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Chapter 1: Dark Forest

Chapter 1:







The roaring cries of the crowd echoed throughout the Battle Arena.


We are here in the Underground City, a hidden location where gangsters, assassins, mafia princes and princesses, reapers, and other people with dirty jobs take shelter or permanently live.

The majority of illegal work comes from here, and it is protected by the government because they can profit a large sum of money from here during election season. You know, all the nefarious tactics they’ll do in order to obtain their desired position. The authorities as well had never raided this area. You know, money can make anything work.

Not everyone is welcome here though. People can't enter if here if they don't have a UC card, but it can be obtained, they need to be in an assassin guild, gangsters, mafia, or other organization that fits in the criteria. Also, in the black web, you need to fill in a registration form and pay dollars to sign in. Once confirmed, then you can enter but that doesn’t end right there.

That’s where the Ranks come in. UC cards have 5 category, aluminum card for the members or only for access pass for those people who doesn’t have ranks. The bronze card for the lowest ranks. Copper card for the middle ranks. Silver card for between rank fourth, third and second. Lastly, a golden card for the top rank, only few people hold a golden card.

We’re one of them.

Finally, my favorite part of this place, the Battle Arena, where all of the pit fights take place. Rank is extremely important in this game, and you must fight tooth and nail to claim the throne. They will fear and respect you based on your position in the ranking. There is only one rule in this game, and that rule is to win. If you die in a fight, you will die in vain and rot in hell. This place has no concept of justice or mercy, and it is certainly not suitable for the faint-hearted.



Did you hear the raucous applause? Yes, those are our fans. That's right, it's OUR fans! They're clapping and cheering for us. Do you want to know who we are?

Well, let me introduce you to the Xephtys Assassins. I don't mean to brag, but we rule this place. We are the strongest of them all, not only in the Philippines, but also elsewhere. Some say we're the best group in Asia and one of the strongest in the world, but I disagree. We may be number one in the United States and Asia, but what about the rest of the world? Nah, I'll believe it if we beat their asses to a pulp. That was just a theory that has yet to be proven.

"Orcus, get down!" I turned to Styx in an instant as he called out my name, but I didn't see the kick coming my way until it was too late. It lands squarely on my handsome face.

Fuck! I didn’t see that coming! Tsk! I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I forgot I was still in the middle of a fight. I clearly overlooked my opponents. When did my mind start talking so much?

As I lost my footing, the audience gasped in surprise. I let out a groan as my back slammed into the hard ground.

"Orcus, my love, stand up!" One of my chicka babes reacted. Tsk! One way to attract girls! I thought grimly. My poor face. Now I have a bruise face to deal with after this shit.

"Shit! I didn't see that coming!" I curse as I prop myself up and get back on my feet. I shake my head to clear my fogged vision.

"It looks like you're daydreaming again, Orcus. Girls, you say?" Styx smirks as he mocks me. In response, I snarl at him. I stretch my arms and whip my neck from side to side. I also wipe the blood from my chin. Tsk! I had to admit that his kick was a little too strong for my liking.

"Tsk. That was just one lucky hit." I rolled my eyes at him and turned to face the lucky bastard who kicked me. Let's see if his luck lasts. This monkey had more guts than I had anticipated. Tsk! My poor handsome face. This filthy piece of shit needs to pay for it with his fucking life.

The fucker smirked at his insignificant victory. Yeah, smile all you want until I beat your ass. Tsk! He has no idea what awaits him. I give him a icy stare and spit blood in front of his feet. I felt sick when I saw his hideous face!

He launch forward and throw a solid punch, it aims for my face again.

Fuck! I said not the face!

I growled and caught his fist before it hit me. His eyes widen and it's my time to smirk. Let me teach this fucker a very important lesson.

Not to hit Orcus' handsome face!

"Seems like you're getting rusty, Orcus... you know you can—" He hadn't even finished his rant when I knee him in the gut, then I stepped backward with my right foot, drawing out my momentum and delivering a perfect full round kick.

I heard his jaw cracks as it collided with my heel. Blood sprayed from his mouth as I send him flying in to the other corner. Yes I sent him flying. That's how strong my kick is. He didn't have much time to react because he was too busy chit-chatting.

"Who's getting rusty now? FUCKING IDIOT?!" I spit again to his motionless body.

I'm getting bored.

My mood turned sour. Tsk! This fight unnerves me! I can't believe such an ogre could hit my perfect face. I knelt down next to where he landed and grab his collar forcibly. I lean down, leveling my stare to his squinting eyes.

"You dare scratch my lovely fa-WHAT THE FUCK!" Fuck! I jumped in surprise when a bloodied head rolled down to my side.

My gaze quickly followed the trail of blood to see where it led.


My expression quickly changed from surprise to meh, when I saw who was behind it.

Sitan stood in front of a decapitated body.

Not again! I groaned internally at the sight.

That man really had no ides of the word "enjoy." Didn't he notice that I was still in the middle of my sentiments? Couldn’t he sympathize with me? This mother fucker hit me in the face. And yet. He fucking threw a bloody head on me!

