Natalya's POV
"Nattie! What the bloody hell?! I told you to leave him alone!"
"I know. But I have school in the morning. I would like to sleep."
"Uh did you guys get interrupted too?"
"Come on. Let's go back in your room."
"Tony I'm serious! Be quiet!"
"Alright you're cranky."
"Hey! No I'm not!"
Greyson picked me up.
"Greyson what the fuck?!"
He brought me to my room and shut the door. He put me down on the floor. I crossed my arms.
"Let him do his thing."
"It's 1:30 in the morning...I wanna sleep..."
Greyson pinched his nose bridge.
"I literally woke you up because of where my hand was."
I stomped my foot.
"I don't care! I could fall asleep while you do that! I really need to sleep. I have a final that I'm stressed out about and if don't sleep well I won't do good! If I don't do good I-"
Greyson shut me up by kissing me.
"Put in earbuds and go to sleep. If you don't then you're gonna be moaning too."
My eyes widened.
"But-but-damnit now I'm in a conflict!"
"You wanna be moaning too or do you want sleep?"
"Damnit why do you have to give me options like that?"
He put his hands on my hips. Then he moved them onto my butt.
"Y-you're not making this decision any easier..."
Did he just?!
He's squeezing my butt!
I gulped.
Nikki: Go for it! It's just one final! Who gives a shit?!
"Just think of in our own place. You can have me whenever and wherever you want. You can wear whatever you want without getting yelled at by your parents or brother. We won't have anyone to bother us."
"Wh-what happened to you be-being shy?"
"This is the me only you can see. But..."
He pulled me closer to him. He brought his mouth to my ear. He started sliding the straps of my nightgown down. He stopped when they were halfway down my arms.
"So whatcha say? Do you want to sleep or do you want me to fuck you?" He whispered into my ear.
I gulped again. Just him saying that send shivers down my spine. He licked his lips.
"I hear your heart racing."
He started kissing my neck.
"Th-this isn't fair. I don't do this to you."
"So? What difference does that make?"
"G-Grey? I-I have to sleep."
"But I know you don't want to. Hurry. Your alarm might go off soon."
"I-I have to sleep."
"Baby it's just one final."
"If I don't get a good grade I might get held back again.'re tempting me but I can't."
"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know about that part."
"I-it's fine."
After my final was done I was still panicking.
*Mindlink with Greyson*
"What's wrong?"
"I-I don't think I did well."
"Don't start doubting yourself."
"Grey I feel like curling up into a ball and crying."
"Don't do that right now. I'm not there to hold you."
"Don't remind me. Please."
"I'll come pick you up today. Okay?"
*End of Mindlink*
At the end of the day I waited outside for Grey. Once I saw him I got in his car.
"Hey love."
"I'm sure you did fine."
At home I changed then I laid down on my bed. I started crying.
I felt arms go around me. I rolled over to face Grey.
"It's okay. I still love you. It's just a stupid test."
Greyson's POV
Hearing and seeing her cry hurts my heart. All I can do is hold her and let her cry her heart out. I started rubbing her back. A few days later she found out that she didn't fail.
"See? I told you!"
Not long after we turned 20 we got our own house. She was making breakfast one more when I walked up behind her.
Cole: Nikki told me to tell you to catch her off guard.
"Got it."
I slid my hands up her shirt and under her bra. She gasped.
"I-I'm t-trying to cook!"
I started kissing her neck. Her legs started getting weak.
Natalya's POV
He's making out with my neck!!!!!!!!
Nikki: You're welcome!
"I should've know this was your doing Nikki!"
I turned off the stove.
“Wh-what’re you doing?”
“What does it look like?”
“Where do you want to go?”
“Wh-what do you mean?”
“Where do you want me to fuck you? I could do it here. I could do it on a table. I could do it in the car. I could do it in the shower. I could do it in our bed. I could do it on the couch. I could pin you up against the wall. Pick your poison.”
“I-yo-I-you pick…”
“Right here it is then.”
She slid my pants and underwear down to my ankles. Then I saw him do the same to him.
“I hope the stove is off.”
He pulled my hips out towards him. I kept my hands on the counter. My heart started racing. He put a hand on my shoulder and kept one on my hip. After a while he spun me around. He stopped to catch his breath.
“H-holy shit!”
He picked me up and ran to our room. He made sure no one could see us. Without putting me down he put me on the bed. He started kissing my neck again. My nails were digging into his back. My head went back.
“Wh-what happened to my 6’0 shy teddy bear?”
“He’s gone for a bit. Hope you don’t mind.”
Before I knew it the sun went down. When he finally laid down it was 9:30 at night.
“I’m definitely not going to be able to walk.”
“Can we have kids?”
“Is that what’s gotten into you?”