“Spill it, woman. I can see it that you had an eventful weekend,” Maya teases me as we walk together to our management class.
“I can’t escape from this, can I?” I’m actually excited to tell her, but nothing really eventful than I had lunch with Phoenix that almost ruined by his ex.
“Nope. I’m not Amy, so you don’t have to tell me every detail.” She bumps her arm into me.
“We had lunch, then went to the park to eat ice cream and feed the ducks. So, there’s nothing really much to tell,” I tell her the short version, of course, without the sleeping in his house and the encounter with Phoenix’s ex.
“That’s it? What about when you get drunk and he sent you home?” she asks, wearing a wicked smile.
“I slept in his car.”
She laughs. “I knew you would sleep in his car, then?”
“Then he took me home,” I say slowly. “To his home.”
“What? Really? Oh, my God!” Her eyes widen and she shrieks. “I lied. Now, I actually want every detail.”
“What details?” We abruptly stop when we hear Amy’s voice, and she’s approaching us. We act as if nothing is going on.
“I’m actually searching online for her wedding dress.” Oh, thank God. It sounds believable.
Maya nods and plays cool. “I ask her to search online for me. I don’t want to spend too much money. So, I thought maybe she would find some discounted wedding dress.”
Amy looks at me then to Maya. “Oh, okay. I might be able to help you, you know.”
“I know, Amy, but you’re busy with your sex-athon during the weekend, so I thought, I ask Sam instead,” Maya explains.
“So, tell me about this weekend. Who blew your mind with orgasms, Amy?” She rolls her eyes at me, then shrugs. “We almost get caught by patrolling police cars.”
“Oh My God! Did you had sex in the car, Amy? Why did he not bring you to his apartment? You could end up in jail.” I may have overreacted, but I care for her. I don’t want her to get locked up because of a misdemeanor.
“Drop it, we didn’t get caught, did we? It’s my idea anyway,” she says as if it’s not a big deal.
I never had sex in the car. Maybe it’s fun, but it’s reckless.
“Now, missy, how’s your weekend with Phoenix? Did he also fuck your brains out?” Now, it’s her turn to ask me.
I don’t want to tell her, but I know she won’t shut up.
“Nothing interesting; first, we didn’t have sex. Second, we’re just friends, without benefits. And third, we just had lunch. That’s it.” I say, then walk inside the lecture hall.
“I can’t believe he didn’t fuck you. Now I might think he’s gay.” Her voice laced with disappointment.
I glare at Amy. “He is not gay. How he is a playboy if he is gay? He dated and had a girlfriend in college.”
“Then why is he not making a move on you? He likes you, Sam. Don’t tell me he just wants to display you like his China doll,” Amy snorts that makes Maya laughs, probably because of the China doll.
I slump my back to the chair. “He doesn’t date. He just bangs around. I’m a relationship type, so we don’t match, okay?” I sigh, feeling my heart like shrinking.
“Did he even try touching you or kissing you?” Amy won’t ever drop until she gets the answer she wants.
“No,” I answer her flatly. “He is not interested in me. Satisfied?” I just want her to stop because the more we talk, the more she asks questions. That’s the only way for her to shut up.
“Fine. I’ll drop it.” She gives me a sympathetic look.
“Good.” I bite my lip to contain a smile. When I look at Maya, she’s also smiling at me.
When the professor starts his lecture, my lids start to feel heavy. I even yawn. I didn’t sleep well last night and just thought of the tantalizing gray eyes. I was even tempted to finger myself and think of him.
“Are you sure you did not sleep with him? You’ve never been sleepy in the class?” Maya whispers to my ear.
“No, I swear we didn’t even kiss,” I whisper back at her. I don’t want Amy to hear us because she will ask me again and, this time, she won’t stop.
My phone buzzes. I check it from inside my bag because the professor will kick me out of the class if he knows I am using my phone.
It’s a message from Phoenix, and I can’t help but smile.
PHOENIX: Hey, beautiful fake girlfriend, Princess
Samantha. What time your classes end?
SAM: Why, Almighty Phoenix?
