to come regularly.
"So you can't keep going through this because without your mate to help you get through your heats or you will eventually die," he said. I let out another chuckle that made my stomach hurt.
"I won't die it'll just get more painful," I sigh. Basically the only thing that can kill me is a wooden stakes and through the heart, my head decapitated. And a very strong mixture of vervain, wolfsbane, and witch hazel.
"When my heat starts you need to leave. I'll come find you when it's over if you'd like but I don't know if you can handle the extent of my heat," I start to explain.
"I can handle it also I have a mate so it won't affect me as much," he said trying to make excuses to stay. I put the cup in the drying rack and sit back down.
"You do know that vampires and werewolves both have heat. That makes it twice as hard to resist. I'll be fine but I need you to leave," I tell him.
"And what if I don't leave?" He asks. I roll my eyes and swing my feet onto the couch.
"I'll forcefully make you leave," I said leaning back into the arm rest. He sighs and shook his head.
"You're going to fell awful if your heat starts now. You already have bruises all over you stomach your heat will make it worse," he says.
"Why can't you just listen to me," I said getting up off the couch again. I felt my wolf start to stir.
"Heat is coming soon. You need to get him to leave," she said. My eyes widened but I easily hid my shook.
"Um Beck I'm kinda running out of blood bags can you go to the town hospital and grab some more for me?" I ask him. I was trying to get him to leave so I could lock him out of my place.
"I'm going to stay here and watch over you," he huffs. I let out a groan and grabbed my bag.
"Then I'm going to go myself and the last time I checked there a pack of werewolves living near there so if my heat starts it's not my fault," I said reaching for my door handle.
"Fine but I'll be back in 40 minutes," he grumbles and slams my door on his way out. I let out a breath and flopped down back on the couch.
I started cleaning around the house again and sorting my stuff. I have a bad habit of impulsively cleaning things.
I felt a sharp pain in my stomach that was worse than hours before. I let out a gasp and fell to my knees and clutches my stomach. I let out a curse and quickly grabbed pain killers out of the top cabinet.
Not like they'll do anything but it'll help slightly I take a glass of water and gulp down two pills. Another long wave of pain spread through my body and I let out a whimper.
"Shit," I mumble and I stumble to my bedroom. My body felt warm and felt like fire ants all over my body. I let out a scream when my skin felt like it was on fire.
My mom never informed me how bad my heat would be. As a witch she didn't get them but since my demon and wolf had heat it was worse then I expected.
My arm swung and I turned on the cold water. I quickly got in clothes and all. I let out a breath but then it felt like the water surrounding my body was boiling.
I quickly got out of the water and let out a sob. I sat on the bath rug and another wave of pain coursed through me. I let out a scream and my hands grabbed my hair.
I heard a loud bang and glass was everywhere. I guess my outburst caused my powers to overload. I heard a slam at my door and something drop.
"Nicolette?" I heard Beck call. Fuck I forgot to put the barrier back up after he left. I quickly flung my hand at the door and the lock turned.
"It hurts, it hurts," I cry as I shift my body. I let out another cry and clinch on my stomach.
"Nicolette I can hear you in there I'm going to break open the door," Beck days from the other side. I heard the doorknob jiggle and I let out a sob.
"Don't Beck," I choke out. Another large wave passed which was worse than all the rest. I let out a scream and then my bathroom door was in splinters.
"Oh my god Nicole," he whispered as I lay on the floor crying. He picked me up and I tried to push him off of me.
"I won't do anything to you I'm controlling myself fine," he said. He brought me to my bed and turned my ac all the way down.
"It hurts so bad," I whisper to him. He sighs and backs up to the door. He was having trouble staying in the same room as me. Tears rolled down my cheek and land on my pillow. I let out a scream and grab my blanket as tight as I could.
"Make it stop, make it stop," I beg. This hasn't been the worse pain I've ever felt. Watching my parents die was the worse pain I've felt.
"I'm sorry Lette I wish I could do something but I'm not the right person to help you," he apologized. My mind raced with different spells I could use to help me but none could work. My witch can't interfere with my wolf and daemon side.
"Here," Beck said putting a cold towel on my forehead. His eyes glowed red when his fingertips accidentally grazed my forehead. He had to leave he can't stay here.