Me? This handsome man! Me!

What kind of friend is he? How in the world had he done that? I noticed a small dagger in his left hand, which was still dripping with blood. Seriously? How did he rip that jerk's head off with a single dagger?

Oh, men, he's a monster, wait no, monster can't describe himself, he's a demon, an evil incarnate dude. His name suits him perfectly.

It's not the first time I've seen him like this; in fact, I'm used to it. It’s just that he always takes me by surprise. I'm guessing he's in a foul mood again, aye no, scratch that. He’s always in a foul mood. Tsk! Unlike him, mine was just sour, not foul. He’s a beast!

I get to my feet and snap the ogre's neck before dropping him in a hissy fit. I kick the head out of the way like a foot ball and move closer to Styx.

He lit a cigarette next to a mangled body at his feet. He held it to his mouth, and take a long sip on it. He consumes nearly half of it in one go. I frown at the sight. I feel pity for his lungs.

"How's your oh-so-beautiful face?" He smirked and teased.

"FUCK YOU!" I chide, raising my middle finger.

"You should be grateful because I called your name while you were in your fantasy world. Your welcome by the way." I huffed and glared at him. Tsk! Blah, blah, blah, whatever.

My attention shifts to Sitan.

"Is there something wrong with that monster? He threw me a bloody damn head, dude!" I quickly changed the subject because I knew he'd tease me even more if I hadn't.

This fucker just smirked and tilted his head in the direction to Sitan, who is now by the way talking to someone over the phone.

"What do you expect from the Underground City's king? Someone called him earlier while we were fighting, and I'm not sure what they were talking about, but his aura changed and he had a fit." He said this while finishing his cigarette and toss it’s butt somewhere outside the battle ground, before lighting another one. Tsk. What a chain smoker.

Yeah, you heard it correctly. Sitan is the Asian King of Underground city, and the gang we fought earlier was from the United States. They claimed to be the best in America. Those jerks were also vying for Sitan's throne.

Unfortunately for them, it seems that they underestimated us, and Sitan just happens to have a demon race in his blood, so he chopped off their leader's head. And of course, we're strong and only the best, so we're No. 1 in UC, right?

When it comes to Sitan, it's no surprise that he's the King here at UC, and based on what Styx said earlier, he was talking on the phone while fighting, not a scratch on him and didn't even break a sweat. Unlike me. Tsk.

"That was a brutal fight. Literally a bloodbath. STILL THE UNDEFEATED IN THE UNDERGROUND CITY... THE XEPTHYS!" Yells the announcer from the cylindrical stage on the battleground's fringes.

"Whoooooh! Xephtys!"





Everyone in the audience immediately shouted after they announced the winner. And as the so-called deadly humble prince, I smiled and waved to all my chicka babes as the two of them walked suavely out of the arena, tsk. Those two never really gave a shit. I was kinda hoping on throwing a victory party tonight at the UC bar, but unfortunately it rather feel useless without those two jerks.

Did I forget to mention that we're not gangsters? We're assassins, obviously. Not only we're an assassin, but also a ninja, ninja assassin to be precise.

I followed the two, oblivious to the cheering shouts of the spectators. Tsk! I want to stay but Sitan's foul mood says he's going to castrate me if I did. Which not a very good idea. It might ruin my handsome image and reputation to all my chicka babes and to the future of my very finesse race.

"We're going to the university. We have a class from nine to eleven." Sitan said poker face after we left the Battle Arena. We each drive quickly back to Hill University. It looks fine with me, since our fight began at 7:00 a.m. and it is still 8:30 in the morning, seems like our fight ended earlier than we anticipated.

That is insanely cool!



New school, new beginning, new friends, and new complications. Well, what's NEW? I sigh as I recall the fiasco that has been my life. Why do I even look this way?

For the love of moon. This is my second school transfer, I was constantly bullied because of my appearance.

Oh! Before I forget, my name is Patricia Luzineth Kagomoto Willsmith, and I am the 20-years-old adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cloudio Harry Willsmith. They have no children, well mom had one but it was a still birth, so when they saw me walking down the dark side of a beat down road, they helped me, and when they realized I had nowhere to stay, they decided to adopt me. They treated me as if I were their own flesh and blood. That is why I found myself so blessed to be with them.

If you're going to ask me what I'm doing on that dark road? So, let me tell you a short story. I was kidnapped with my twin sister together with a friend when I was ten years old, and I was the only one who luckily escaped.

"Miss Willsmith, Miss Willsmith." I returned to my senses when the school registrar called my name.

"Yes, indeed! Oh, right. I'm sorry ma'am, what were you saying a moment ago?" She simply sighed and handed me a piece of paper.

"Your mind seems wandering, Miss.” She chastised but then smile, or should I say more likely a grimace.

“Well, anyway, here is your schedule, and thank you for studying at Hill University." I simply nodded and accepted the schedule. Plastic! That's all I can tell her; it's completely obvious from her eyes that she dislikes me.

Who doesn't? They always cringe when they see me.