PHOENIX: I miss my fake girlfriend.
I don’t even notice I giggle until Amy elbows me.
“What?” I narrow my eyes.
“It’s Phoenix, isn’t it?”
I roll my eyes and don’t answer. Then my phone buzzes again.
PHOENIX: Fine, don’t reply. Bye.
I frown. I quickly get out of the lecture hall as soon as the professor says dismissed. Why am I so affected?
I grab my phone from the bag and dial his number. Phoenix doesn’t pick up. Does he really just ignore me? I press my lips tight, berating myself to dial him again or not.
“Are you okay? You just ran out fast from the lecture hall,” Amy asks.
I face her and give her a tight smile. “I’m fine. I’m just going to call Mom if she’s not sleeping. I wanna spend time with her since I don’t have work today,” I lie because I can’t tell her that Phoenix ignored my call.
“I got to go. Good luck on your shift, Maya. Take care,” Amy says.
“You take care, girl,” Maya says to Amy, then face me, “We’re not done. You will tell me everything tomorrow.”
We walk out of the campus to the parking lot, and I can’t keep it inside me. I feel like I am going to explode. It hurts, and it’s freaking me out.
“He ignored my call when I didn’t reply to his message,” I say in a low voice.
“He didn’t ignore you, Sam. Look who’s there?” she says, pointing to Phoenix with Garrett, leaning against Garrett’s car.
My mouth hangs open, and I think my heartbeat is drumming in my chest. Phoenix smiles at Garrett after shaking hands, then walk toward my direction, and he looks so sexy wearing a smirk on his face.
“Hello, girlfriend, I.” Pinch. “Miss.” Pinch. “You.”
“Ouch! Did you just pinch my face?” I scowl at him. I can’t just forget how he ignores my call.
“Do you want a kiss instead?”
I roll my eyes and narrow my eyes at him. “You’re unbelievable! You ignored my call, Phoenix!”
“You ignored my text.” He glares back.
“I was in the class when you were texting me.”
“I was with Garrett when you called me,” he retorts.
I blow a huge breath. “What are you doing here?”
“Can’t I see my girlfriend? I missed you.” He smiles, amused.
“Fake, fake girlfriend,” I correct.
“Fake or not still a girlfriend.”
“You still did not answer me.”
“I answered, princess. I said I miss you.”
“You said the reason why you’re here. You can go now. I’m going home.” I unlock my car.
“Whoa! And you will gonna leave me here?” Phoenix wears a devious smile.
“Yup because I’m going home. Now, please?” I move to open the door of my car.
“I didn’t bring my car, Samantha. I came here with Garrett. Give me your key, and I’ll drive.”
I refuse to give my keys when he offers his hand. “No way. I’ll drive home.”
“Stubborn little princess. Come on, Samantha, I’m hungry. Let me drive because I’m taking you for lunch. Is this how you treat your hot Tease boyfriend, princess? Who missed you like crazy?”
I groan, “Fake boyfriend. And you came here to have lunch with me?” I can’t believe actually he came to take me to lunch.
“No. I came here to annoy you,” he says sarcastically, seemingly annoyed.
I glare then give him my keys.
He chuckles, “Now, I feel like you agreed with me because I will take you out to lunch.”
I arch my eyebrows and prop my hands on my waist. “Really? I fed myself just right before I met you. Give me back my keys and go feed yourself!” I offer my hand for him to give me my keys back.
“Princess, get inside the car.” He opens the passenger door.
I don’t move a muscle. “Apologize to me, Phoenix that you didn’t mean what you said.” Then I cross my arms over my chest and wait.
He is grinning. “I’ll apologize with a kiss.”
“No way.”
He chuckles, “No way now, Samantha. I’m sorry, I was just messing with you, okay? I came here to take you to lunch because I missed my princess.” I break into a smile. Without saying a word, I get inside the car.
“My car isn’t like yours, so, have mercy,” I tell him in advance.
“Your car runs just well. When you have enough money, you can buy the car you want,” he says calmly and starts driving—that’s what I like about him—he doesn’t judge. His flexibility is admirable.