"Beck y-you need to leave now," I start to stutter. The pain started to get worse and worse. It made my words start to falter.
"No I'm staying here," he said. I shook my head and started to get up.
"What do you think you're doing," he snapped. I let out a whimper.
"I told you I was going to make you leave forcefully if you don't go when I told you," I said holding my hands up to him and let my eyes glow a bright blue. He sighed and I lauded back down with a grunt.
"I'm coming back soon," he huffs. He slams my door and I weakly wipe my tears dry. I heard a few seconds latter my door swing open and a large crash.
I quickly got up with pain and looked outside. I stumbled to get past my hallway and winced with every step. The first wave of the heat had just gone by but the second one was coming.
"He's here," my wolf says.
"Who is here?" I ask her. I see Beck fly down the hall way almost hitting me and I let out a gasp. My hand still clutches onto my stomach them I heard a loud growl at the opening of my hallway.
She was right, he was here. Malcom.
Malcom's POV
Morgan's chest heaved up and down as I put my pants back on. She gave me a little smile as I start to button my shirt back up.
"So I was thinking about asking you about Lun-,"
"Get out," I cut her off. She stared at me with her mouth wide open. I lean on my desk as she still stared at me.
"What do you mean get out?" She snapped back at me. I let out a chuckle and crossed my arms and stared at her.
"I can speak it to you in Latin if you'd like since you don't seem to understand English," I growl.
She let out a huff and changes back into her clothes and storms out of my office. I slump back into my office chair and let out a sigh. I pick up my pen and start to twirl it in between my fingers.
My wolf wanted to run but I had no time for that. I was already behind on paperwork dealing with pack lands between the vampire king and witch queen. There has been dispute on who should have the uncharted land the rendezvous Morgan and I had set me back.
I don't really need this land because I don't think anymore packs are rising up but it could be useful to train troops.
I sit back in my chair after a few more hours of paperwork and stare at the picture of my mom and I. If you look around the house you can only find one picture of my father. His portrait in the hallway of remembrance that he was king for a time.
You will never see him in any family pictures or family paintings. He was banished from our family decades ago. I stared at the scars on my arm inflicted my him and roll my sleeve back down to hide them.
My wolf kept begging to be let out and I finally slammed my hand on my desk and unbuttoned my shirt. I couldn't focus with all his whining. I slipped my pants off and opened the door to my balcony.
I jumped off the edge and shifted in the air landing swiftly on my paws. I sat back and let my wolf take control. The sun was starting to set and he began to run. I smelt a few deers in the distance but he ran past them.
He kept running deeper into the forest letting every leaf and twig snap under his pressure. He started to near the border of the pack but didn't turn away from it.
He ran until he crossed the border thanks he shifted his run to the left. He crossed through the trees and came to an abrupt stop. He made me shift back and I let out a grumble.
I smelt nothing here. I found some clothes that fit me and female clothes around the trees. I came across a large clearing and a river. I made my way across the clearing to make my way to the river then the scenery around me seemed to change.
Instead of a clearing a small house and a garden stood in front of me. What the hell? I heard a loud scream and my wolf let out a whimper.
"Mate," he called out. I didn't want to go in. My mind wanted to leave and never come back to whatever this place was but my wolf had different plans. He took over my body and I struggled with him to get control back but he overpowered me.
He kicked the door open and saw a male. He let out a growl and swung and tried to hit him. He lets out a snarl and dogged it with speed.
A vampire. What was he doing in my mate's house, or whatever this was. My wolf let out a growl and swung again.
"Why the hell are you here you bastard," he snarls and moves with speed again. My wolf grabbed his neck and threw him down the hallway.
I heard a door open and I see my mate come out of the door. Her scent was heavenly an stronger than before.
"Heat, she's in heat," my wolf said. Her eyes meet mine and her eyes widen.
"He got in because he's basically made for you do except for appearance and actions y'all are the same," The man says.
She turns back to me and growls. She opened her mouth to say something but instead, she let out a whimper and fell to her knees, clutching her stomach.
I rushed to get this finished so forgive the spelling mistakes.
Do you think my story is going to fast like His Rejected Luna? Let me know so I can change some things.
Don't forget to vote and comment!
Xoxo Emma