Slamming her against the wall, he dug his fingers upon her shoulders, eliciting a pain from her, which made her to welp....
In the year 1776
The environment was buzzing with laughter and joy, giving it a serenity of peace and laughter, there was no sign of any one been a disturbance in the society, the children were seen playing a stone game, each throwing a stone at each other, there were at least ten children who were skipping with ropes making the view relaxing, the village is a peaceful one, different building were located at every corner giving a space at the middle, where some men were sitted playing a gamble against each other, the women were busy with various activities. In one of the house, you can see a girl sewing a cloth, Alexia, she was too big for her age, and she sewed the clothes so perfectly, by using a needle to attach the thread, at the ending side of the clothes then bringing it out , she was so serious with her work that she hardly noticed the sound from the children. With her green eyes which made her face to look more beautiful, bringing out the color of her face, together with her thicked eye brows, a long eye lashes protruding out from the socket of her eyes, with her long white hair, which made her looked different from others, more like a goddess. Della, her junior sister, seems to take over her features, she had almost the same been eyes with her, but hers was a light green, making her look beautiful like a mermaid, but instead, her hair was red, and these made them look outstanding.
"Della, why don't you go and play with the other kids, you are to little for these things, you might get injured"
She told her sister, even her herself knows that she was too small for sewing, but she enjoyed fashion, and making new clothes, her mother always cut the clothes while she sew them together, her mother inspired her to sew.
"You can't tell me what to do, am also a grown up like you, am eight you know"
she said indicating it with her fingers.
"And I enjoy what I do. Thanks to you lovely sister"
She said rolling her eyes. She talks so mature even at her age
"Alexia, Della, can you two stop sewing, its time for dinner, you can continue tomorrow"
But who knew that the next day was going to be what no one ever imagined.
"Della, stand up, mother calls us"
she said packing her items and placing them In a box, they went inside and went to take their dinner, when they heard the sound of their father coming in. They both leaped up in joy and Alexia ran towards him,
" Father, Father, you are back"
Alexia said hugging her Father so much, Della came, stood at the end of the wall and was sulking, Della turned towards her sister then turning back to her Father,
"Father, Della is sulking again, she is about to cry"
She said turning towards her sister
"Della my princess, come hug daddy, he missed you so much"
The man with a brown hair and red eyes said, walking towards the daughter, she ran with a full force and hugged her Father.
"Papa, I missed you"
She said biting her fingers and feeling shy for trying to cry
"You are my princess, you know that right"
Della nod her head at his words, she is really her papa's princess.
He said walking towards the kitchen, to meet his wife.
He could see his wife standing over the sink and washing the dishes.
" Hello sweetheart, I missed you so much"
He said still carrying Della, who was adamant to remain clinging on his body. He hugged his wife and gave her a kiss on her forehead.
Della said closing her eyes, she could see their parents love each other.
Alexia came to the kitchen, then began dragging her dad's hand back to the sitting room, Della still sitting on the dads neck.
"Mrs Ortega, can I have a food"
he said, He liked the way his home is full of joy and happiness.
They all say down, having dinner, half way through the dinner, they heard shouts from outside. Panic was evident on everyone's faces, then they started hearing screams of people, it was getting louder and louder, Mr Ortega, stood up, walking towards the door, he opened the door slightly, what he saw was terrible, the village had turned to a living hell, dead bodies littered everywhere all over the ground, some houses were already on fire, how did these happened within a short while.
"They are here"
He whispered, closing the door quickly,
"We have to leave here immediately"
"The Granullas are here?"
Alexia's mom asked, feeling so scared, dragging her children with her
"Who are the Granullas"
Alexia said feeling so scared
"They are some group of wicked souls, they could be wolves or vampires Or the gullef, they attack mainly villagers, especially from the human land, because they considered them weak, and they kidnap the children and sold them in what is called a black market to their devilish masters, now don't ask me further questions, we have to leave here"
She said, feeling the need to turn to protect her children, but she was human, she could not fight against those devils, walking towards the children, holding their hands, she pushed them at s corner of the room.
"Della, when I say run, just run along with your sister"
She said now feeling the more need to turn to protect her kids.
"But mum won't you come along with us"
Alexia said feeling scared to leave her mum behind, and her father
"I will come, just follow through the exit, we will try to create a barrier to prevent them from getting In here so easily"
Alexia's mum said, walking towards the door, feeling conflicted, she went to her children, leaving the task for her husband, she went back to where her kids were, removing some blocks from the ground, there was an underground there, Alexia never knew of these, Mrs Ortega entered first to remove the weapons which were in her way, then she told Della to jump in, then that was when they heard a thud on the door, they were here, they were in their house trying to barge in. Thank God for the barrier, Della jumped In immediately, the father going in to bring his gun and was hiding, Alexia was about to jump in the underground when the door opened, she looked up, she saw the most hugest men she have never seen, they were so deadly filled with ugly eyes and disgusting smell, their face looking like vipers, their nose flaring with the hunger to kill, she saw the deadly smile on their face, with their huge Axe, she was scared, not knowing what to do, to protect her parents and sister, she ran, she ran so fast as her legs could carry her, she heard gunshots splattering all over the house, and she heard her papa's voice screaming for her to run faster.
"Alexia, Alexia, please, run, I love you"
She heard her father's voice said. Turning back. She saw a head on the floor, it was her father's head rolling on the floor. A loud scream escaped her lips, she saw her mother already out from the underground, but she could not find her sister, she shook with fear, were they going to kill her mother too. But she heard her mother's voice, telling her to run away, far away from them.
"Run, Alexia run, save your self my daughter"
Envylin shouted at her daughter, that was enough to bring Alexia back to her senses, as she ran faster, running with her little legs which carried her, but she was so little to out run them, that when she looked back, she could see they were catching up with her, and finally, they caught up with her, hitting her with a large stick, she fell on the ground, the only sound she heard was a voice, her mother's voice, shouting her name, before she succumb into darkness.