Izzy and her husband were given an additional male to join them in their night games. So they had a threesome.
Like every other member, they were given a room at the club to try their threesome.
Joe, Izzy's husband is gay. Joe discovered it years ago but he hid it from Izzy and always makes her feel she is the cause problem. It's isn't intentional, yet he can't tell her the truth. He is fighting against it.
Izzy feels awful thinking that the additional guy is meant for her.
Poor, her!. Little those she knows that he is meant for her husband.
This is one of the reasons, couples filled their forms separately in the club. No one feels for another.
They are in love with each other very much. But no matter how Joe tries, he always has a preference for males. I can say that they are like best friends. Or Brother and sisters!.
Though Izzy discovered her husband cheated on her, she didn't know with whom it was.
She has no idea that it's a man. She always thinks of another woman.>
The other guy at the club is so hot.
He enters the room and undressed at the door.
Izzy is salivating glancing at him ”the guy”, that she doesn't notice her husband is dripping too. And his immediate erection as soon as the guy entered the room. Meanwhile, he has always had problems erecting back at home.
It's so crazy, Izzy in her weirdest parts.
They are enjoying it,
while I'm still at the bar in search of my dudes.
I seat beside the bar drain. I spent time in search of my match without success. I'm done, they have to find me.
"Hello, sexy!."
Someone whispered behind my ears. He hugs me tightly from the rump and stirs me slowly to the rhythm of the music.
I whisper dee
Then my second match came and carried me to the room.
Feeling uneasy. Nice thou!.
It was my first time to have to guys to me at the same time.
While one was undressing me, the other squeezed and massaged my whole body. The sensation was tough.
He nudged me to the bed opened my legs wildly and sucked my pussy. I got several orgasms.
The night seemed longer. I was completely exhausted.
Izzy got it hot that same evening with her two guys. All to her as she thought.
The night finally ended and it was morning already.
" OMG!. What am I still doing here!."
I said to my self lying alone on the bed the next morning at 7 am.
I hated sleeping at the club. But last night was very tiresome and fascinating. I got carried away.
I got up dressed very quickly. I went out passing through the Chinese restaurant.
"Please two plates of Sushi!."
I ordered.
I was extremely hungry. The restaurant scented so agreeably. I couldn't resist.
After eating I entered my car and went home. At home, I slept for hours.
I later got up and tried to fix my home. When the phone rang.
I picked it up and it was Izzy calling.
" Hello, my baby. How was last night?!."
Izzy asked me joyfully.
" It's was very exciting, girl. I sleep all day just to recover. very exhausting and fanatic."
I answered.
" Grace, that your club is fucking great. I can't believe I was there. I can say it was the best sex in my life, so far two men for me alone. Joe was happy to see the other man. I thought he will be angry to see him. But he was happy and exciting for me. I finally attained my orgasm. It was long I ever took off so high. The best is, the guy wasn't seeing our faces. I am thinking, I won't be going there for every thou!. Joe and I to find a permanent solution."
Izzy said so excitedly.
" Girl, enjoy your present moment. I am glad you love the club."
I was happy for her.
We spoke for a lengthy period.
However, we had to stop the call at a certain point. Though we wished we could discuss for the whole day without stopping. She had so much to tell me.
After our day at the club, time passed.
A few months later.
James inducted himself into my house after work. Without my permission.
It really got me angry, it was becoming a habit and I hated it. It was like I had no privacy and control over my house anymore.
So I drove him out of my house never to come back.
He was so angry and disappointed. We really became very close as we used to be. He didn't have boundaries and that was very bad.
The next morning I felt so bad. I got ready for work and I left.
As entered the office James stared at me awfully. It made me feel very bad.
I didn't care he has to understand that it's my house, not his.
I passed by him and entered my office.
Immediately my Boss follows and locks up the door behind him.
"You look very beautiful today Grace."
My boss barely smiles.
"Strange he never tells me such neither does he look at me as a human being. He has too much ego. He always feels he's better than others."
I said to myself amazed.
"Thank you, sir!."
I answered with a fake smile on my face.
He sat on my table facing me. At the same time sneaking his hand into my skirt.
"What are you doing?. Stop these!."
I yelled at him, immediately got up from my chair.
"Oh!. Sorry, don't take it so personal. You just look beautiful. I had to let you know that's all. Don't forget to complete the files."
He murmured into my ears. With that, he left the office.
"What is going over him!."
He acted weirdly.
"He never notices me before. Why now?!. What is he up to?!."
I keep thinking.
What so over that it is, it has to stop.
I give up thinking. I have work to do. Though it's still troubling my mind.
After feeling the files, I took it to his office.
"Boss, these are the documents you asked for."
As I entered his office. I was scared he will misbehave.
I take the files from my hands and he starts reading them.
He didn't look into my eyes. He acts busy and as if nothing happened.
"Is this what I inquired for?. Get back and redo this rubbish you brought to me. I see so many blunders in these reports. Get out of here, with this too!."
Yelled so loud and fling the files on me.
OMG, so embarrassing.
My colleagues were all shocked. They all yearned to know what was happening in the office.
I was furious. I picked up all the documents and left. Without offering a word. I was fusing in anger.
It was one hour before closing time. I needed a minimum of three hours to review all of those files.
I used the whole day end to work back on those files. They were many
I had no choice to stay after closing time to work on them.
Jame rushed to my office as he heard the boss yelling at me.
"Why those he allows attack you?. I am sure you slept with him and drove him away as well."
Jame said.
So pathetic!.
"Just get out of here. I got a lot to do right now. You don't need to add to them. Please just leave my office".
I yelled at him.
"What are you supposed to do?!. I am done for today, I can be of help!."
He asked me.
I could refuse his help. But I had so much to do!.
So I ended up showing him what I had to do and he was of great help.
I know I did a great mistake!.