Nina's POV
"Nina what happened to bring you all the way down here?" He asked me again. I take a couple of deep breaths before I answer him with sad watery eyes.
"My entire pack was killed by some psychopath who was looking for me. He killed every single one of them, I watched as he killed my father who was the Alpha because he wouldn't tell him where I was and then he burned down the pack house before he left. I had no where else to go so I just drove for as long as I could until my car broke down and then I ran through the forest and ended up here." I tell him through my sobs as tears ran down my flushed cheeks. As I sit there crying my eyes out he lifts me up and places me on his lap making sparks flow through me as I sob into his shoulder while he rubs soothing circles onto my back. After I was done crying I stayed there a little bit longer breathing in his scent which calmed me down before he pulled away slightly to look down at me.
"I am so sorry you had to go through that. Do you know why that maniac did that to your pack just to find out where you were?" He asked me with concern clear as day on his face.
"No I don't" I say back shaking my head no but in reality I did know why but I didn't trust this person to tell him the truth and I think he knows that I'm not being honest with him.
"I think you do know and I'm guessing it has something to do with those markings on your beautiful face." He says making me pale as I scramble away from him terrified. I don't get very far before my back hits the wall as I stand there staring at him as I start to hyperventilate. He gets up with his hands out in front of him to show me that he means me no harm as he slowly comes closer to me.
"It's okay I'm not going to hurt you. I only said that because of the beautiful crown like markings across your forehead." He says before heading to his desk and going into a drawer to grab a mirror that was there for some reason. He brings it over to me and holds it up so I could see my reflection, as I focused on the mirror my vision cleared enough for me to see my reflection as I noticed that even though I knew I wasn't hiding my eyes and hair it still startled me and then that's when I noticed the black markings on my face were visible and not hidden anymore.
"You aren't like other wolves are you? You're a special kind of wolf right" He asks me with curiosity
I snapped my eyes from the mirror to him as I answer him "Yes and how did you know about my markings when I had them hidden so that no one could see them?" I asked confused as I tried to catch my breath
"I think that once we knew we were mates I could see through the mask you had up. When I saw your hair and eyes when you first walked in I was taken with how spectacular you looked and then once I saw the marks on your face that's when I truly knew you were perfect and one of a kind." He says as he reaches out to touch my hand to comfort me.
I stood there staring at him and feeling extremely overwhelmed by everything that was happening. First I found my mate and him seeing my true self and not rejecting me but accepting me my vision became very blurry as black spots slowly covered my vision until I could feel myself falling towards the floor as everything went black. The last thing I remember was the feeling of his arms around me as he caught me from hitting the floor and him calling out my name.
Gray's POV
After I asked her about what happened in her pack to make her leave which made her look to the floor and take a deep shaky breath before she answered. While hearing her story it enraged me that someone was after my gorgeous mate. When I mentioned her markings I didn't mean to scare her and make her run away from me. I grabbed the mirror I had in my desk and showed her how I knew about it to calm her down and to show that I didn't know till now and that I had nothing to do with her pack, knowing that those thoughts had crossed her mind.
I care about her so much already that I would never ever do anything to harm her. I placed my hand on hers to try to comfort and calm her down when she started to hyperventilate again as she blacked out and started to fall towards the floor. I caught her before she could hit the floor as I called out her name, I picked her up bridal style and carried her out of my office and brought her upstairs and placed her on my bed. Once I layed her down I covered her with a blanket and tucked some stray strands of her hair behind her ear as I stood there admiring her as she looked so peaceful, innocent and vulnerable in her sleep.
I placed a soft kiss to her forehead before leaving her to rest as I headed back to my office to get her bag and put it on the end of the bed before going back to the paperwork I was doing earlier. It takes me a long while to finish up my work for the day as I look out the window in my office and I notice that it's already dark out as the sun had set half an hour ago. I get up to stretch out my sore and stiff ass muscles as I slowly head to my room to check on Nina to make sure that she was alright. As I'm making my way to my room I hear Nina whimpering like she's in pain and I run to my room as fast as I can and search the room for the threat. As soon as I'm sure that there is no threat I hear her whimper again and that's when I realized she's still fast asleep and having a nightmare. I rush over to her and gently shake her to try and wake her from the bad dream she was having.
"Nina baby wake up" I say as I shake her shoulders lightly. She bolts upright as tears stream down her face as she looks around before finally focusing in on me. I pull her into my chest and she wraps her arms around me and sobs into my chest.
I rub slow circles on her back to comfort and calm her "Hey it's okay baby, no one's going to hurt you you're safe now" I coo at her. She eventually calms down and pulls away from me as she sniffles some more. I place 2 fingers under her chin and lift her head up to look at me.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked gently
"Where am I?" She asks instead of answering me
"You blacked out in my office so instead of leaving you on the floor in there I brought you up to my room so that you would be more comfortable." I tell her making her blush a nice shade of pink
"Oh okay" she says as she looks around my dark room.
"Do you wanna tell me about the nightmare you just had?" I ask her again a little more sternly
"Okay I'll tell you about it but can it be after I eat something? I'm starving seeing as I haven't really had anything proper to eat in over a week" she asks shyly as her stomach growls out loudly making her blush a deep shade of red. I smile at her and grab her hand and lead her from my room and down into the kitchen.