“Where are you taking me to lunch?”
“To my home, princess. I just finished cooking when I came with Garrett. It will still be hot when we arrive there.” He glances at me, and I almost grin because he’s not just feeding my eyes, he’s also going to feed my stomach.
“Really? Well, I might really think of moving into your house.”
“I told you my door is always open for you. Come whenever you want.” He smiles genuinely. God, how do I deserve a friend like him? He’s not just handsome, kind, and generous, but he also understands my stubbornness.
“Why are you so nice to me, Phoenix?” I ask with a serious tone.
“And why not? Do you want me to treat you bad, instead?” he asks back.
“I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking you.”
“You’re nice, beautiful, sexy, hot, annoying, stubborn, tease, funny, sassy, and you don’t bat your lashes on me. You’re natural. You make me smile, make me laugh, and you’re not bitchy. Do you want more? I can enumerate you for the whole day.”
My brain freezes, and I don’t know what to say.
“Speechless?” he asks, amused.
“Shut up!”
He laughs. “See, you make me laugh, and all you said was shut up.”
“You’re just making fun of me.” I tuck my hair behind my ear, suddenly feeling self-conscious. Does he really mean when he said I’m beautiful, sexy, and hot?
“Because you’re funny.” The sincerity in his voice does radiate warmth through my body.
He let me follow him to his kitchen when we arrive at his house.
“Can I help you?” I offer.
“No, princess. Just sit there in the dining, and be pretty. I already set up the table,” Phoenix simply says.
I walk to the dining table and sit where he set the table for two with flowers arranged at the center.
I can smell the lunch he prepared—a hint of olive oil, garlic, thymes, dills, and black pepper—it smells Greek.
Perfect! My stomach growls.
“See? I know you’re hungry.”
I chuckle because I can’t deny, and it’s loud that he even hears it.
He places the food on the table.
“I’m always hungry when I’m with you because I know you are going to feed me.”
He also chuckles, “You’re very confident that I’m not going to starve you to death, huh?”
“I know you won’t let me die. You’re going to miss me, and no one will make you laugh, and you can’t find someone like me to annoy.”
“You’re right, I won’t let you die. I feed you every day, then annoy you at the same time.” He sits, then starts serving me to my plate.
“I can’t finish all these, Phoenix,” I complain. “Do I look like an elephant to you?”
He put a huge amount of food on my plate that can feed one small family. He laughs. “Just eat what you can. I told you I can feed you every day. I don’t want to starve my princess.”
“You’re not starving me, but you’re turning me into an elephant.”
He looks at me, amused. “Yeah, a baby elephant.”
I wrinkle my nose. “You’re impossible!” I start digging, and my eyes grow big. “Wow!” I hmm, shove a forkful into my mouth again, chew, and swallow, I eat, again and again, then I notice him stops eating and just stares at me.
“What?” I glare, and he answers me with a chuckle and shakes of his head.
“You can actually cook, silly! Why didn’t you tell me you can cook like a chef?”
Phoenix just arches his brow, doesn’t say a word.
“It’s yummy. I will definitely marry you,” I say, then freeze. Did I actually say that out loud?
He bursts out laughing. “I told you I can cook. And really? You will marry me? Well, that’s actually easy proposing you than I thought. All I have to do is feed you with good food. Thank you, princess. I’ll take that as a compliment.” He continues eating.
“You’re welcome!” I almost empty my plate.
We both sit on the couch and watch a movie for a while. When the credits roll, he excuses himself.
I browse business magazine on his coffee table. I read the featured cover businessman Seb Hughes III who is the CEO of Hughes Industries. He’s still young, and yet he manages to raise the company’s profits at peak.
A few minutes later, Phoenix comes back and sits beside me.
“Princess, I have something for you. I hope you don’t mind.”
I look at him as he hands me the paper bag on his hand.
I crease my brows and take it from him. “What’s this?”
“You mentioned that your dad gave you a book every month. I went to the bookstore yesterday, then bought some books for you,” he explains shyly.
I peek and feel the grin spreads on my lips. My eyes widen to see what’s inside, then my emotions have turmoiled, and I burst into cry.