I look down at my clothes. I'm wearing a jacket and hello, I'm in the Philippines and it's so damn hot in here, not to mention that I'm wearing a surgical mask, knee-length skirt, knee socks, and big glasses, though I left my curly long and beautiful hair hung loose to my waist. Even though I'm not a nerd, I look like one. It's just that I need to wear these things to cover my skin for some reason.

I'm in my third year of college, pursuing a Bachelor of Elementary Education degree. I chose this course because I want to be a teacher, and I also enjoy teaching children. My parents suggested that I take the Business Management courses, but I insisted on taking education. I explained why, and they allowed me to do what I want. Given the fact that even I took a teaching course, I will be trained to manage the business that they will soon leave to me.

And since it's only eight in the morning and my first class will start at eleven thirty. I decided to go around here in university first. At least I get to familiarize the place.

As I wandered around, I came across this spot at the back of the university. It turns out that there's a dense forest behind this school, and even though it was still early morning, it was a little dark inside and foggy as well.

There was a small path that led into the woods. Curiosity arose within me, and I followed the path without hesitation. The first thing I notice is the low temperature, I hugged myself as the cold air clung to me. I'm glad that I wear  jacket or otherwise I'd be shivering by now.

This place appeared to be abandoned and very creepy, quite similar to the ones I've always seen in a vampire and werewolf movies, where someone will suddenly jump from above and strike you. The undisturbed grass and bushes gives me an idea that the students here doesn’t go near this place. I happen to be the only one.

I hadn't realized I'd gotten quite far away from the forest's entrance. The hair on my neck stood up, as if something was approaching to my direction and is moving too fast. Without a second thought I bent down and pretended to adjust the laces of my pump shoes as, then I heard something sink into the tree in front of me.

When I lifted my head, I noticed a star shape metal with a sharpened edges buried deep within the tree trunk. Damn! If I hadn’t move quickly, that thing would have found my head. I quickly pull it out when I heard footsteps nearby. My eyes scanned the area, looking for the source it. It comes from behind me, I turn around and see three shadows approaching from a distance.

Three good looking guys with matching fierce looks piled up in front of me. The other two on the side are clad in black leather jackets, while the one in the middle is dressed in a sleeveless leather blazer with matching driver's gloves. Exposing his firm biceps.

The middle guy caught my attention. He has a fine pointy nose, a strong and symmetrical jaw line, thin pinkish heart shaped lips, tanned skin, and stands around 6'2 in height. Has almond shaped-eyes, and I'm sure he has tone muscles beneath his clothes. Obviously just by judging his body's built. The only difference between him and these two men on his side is that the guy on the right has a round, cute, and handsome face with a bruise. I'm curious where he got that from. He’s also quite paler than the rest.

The man on the left is clearly of Korean descent because of his chinky rounded eyes. They are all tall and attractive and I feel sorry for my five-two footed frame. Although my height is average for a person in the Philippines. I'm still insecure, especially when I’m surrounded with tall people.

"What are you doing here?" The middle guy rudely ask in a cold tone. His deep voice suits his over all physique. But, that changes the fact that he’s rude. Can’t he think that I might be lost or something?

I keep myself from rolling my eyes on him. I guess I’m wrong about earlier about the students not coming here or as I assume that they are studying here since this path leads to the university grounds.

"I was just wandering around the university when I discovered there was a forest here in the back. I-I was just curious, which is why I followed the trail and ended up here." I quickly stated even though I was stammering a little. If looks could kill, I'd be good as dead by now.

Their presence causing goosebumps on my skin but I brush off that feeling. 

When he walked towards me, I taught he was going to hit me, but instead he only look down to my hand and took the star shaped knife, careful not to cut my hand with the sharp edges.

He put it on his pocket. He steeled his attention on me, and he stares intently straight to my eyes, his confuse gaze burned on my face. I had this feeling that he’s the one who thrown that thing to me. Lucky him, I sensed it first before it hit me or else he would be in jail right now.

"Don't you know that too much curiosity can be deadly? You're lucky you avoided my shuriken; otherwise, you'd be dead and alone in this dark forest by now." He blankly stated then passes through me.

I’m right he really did it. I huff furiously and gaped at his back.

How dare he? He almost got me killed and he had the audacity to said that me? Not even an apology? A sorry will do.

“You dumb, arrogant piece of shit! You could’ve killed me!” I shouted to his fading image, my voice echoed through the woods but he paid no attention to it.

I quickly turn when I felt someone put an arm around my shoulders.

"If I were you, I would leave right away. Who knows, maybe it's not just a shuriken will pierce you. It might be a long hard angry sword that in need of a sheath." It was the guy with a bruised face who said it with a wink. Was it me or he just said it with double sided meaning?

He tap my shoulder twice then walked right past me. The Korean guy silently followed.

I was left there astounded, watching their figures slowly fade away through the distance.

"What in the world was that?"

I glanced at my wristwatch, remembering that I still had a class to attend. My eyes widened when I noticed it was already eleven twenty five and I only had 5 minutes until my first class began.

"Oh my gosh! I'm going to be late!"


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