Gia's POV
I'm completely froze in my spot. As soon as I remove my hands from my eyes, His caramel brown eyes meeting mine. I innerly gasped at the sight in front of me. He looked different. He looked more alive and neat but not forget to mention his true beauty. He's looking more handsome and probably the most handsome man I've ever met.
He looked at me with full of curiosity and scared. I still can't believe this is My Mr Snuggles. Is this a dream? Wait! My Mr Snuggles? Really Gia? What's happening to you? I was brought back to reality when I saw his face getting worried when he got no reaction from me instead standing there with full of shock.
Slowly my I make my way towards him while enjoying the sight in front of me. I stopped when I've reached in front of him. My hands carefully cupping his face. His eyes never leave mine and watch every steps that I make.
A big smile appeared on my face. He still keep a blank face.
"You look ........handsome, Mr snuggles"
Immediately his face lights up with his charming smile. I giggled at his cheeky smile that he gave to me. We stopped looking at each other after we saw a flash coming from our left. I looked at Denzo that is now holding his phone taking our picture.
"Awwe you both will make a beautiful baby perhaps babies!!"
Denzo squeld while clapping excitedly. I swear to god I'm a walking tomato right now. Babies? what? we're not even a couple, We are just .....friends. Yes, friends! Mr Snuggles reaction was not what I expected. He smile happily and shyly nodded. He freaking nodded?! His actions making more crimson red creeping on my face.
I cleared my throat trying to cover my blush and relax myself from Denzo's little predictions. I'm sure Mr snuggles doesn't even understand what's Denzo said and he just nodded. He probably thought it's a good thing since Denzo clapping his hands happily. But somehow my heart hurt when he doesn't know what's the meaning and more sad thing, It won't come true.
Sooner or later, He will leave me when he gets his memory back. My shoulders fall and I don't even realize I pout at the thought. Mr snuggles looked at me in concern when he saw my sad face.
"Gia O-okay?"
My head snapped at the deep calming voice owner. It's Mr Snuggles, I gave him a reassuring smile and nodded as reply.
"Let's go home" I said and his large hand immediately took my hand. As we was about to step out the salon I heard Denzo screaming but not loud enough to make other people hear it.
"Don't forget to invite me to your wedding!! Take care!!"
I almost chocked at what Denzo just said but what even shocking the potato out of me is Mr Snuggles reply.
Was he reply with full of confidence when he yelled back at Denzo. That is the first time I heard his voice with full of confidence and clear. Denzo chuckled when he saw me covering Mr Snuggles mouth and grab his arm to the other side of the salon.
"Do you know what are you talking about?"
I whispered yelled at him. His face was blank at first but started to grinning cheekily and nodded furiously. I raised my right eyebrow questioning him.
I stood there with wide eyes hearing his answers. Well he is not that innocent actually.
"Okayyyyyyyy, That's enough for today. Let's go home and have a great rest because tomorrow I will bring you to the kindergarten since you will be alone at home if I don't bring you with me"
I said in embarrassment as we walked out from the mall and drove towards my house. The next morning I do usual routine getting up earlier than him and make our breakfast. I was flipping the pancakes but my mind occupied with every morning I have to struggle getting out from his grasp. He loves to cuddle every night eventhough I already gave him a warning about keeping a good gap between us since my bed is not so big but the next morning we're ended up cuddling each other especially when there's a thunder.
I step into my kindergarten building first but soon to be followed by Mr Snuggles. I switch on the lights and placed my handbag on my desk.
I heard him said softly amaze at his new surroundings, I smiled when I watch him looking at the colorful and decorated wall.
"You can sit beside me when they arrived"
His eyes sparkles in happiness. I guess he likes childrens like I do. Not long after I started to hear loud noise heading towards us. They are here , I said to myself. The classroom door opened revealing Tony, one of my students and soon followed by the rest of the students.
They quickly went to their seat but not before smiling and wishing me good morning. I cleared my throat trying to get their attention. I walked to the center of the class. Mr Snuggles was sitting on the chair beside mine's watching my every move.
"Hello and good morning to all my beautiful and handsome students"
I playfully winked at them earning a giggles from them.
"As you can see, I brought someone with me today. His name is Mr Snuggles, I hope you guys can get along well. Please don't be shy around him, He likes children and maybe he can be your best friend. So any questions?"
Tony raised his right hand and waving it excitedly.
