My eyes had done enough admiring every single detail it beheld. From the paintings hung on the walls in the large halls I bypassed, to the engravings I found on the wall in the living room.
This place was strange, that was certain.
Yet, I felt such warmth I hadn't felt in a long time. I had gotten somewhat calm, at ease, to say the least.
My figure wandered away, proceeding to an area, which I presumed to be the dining room, seeing the plates of meals lined on the table.
If I remembered correctly, that girl, who had approached me earlier, Maya was her name, had informed me on how I had to come downstairs to eat, yet here I was, with not a single person in sight.
Did she expect me to eat all this?
I might be hungry..... My tummy growled in agreement, hands clutching onto my stomach, still, there was no way I could finish 1, 2, 3...... I did a quick count of the dishes centered on the table. Twelve plates there were.
Twelve plates which whoever prepared this expected me to finish. They must perceive me as one hungry fellow.
Or perhaps, you're not the only one in here. Something inside of me pitched in.
At that I spun around, like I was to find someone lurking in the corners, waiting to jump out on me.
What really was this place?
I got caught in my thoughts, as sound of footsteps drew nearer, approaching from the halls which connected to the living room.
The figure of Maya came into view, her eyes taking a pause on my form.
She had another enormous bowl of meal in her hands, and in a second, she had dumped it on the table, soon turning to face me.
She came my way, a soft smile tugging at her lips. Her word poured out fast, her figure moving about in a hurry.
"I was asked to keep you full" I heard her say, while she busied herself with laying out glasses of water.
"Keep me full?" I questioned.
"Yeah, you should eat to your satisfaction" She stated.
My gaze followed her all through, watching as she picked a spoon off the table, scooping a fair portion of turkey sauce from one bowl, and pouring it into a smaller one.
I fell silent, my eyes watching her with intent. I found her to be so immersed in what she was doing.
Her attention, centered on emptying the jug of water into the cups, making sure to pour the turkey sauce into bowls, and even picking out the fruits off the clear bowl, and laying them on a tray.
She must have taken notice of my silence, as she soon turned to me, her eyes meeting mine.
"It's fine, you can eat" She began.
In as much as I wanted to, I just couldn't bring myself digging into the eye-pleasing, mouth watering assembly of food before me.
For the love of all I believe in, I had no idea where I was, that was every reason I had, to give it a second thought.
I didn't even know who this girl was before me.
"I assure you, it's alright" Her voice followed.
When the silence could still be noted in the room, she grabbed a fork, digging it into a strip of meat, and in a second she had thrown it into her mouth, she picked up the wooden spoon at her side, scooping a portion of turkey sauce, and bringing it to her lips.
"This is a lot for one to miss out on" She spoke.
"Your eyes are weary. You should eat"
She had soon picked up a glass of water, downing it at a go, and in a moment she had left, leaving me staring back at the sight away.
If I managed to fool anyone, it certainly wasn't myself.
I was exhausted, hungry.
My body begged to be fed, it begged to be supplied with energy. And with that, I pushed forward, grabbing a bowl, and treating myself to my satisfaction.
It didn't take long for me to have the bowl emptied, and not far gone into the meal, had I gotten filled up.
I felt much better.
My figure left the area, while Maya returned like she had been out here in wait for me, and at once, she began clearing the area, packing up the untouched bowls of meal, along with the only one that was empty—the one I had eaten.
My eyes watched as she left the area, and upon her exit, I proceeded into this spacious parlour, my eyes taking the objects hung at a corner.
Figure pushing forward, my eyes squinted at the center of focus, trying so well to make out whatever that was.
It had a sharp edge. Curved, and fairly sized.
I pushed even nearer wanting to make sure it wasn't what I thought it was, yet, I was proved otherwise, as it appeared to be so.
I could swear those were fangs I saw.
Dangling from a brown necklace, they were hung at a corner of the room. My gaze shifted to the black object at another end.
A dagger. I realized.
What was all this?
Peering even closer, I took notice of the markings on it, its writings in a strange language.
My fingers pushed forward, curiousity, itching at my insides, when a voice from behind,
jolted me at once, my figure spinning around, only to find a young man peering back at me.
"Maya mentioned to me that you were awake" His voice was low, gaze focused on my form.
"I'm Jacob" He let out in a low voice, his hands stretched out, but I only stared at them, my eyes blank.
"You must be tired" I heard him say.
"Is this the one found last night?" A hoarse voice soon called, snatching my attention to the direction which it came from.
Stood there was a middle-aged man, grey hair bouncing around in different directions at every step he took forward.
The one called Jacob spun to him immediately, silent while the man pulled forward.
More figures had soon trooped in, in a short while, with silence befalling the room, all watching as this man who seemed to snatch respect from every corner, moved around my figure, eyes accessing me.
"We found her outside the town of Covert Boulders, few kilometers off Southern Dale, Alpha" Jacob spoke.
At the mention of that, the eyes of the man snapped up, gaze darkening for a second.
"Covert Boulders" He pronounced. "For what reason, were you all there?" His voice was cold, strong.
"We were on a hunt" Jacob followed, his words pouring out low. "Hayden had led the hunt" he revealed.
"That is forbidden territory!" There followed a bellow, the voice of the man causing a few people stepping back, I included.
Something about him, commanded power.
The sound of his voice was eminent, gaining the focus of each person present in the room.
"It is very well known how no one is allowed to go there"
"Those parts are dangerous for us. Every one of us!"
"We were only there to hunt"
"Where is Hayden!?" He bellowed.
Jacob turned, looking around, eyes searching the room for whoever it was they spoke of.
His eyes soon took a stop on the grey-haired man, lips parting.
"He was in the yard a while ago, I have no idea where he went to"
At once the mman turned to me, eyes accessing every part of my form.
"We can't keep her"
"We found her distressed" Jacob pitched in.
"Still, she was found on forbidden area. We can't have her around" He let out.
He paused at me, silent for a minute.
"Where are you from?"
I found myself staring wide-eyed at him, words caught in my throat.
"Where are you from?" He pronounced yet again.
When no response came from me, he drew nearer, gaze peering at my being, and for a second, I saw a shadow cross his gaze, while his eyes beheld the bruise on my neck.
"Take her away" His words were very low, and at once, his eyes snapped to the form of Jacob.
"Find Hayden" He uttered.
"Now!" He added, before making his exit, with the room soon falling silent.