Oh yeah the person in front of me is the alpha, my mate is the alpha. He has brown long hair. Blue eyes and he is really built I mean he’s got the broad shoulders and everything.
« Oh fuck no, this can’t happen, why me ? » he says with a mixture of anger and frustration in his face.
« What’s your full name ? » he asks me while looking if they were any people passing by.
« Amelia knight » I mutter lowly.
« Well Amelia, I really don’t want the Luna of the biggest pack of America be a fucking little nerd who can’t even defend herself. So I Harry Anderson, reject you Amelia Knight as my mate. »
My heart felt like it was being cut in half and it wouldn’t go away. I felt the tears in my eyes but I wasn’t going to give him that satisfaction, so I collected myself and growled. I guess he expected me to break in tears Oh he’s so wrong !
« Well I guess were on the same page because I didn’t want my mate to be a fucking asshole with his head so far up his ass that he can’t see ». I said walking away and finally letting the tears fall.
Kind and generous my a**.
I went to the nurse’s office, which was my friend too beside Adriana & Justin. I told her what happened but not who was my mate. And she gave me a slip so I can go home. I don’t think I could stand to see his face all day. I mean I didn’t even reject him back, I don’t think my heart could take not feling the invisible bond that’s always been there but hasn’t been shed until today.
All I did was what every other broken hearted girl will do got my vanilla ice cream tube and put on She’s the man, Channing Tatum shouldn’t be legal just saying.
In the middle of my sulking, the front door opened up and in came Adriana & Justin. The were kind of angry I could see it in their faces but it immediately softened when they saw me. Guess you can say we’ve known each other for quite some time.
Justin has brown lifted up brown hair, and soft brown eyes. Adriana has long wavy brown hair, and brown eyes. They have really similar traits.
They both sat down next to me and I told them what happened at the end they were flaming with anger especially Justin he was always the brother I never had. Just to stop him from going over to the pack house with an axe, I hugged him and calmed him down. He can’t go up against an alpha, that’s basically a death sentence. After they were both normally breathingwe continued watching the movie.
« I’m going to get some popcorn » Just as I was getting up I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and legs.
« Ahhhhh » I cried in pain and fell to the floor. My friends kept telling me that it was normal and that I’m shifting into my wolf. Justin carried me into the backyard.
That’s were it started, the bones chrunching, cries in pain, panting, yelling, all my bones broken. Your mate is suppose to stand by your side to talk you through it and help you with the pain. But that isn’t my situation. After all my bones broke the pain inmeditaly stopped. I looked at my paws to see snow colored fur. It can’t be.
I looked at my friends and see that they are looking at me with awe and suprise. I look in the mirror and see a beautiful white wolf, omg that’s me. I am a freaking white wolf. Ok let me explain White wolves are really rare, they are the strongest and fastest wolfs next to the black ones. Usually, your wolf’s fur is your hair color, except the white one.
‘How do you shift back ?’ I ask Adriana. ‘Just focus on how you look in your human form’. She answered back with a smile on her face. I focused on my image and the next thing I know the cold air swept across my skin. I covered up the best I could with my hands and laughed slightly at the image in front of me.
Adriana had covered Justin’s eyes with her hands and Justin was fighting with Adriana trying to see. What an idiot.
« I’m gonna go search for my clothes ». I inform while leaving them and running up the stairs. I looked at the part of my closet which I love but haven’t worn in fear of what she will say to me. But that ends today, I’m done with her leading my life.
I put on this black strapless dress that the rest of the dress under the boobs is black with flowers, pink lipstick, cream heels and looked at the mirror. Except I found something different about my hair. It was freaking white. Every single strand was white, there wasn’t even a single sign that revealed it was red before. I guess it comes with the wolf.
I got downstairs where Adriana and Justin were still watching She’s the man.I cleared my throat which caused them to turn to look at me, both of them were shocked. « What happened with your hair ? » Adriana shouted and they both started to play with my hair and inspecting it.
« Like it ? » I asked them. They nodded their heads and Justing messing with me started to whistle we all laughed at that.
« Get ready we are going to the mall, We are going to make him pay ! »