"Yes, Tony?"
He smile widely showing his white teeth.
"Is he your boyfriend?" I chuckle and shakes my head in meaning No.
"He is my friend" I added. Tony put his hands on his chest with relief expression. I shakes my head while watching Tony's silly action. That kid, I swear he is something. He always tried to get my attention by I mean 'My attention' is He needs my Full attention on Him. Only. He did asked me to be his girlfriend which is shocking me because a 5 years old boy asking YOU to be HIS GIRLFRIEND. I just keep changing subjects whenever he asked me that question.
Tony is a cute boy with dirty blonde hair and his eyes are blue which making him cuter. I'm sure when he is grown up he will be a heartbreaker.I was about to ask others if they have any questions but Tony started to raised his hand ........... again.
"Can you be my girlfwiend?"
Okay... Gia breath in breath out. This is his 10th attempt asking me to be his girlfriend.
Before I could answer someone cutting me off.
A deep voice coming from the one and only, Mr Snuggles. My eyes widened when I saw Tony started to give a glare towards Mr Snuggles that is now folding his arms causing his muscles to be seen clearly, looking at Tony with the same look.
I facepalm myself when things started to get awfully quiet, they keep looking at each other without breaking the eye contact once.
I clapped my hands and instantly their head snapped at me.
"Okay! Today we are going to continue our alphabet study. So please take out your alphabet book"
They immediately do what I was telling them to do. I went to my desk searching for my book but a hand stopped me. I looked at Mr Snuggles.
"Can I ...learn too?" I smiled and nodded. I know he doesn't know how to read and write last week when I asked him to take sugar but he took salt, I was confused because it was clearly labeled. That day he admitted that he don't know how to read and write but glad he wants to learn.
Now it's time for playtime, I let them play at the playground with their toys. I was sitting on the bench while looking at them. The girls was playing with Mr snuggles at the sand box building castle. I felt a tap at my shoulder, I tilt my head to look at the owner, it's Tony.
He looked at me with a cute pout on his face while crossing his arms.
"What's wrong?"
"Why is he stawing at you Miss Gia?" I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
"Who are you talking about?" I asked him.
"Him" Pointing at Mr Snuggles direction. It's true what Tony said. Mr Snuggles now looking at me but I don't know he is staring at me since I saw him playing with the girls.
"He just looking not staring, Tony"
He huffed and hugged himself in disagreement. "I don't like him Miss Gia"
I giggled. I cupped Tony's face.
"That's not nice Tony, you shouldn't say that. You're a good boy and he is a nice man. I like both of you equally not more"
I said softly to him. He shakes his head in disagreement.
"Not true, you like me more right? Miss Gia?"
"Like I tol-" I was cutted off when Tony started to crying. Oh dear what've I done?
I brought Tony's small frame to me and hugging him trying to make him stop crying.
"Shh Shh, Okay I like you more. Now please don't cry Tony"
While patting his back softly and slowly he stopped crying. He looked up to meet my eyes.
"You like me more?" He asked. His eyes still glassy with water from the crying, his cheeks are still red.
I nodded causing him to squeld and jumped happily. He kissed my cheeks and started to run to his friends. I giggled at his excitement but my giggles immediately drop when Mr Snuggles sit beside me and gave Tony a glare.
"Hey don't do that" I said playfully slapped his shoulder.
"Do what?" He innocently ask.
"The glare thingy" He just shrugged his shoulders as reply. I sighed, they really need to stop hating each other. As the time goes by, It's finally to go home after having a Jelousy-hectic-craziness day.
"Goodbye Miss Gia!!" I heard Tony's little voice yelled as he wave at us but his eyes only fall on me not even a glance at Mr Snuggles that is now standing beside me ready to get in the car.
"Goodbye Tony but where is goodbye for Mr Snuggles?"
He huffed but just wave at him with blank face. "Badbye Mr Snuggles"
He said.
"TONY!!" Mr and Mrs Eden said sternly at their son. Tony just ran quickly inside the his car afraid of his parents.
"Sorry" Mrs Eden said with apologetic face.
"It's okay" they nodded and drove off. I look at Mr Snuggles that is glaring at Tony's car as they slowly out of our sight.
"I saw that" His caramel brown eyes snapped at me and shrugged his shoulders innocently. I mentally make note to myself, they need to stop this Hate you thingy as I hopped into my car.