The corners of his lips lift as though what she said amused him to the core. Wicked amazement was seen in his azure-blue eyes as this was the first time a human made him this angry to the extent he felt like harming her.
Ryker chuckled soundlessly as he looked at her. Her expression was so serious and he couldn't help but admit that the Queen became more obstinate even after he caught her.
"Let's head back." His voice wasn't calm, it was a command to her. Ryker expected Selena to follow him without a word, but she never moved an inch.
"I won't go anywhere till I find why I'm here against my will. You don't want to believe that I'm not Selena, there's no need coming with you." She took some steps backward.
Selena wanted to walk away but his huge frame was quick to stop her from leaving. His hands enveloped her shoulders in a death-like embrace.
This was because his large hand was latched to her throat again, and the intensity that was building up between the two of them was enough to murder a fly.
"Go ahead, strangle me like you did in my chambers. It's only going to be a solution to my problems... One of which you are a part of!" Selena lips curved up with malicious intent as she stared ahead in the darkness.
She could feel his gaze on her side profile, and his hot breath that fanned her cheekbones. His warmth enveloped her from the wind that started turning chilly, but it was not anyway romantic for the girl in his arms.
It was a warmth she felt which had hidden chilliness.
'Try to kill me. Who knows if this might be a way to return back to Country K?' She questioned in her thoughts, her eyes giving a strange glitter.
Ryker didn't believe her words. She even dared to order him to kill her too. Such effontery.
'I can't get rid of you just yet. You're still so useful to me. Killing you is more like telling my opportunity of getting rid of that object and the demons goodbye. Once I'm done with you, I'll get rid of you.' His eyes darkened while he felt his inner wolf trying to claw out at the back of his mind.
[Be quiet, Rocky!] He warned his beast self with the mind-link. He could feel the wolf inside him calming down, and it made handling this situation with Selena easier.
Selena felt his hand moving away from her neck. He stepped away from her, and it brought the merciless cold of the night to hit her frame.
'Damn this body, it's so weak!!' She gritted her teeth that was starting to chatter against each other.
Selena did not want to give the Supreme Alpha the satisfaction of leaning into his warmth, so she decided to bear with it. Normally, if she was in her real body she could handle it.
It seemed like the cold in this world and her world were quite different. Well, she might try training Selena's body into accepting the cold. Never will she try to depend on this beast's warmth. Never!
Ryker smirked as an idea flashed in his head. It was with the help of his wolf that he managed to think of it.
'That way, it makes getting rid of her easier. I'll finally have this loudmouth in my control.' A cruel glint flashed in his dangerous eyes as he stared at the frame standing still in the cold.
Her silhouette looked so inviting to the eyes of a male, but not to him. If anything he hated her to the core. First was for deceiving him with an innocent appearance, second was for her rash behavior that she displayed in the court.
But he didn't deny that she started making him look forward to a day she would cause trouble.
A lot of the Alphas disagreed on letting him marry an human who was rumored to be cursed by the Witches of Rimora. One of the dangerous Witches who walked alongside with the seven deadly Princes of hell.
No one knew the reason why she was cursed. They all believed the ink symbols in Selena's hands were the number of curses that followed her wherever she went.
It so happened that she snuck into the King's room when he returned from a battle. He took something which the Kanimas protected... a sacred object that was to cause an apocalypse in their world.
It disappeared the same time she left the room after making him think she was a man. And now, he thought she might have it with her.
That was why he was about to make a deal with her.
"Let's talk this out." He sounded demanding, but at least it was a start to getting what he wanted.
Selena rolled her eyes in the darkness, even though what she could make out was the silhouettes of the market stalls. She almost chuckled loud but held it in.
"Finally, the Supreme Alpha wants a deal. What'd you want, dawg?" She turned around to face him, unafraid of the way she addressed him.
Ryker's jaw twitched and his wolf disagreed strongly with the way he was addressed.
[Let me out! Let. Me. Out!!!] It was charging toward the translucent bars that held it back. The bars rattled, almost causing an headache to the King.
Ryker tried his best to ignore her remarks. He felt like she wanted to anger him, that was why she said that. Sensing he got her full attention, he knew she already fell for his bait.
"I'll let you do whatever you want to do..." His voice sounded soothing without any form of malice sensed. She took note of it.
That was because she was still skeptical of him. Selena felt there was something she had to give up for her freedom.
"Finally." She relaxed while releasing a breath.
She forgot this was the same person who almost sent her to the afterlife.
'He can't just let me do whatever I want like that. He wants something from me.' She assessed in her mind.
Selena let out a cackle that was enough to rile Ryker up. She knew he was probably holding back from grabbing her neck again. He was frightening but there was nothing scarier than having to be in a place where she never belonged.
That was why she was never affected by him. Supreme Alpha or not, he was a regular person to her.
"What do you want? Don't try luring me into your scheming tricks."