“Hey, why are you crying? I don’t know this makes you cry. I thought you’d like it.”
I launch into him, wrap my arms around his neck, and hug him as I cry again. I missed my dad, and Phoenix does like this means a lot to me more than anything. He reminds me of everything before Dad died.
I feel his hand rubbing my back—it feels good. Suddenly, I realize I can feel her strong arms wrap around me, his broad chest press against mine, and his face against my face until the heat of our bodies merging.
I pull myself away before I get used to it.
I sniff. “You don’t have to do this, you know, but thank you.” I sniff again and take the tissue he offers, then I blow my nose. “Sorry.”
He chuckles.
“Thank, God I came here with you, otherwise, I don’t have books right now.”
“Now I’m really convinced that you want me for food, rides, house, and books.”
I glare at him. “I know you’re bribing me. I’m paying it back to be your fake girlfriend, you hot tease.”
He laughs. He gave me five books—all of them are from the NYT bestsellers.
“Wow! You really pampered me. I can get used to this, you know.”
“Wait. What is this?” I look at the coupon on my hand.
“I thought you might want to buy something, so, that’s part of m gift.”
I hand it back to him, but he pushes my hand back. “That’s yours, princess. I thought you might wanna buy books or school supplies.”
I sigh and smile at him. “Thank you.” I giggle and hug all my books.
His eyes are glowing as he sees me hugging my books and giggling. “You’re really a nerd.”
“And you love me,” I say while putting back all my books inside the paper bag.
“You have no idea,” he murmurs.
“What?” I ask, maybe I don’t hear it right
“Nothing princess.”
I stare at him as he sinks himself on the couch. I place the paper bag on the coffee table and lie comfortably beside him and use his thigh as my pillow.
“Start another movie, Phoenix. Aren’t you going somewhere?” I look up to his face.
He looks down at me and shakes his head. “Nope, not going anywhere.” He then grabs the remote and plays another movie.
“You don’t mind me lying down here?” I ask, and I don’t want to impose. I can’t abuse his kindness because no matter how kind he is, I know he has his own limits.
“Make yourself comfortable.”
I focus on the screen, and he starts stroking his fingers through my hair, then massages my scalp.
God, it feels good.
I try hard to control my moan by biting my lip and press my thighs together. The sensation quickly spreads all over my body. My face feels hot. My heart starts beating fast, and my breath catches. I squeeze my eyes shut. God, I want to moan, and he’s really good at doing it. I wish he does it all over my skin, my body, everywhere. I even forget the movie we’re watching. Then a moan escapes my mouth. I freeze, then Phoenix stops. I look up to his face who is intensely looking down at me with eyelids heavy, and slightly parted lips.
I bite my lower lip as I feel my face heats with embarrassments.
I break my gaze from him then raise my head from his thigh. He cups my face before I can sit back to the couch. Before I can protest, his lips already press against mine. I gasp in surprise, momentarily forgetting all else. My heart raced inside my chest as I feel his wet, soft but firm lips. He kisses me.
He tentatively moves his lips over mine, teasing me, caressing softly my lips with his. My skin tingles, and I can feel the blood rushes through my veins, and it feels good. My heart seems to freeze, then harder again.
My lashes flutter closed, and I am already grabbing his shirt to kiss him back, and he sighs into our mouth.
Our kiss starts to be a frenzy—his wet tongue caresses my lower lip. I gladly open it for him, and he invades his tongue in my mouth.
I shiver with the sensations I’ve never felt before—it’s euphoric, disorienting.
Once our tongues met, I moan, and he moans back. I can taste him—he’s so addicting. Our kiss grows more intense.
I move my hands up to his neck up to his hair, grab handfuls, then I move and sit on his lap, and he moves his hands all the way down to my back down to my bottom.
As I press my body into him—down on him, and I can feel the bulge poking between my thighs—he’s turned on as I am because I can feel my wetness.
His fingers lift up my shirt, and I don’t care—I’m completely lost in his kiss, to our kisses, and to his touch.
Then my world stops—Phoenix breaks it when he stops.