Axel was wide-eyed in surprise when he heard the agonizing groan of pain from Aura, especially since the girl’s face was grimacing in an effort to endure the pain! Oh, my God! With a pounding heart, Axel pulled his junior and muttered slowly. Blood. Shittt! Who would have thought that the woman who came to entertain him was still a virgin?
Damn it! Now what should Axel do? What is he supposed to do? Should he stop? Impossible! His junior already tense, he couldn’t stop! If doing that, he could be a headache up and down! But Axel also couldn’t bear to see Aura still grimacing in pain!
Between passion and common sense a battle raged within Axel, but in the end, passion triumphed over the debate! The devil’s persuasion is much more tempting that the angel’s persuasion!
"I don't care! I paid you, so I'll keep doing it!" Axel said and go back to exploring Aura's red lips, wanting to withstand a scream of pain that would surely burst out when his junior surging in to Aura’s for the second time!
Aura squirmed, attempting to free herself, but it was in vain. Women's power has never been able to win against men, especially men who have been dominated by passions like Axel! Aura could only surrender, accept whatever Axel does to her. Resisting only drains her energy further!
Axel moves fast. His movements became deeper and more irregular, the different sensations making Axel fiercer on the bed. He doesn’t think having sex with a virgin will be as delightful as this! Moreover, Aura’s groans of pain had now transformed into moans of pleasure! Making Axel increasingly aroused!
“I... I...”
Aura was unable to finish her word when the wave of pleasure approached, to strike her. Axel quickened his movements, wanting to reach the peak of pleasure together, until finally, scream and moans of pleasure erupted simultaneously from their lips making the atmosphere in the room feel even hotter!
"Oh my God! This is the best sex I have ever had!” Axel's roar filled with satisfaction.
Axel pulled the seed into Aura's womb, forgetting that it shouldn't have happened!
Besides, he doesn't use condom! But neither Aura nor Axel are aware of it, they were both still busy enjoying the pleasures. The worldly pleasure derived from sexual relations, akin to heavenly bliss.
Aura tilted her head with closed eyes, the pleasure that spread all over her body was so extraordinary. It's the first time she's had such a pleasure.
A pleasure that made her body go limp as if boneless!
A pleasure that can't be expressed in words!
Axel crashed into Aura's body with breaths heavily drawn, not realizing that it made Aura feel breathless. However, Axel's body weight must be much heavier than Aura! But strangely, Aura didn't protest, maybe still floating into the seventh sky because of the pleasure that Axel had just introduced to her! Axel only untangled their bodies after his junior had completed his job.
Axel lay on his back with closed eyes, just like Aura. Appearing tired but fully satisfied.
A minute passed in silence until Axel stared and grumbled slowly when he realized that Aura had fallen asleep into the dream world! Really outrageous!
Only this time Axel was given a woman who required him to work on the bed, usually Axel is served, not himself who serves the woman! But never mind, take it as a reward because tonight he's given a girl who's still sealed virgin! Besides, if still virgin, she doesn't have any experience, do you?
So just think of Axel as a teacher who just finished giving earthly lessons. A lesson that can give them both pleasure! The pleasure that makes Axel want to repeat it again!
Moreover, Axel's usually just fucking with a woman who's been loose! Just this time he was given a still sealed one, so just think he's lucky! A virgin girl is much more enjoyable! Really!
The gentle snoring heard beside his body made Axel realize that the woman he just had sex with is already so tired. Maybe drunk, tired and sleepy mixed up makes her sleepy for a moment. It makes a small smile hang on Axel's face.
'If it’s like this, I can't do it again, but it doesn't matter, I don't want to hurt her anyway. One time is enough for tonight, who knows tomorrow morning I can still continue it!' Axel’s thought, don't want to torture the woman next to him. Axel just wanted to close his eyes when his brain recalled something that made him muttered softly,
'Damn! Why did I pour my seed into her womb? What if this woman is pregnant? Wouldn't it be a problem? I don’t want to have children, especially not with a prostitute! The Xavier’s family reputation could be ruined!' Axel's said, cursing the foolishness and carelessness that he just did for the first time.
It’s not like Axel to be careless like this, usually Axel sheds his seed outside, but it seems that in the moment of pleasure, Axel momentarily forgot! Unfortunately Axel couldn't think any further because the drowsiness he suffered made what was his burden of heart forget in an instant. Axel falls into a dream realm.
With a pure body, without a single stitch, they both fall asleep into the dream realm without realizing what's going to happen next.
A few hours later...
Aura groaning, feels turning, dizzy. Her mouth is dry, thirsty. Aura moves lazily to take a glass of water, but her movements it stops when she feels her stomach is heavy like something is lying down.
Aura turned her head and was shocked to realize that there was a man sleeping beside her with a pure body! Naked! Even the man's hands circled her waist!
Oh, my God! What happened? How can a man sleep next to her with such a pure body like this? Until one fact makes Aura's heart shake, fearsome. Her body is just as naked as that man! There's not a single thread is sticking to their bodies!
'Oh my God, what's going on?' Aura whispered with a fearful, pounding heart.
And her fear became more and more as Aura felt a touch of pain in her sensitive area just by moving a little! Inevitably, the memory of Aura returns, albeit faint. Aura bit her lips, realizing that what she was going through wasn't just a dream, it was real! Aura has handed over her virginity to an unknown man!
'Damn! How can you be so stupid, Aura?!’ Aura thought of frustration.
Aura looked around, convinced that she was still in the hotel, but the room was different because Aura didn't find her suitcase! Aura's heart was filled with fear, realizing that it would be a scandal if she were caught in conditions like this, with a stranger man anyway! This couldn’t happen! Aura doesn’t want her name, career and reputation to be ruined just like that!
'I have to go before this man wakes up!' Aura said abruptly.
With that mind, Aura slowly removed Axel's hand and got off the bed. Her steps was so slow and careful, Aura was afraid to wake up the man who was still asleep beside her. Moreover, Aura couldn’t move freely, the pain was still so intense every time she moved. So painful!
Slowly but surely, Aura grabbed her clothes that were scattered on the floor. She doesn’t know how harsh the man was to her last night until her clothes tattered like this! Exaggeration!
'Why couldn’t the man be more gentle?’ grumbled Aura in frustration.
After Aura put on her clothes again, she reached into her jacket pocket and her forehead furrowing as she realized something felt off. Aura found two room keys with different numbers in her jacket pocket!