Faith's p.o.v
"So, is there something you want to do?" I ask the little girl staring at me with creepy brown eyes,ugh,i hate kids! They're like miniature monsters. I rid myself of the stupid voice and pull the hijab over my head.
"Okay listen here. I'm like four or something but unlike many kids my age, I'm super smart and extremely sharp." she blurts, "So don't use 'goo goo' and 'gaa gaa' voices when you talk to me. "
I nod. This one is going to be hard to tame than I thought, I thought I'd be like,' Hey girl I got you this lollipop,now tell me that Ace is your daddy'. I already have a tape but it has low video quality and the audio is not that good, especially since there was a window in the way.
I told Ace I'd get back at him. He snatched my hall monitoring dreams from me and he expects to walk out of that alive! I'm on professional stalking level and he just hasn't met me yet.
I feel bad for the poor babysitter that I'd tied down in a bush. But I need a solid backup,something bigger that would announce me and take Ace down.
He and his dumb friends had captioned their video,'hall monitoring gone wrong ',let's see how viral, 'Daddy-ing gone even wronger' goes. Okay I'll think of a better caption later.
"Want to start a conversation with me?" she breaks the awkward silence that had followed my reply, I nod slowly.
"Then get me a snack. " she smiles, "Don't get me some stupid ice-cream or yuck, a lollipop.... I want something chewy and crunchy like popcorn, or a chocolate, or a cookie...." she states,her eyes wide open in lust and her voice like a Disney princess craving for a Prince Charming.
I shake my head and withdraw my hand from my handbag, better keep my lollipop to myself.
"How's pizza?" I raise a brow, "That's crunchy."
"Order up Shrek! " she beams. I chuckle and bring my phone out to dial, "You're like a mini-me,you know?"
"Eew. " she says softly, squeezing her face in disgust.
This is taking longer than I'd expected. I need this little girl to get her butt to bed so I can look in Ace's room and see if I can find something worth making my 'video' spicy. People love the spice.
"Okay, get up!" I shout.
"What? And why do you have to be so loud?" she frowns.
"Go to bed,now!" I try my best to sound commanding. That's how little kids work right? You order them to do something and they just like, obey you.
"Why? " she stands to her feet and walks to stand in front of me, standing on her toes, her face only inches away from mine. "So you can steal all of our things and run away? Not on my watch." she moves back and crosses her arms ,"What's your real name? "
"What do you mean? My real name is Ayesha."
"Last time I checked, Ayesha had the voice of a worn-out banana and she was wearing an oversized lab coat." She frowns, "I know you're up to no good, just wait till my da..... " she trails off.
"Till your what? Go on. " I push further, excitedly.
"Till my darling brother shows up. " she snaps, "Now shut up! "
"Okay, this is a waste of life. " I say and stand to my feet, lifting her off the ground and putting her over my shoulder, I run up the stairs.
"Hey! Put me down, ugly monster! " she slaps my back repeatedly. I ignore her cries and head to find her room. That shouldn't be that hard. I smile when I spot a door with colorful letters, E. I. L. E. E. N, painted on it and turn the knob.
"Put. Me. Down!" She yells in my ear and I wince.
"Okay. " I finally oblige and toss her to the bed with a thud. I run out of the room before she can catch up and lock it from the other side . I laugh hard and long as she bangs on the door intensively.
My laughter comes to an abrupt halt when I notice there are three other doors on the block. How on earth am I supposed to know which room belongs to him. Why on earth does a teenager need a house with rooms more than two?
"Enee mini mini mo, catch a tiger bite its toes, if it holers, let it go, Enee mini mini mo." I find myself saying before I can stop. The 'mo' stops right on the door opposite Eileen's. Of course, it's just logical that he sleeps in the room opposite hers.
Surprisingly, Eileen's cries for help have died down but that's not something I'm going to be worried about.
I turn on the doorknob and it doesn't budge. I groan and bring my phone out. I open the google app and type, 'How to open a door without a key' . I smile at the results... Eyeglasses screwdriver, shun that..hairpin,screw, hairpin are for losers.... Oooh,butterknife. He should have one of those.
I hurry over to the kitchen and search aimlessly through the utensils rack for a butter knife. I pat my head when I spot three butter knives and I hurriedly grab one.
Rushing back upstairs, I shove it in, the results had said to push it in as far as it can go, turn and twist until it hits a groove clicks!
I scream in victory and do a little victory dance as Eileen shouts, "What is going on out there! "
I walk into the room and it's pitch black. I groan and start to touch the wall,moving my hand around to find a switch.
I beam when my hand stops on a switch, I flip it and my face goes pale and blank.
The room is empty.