I was angry.
No, scratch that, I was furious! I was angry to a point where all I saw was red.
I can't believe that bastard isn't here yet. It's been two hours since he left me here and still hasn't returned. Should I trash his office? I think I could get away with it since he isn’t back as yet. On top of everything, I hadn't eaten, so I was also hungry. The noises that my belly was making sounded like an alien had found a new home there. I cringed so hard I felt like I sprained something.
Ok, what am I going to do? I couldn't just leave here, since he asked me to stay and take his calls for him. So far, all the calls I have gotten were boring investors looking to have a meeting with him, so I wrote it down. I should be getting a bonus for this, I was not doing this for free.
After a couple more minutes had passed, the door finally opened to reveal a smiling Xander, who seemed to have gotten some sort of good news.
“At least you're happy.” I said while folding my arms and glaring at him.
“Thank you for your patience, I was in a meeting with Mr. Chung. He offered me a great deal, I might add.” I rolled my eyes, not wanting to hear that.
“Can I leave now? I'm starving.” Right, as I said that, my belly started acting crazy again. He sighed and shook his head.
“You're not going to die from hunger, Miss. Hale, don't be greedy.” He replied. My eyes became wide with disbelief. The bastard was making me hate him even more. Occasionally, I wish that he would just shut the hell up.
“I'm leaving. I wrote down some names and numbers of companies that want you to get in contact with them.” I got up and was making my way towards the door when I suddenly found myself being pushed up against the wall.
His arms were caging me in while he was looking down at me with hatred in his eyes.
“I did not dismiss you, so you have no right to walk away from me.” I shuddered from the tone of his voice and gulped.
“If only you would behave.” He's acting as if he were talking to a child.
“Behave? Do I look like a fucking child to you? Oh, please. Let me go now.” I tried pushing him away, but he wasn't budging. I looked up into his gray eyes and got lost in them instantly.
I cleared my throat and looked down, not wanting to seem weak to him. He chuckled and pulled away from me.
“You can leave, Miss. Hale.” He said, making me narrow my eyes at him as I wondered whether he was joking or not.
“You're not going to stop me, right?” I asked hesitantly.
“Naw, you're hungry, and I would rather not be responsible for you if you faint. So, go and get something to eat.” I glared at him and walked away, wishing that I could stay there and stab him to death. Ok, that may be a bit violent, and I wasn’t actually going to do that, but the devil in me wanted to do it bad.
Once I was out of the office, I was about to grab my bag when Emily and Brady stopped by my cubicle.
“Hey, we were about to order Chinese, want anything?” Emily asked, and I nodded my head.
“Yeah, can you get me some Szechuan Chicken with fried rice and wonton soup, please? I'm going to the bathroom, so I'll be right back.” I replied and she nodded her head. Brady smiled at me and I smiled back before walking away from them.
I was now in the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror, I was trying to calm down since my heart was beating a bit too fast for my liking. It started when Xander had me trapped once more, whenever he does that, I can't seem to control myself.
Fuck, I was so ready to let him take me then and there, and I hated the bastard. It wasn't right that I was so attracted to him, but it's not like I can stop the way I feel.
Next time, I just have to make sure he doesn't come close to me.
I laughed and shook my head as I thought about what took place moments ago in my office. I didn't know what I was doing, I wasn't thinking. My mind was clouded with the fact that I had gotten a forty-three percent share deal, which was a considerable jump for me since I already had twenty percent shares in the company. Mr. Bradshaw seemed to like where his company was heading, and he did say it was because of my name why he was seeing an increase in the profit.
I smiled when I realized that something good come out of all of this. It's times like these I love the most, when I get good news, and so far, this was the best news I have ever gotten for a long time.
So, like I said. I wasn't really thinking when I cornered Rachael again. I should be finding ways of making sure that she hated me, but I had to go and pull a stunt like that.
I wasn't going to allow dad to win that bet, over my dead body. But, every time I’m around Rachael, I tend to do stupid things. I tend to forget that I was her boss and she hated my guts.
Maybe, if I swallow my pride and get over this bachelor lifestyle that I love so much, then I could start something with Rachael. I’m just too stubborn to admit my feelings for her. Even so, I don’t see us working out if we decided to put our differences aside. She’s just too feisty for me and stubborn. Or was that the reason I was so drawn to her? She challenges me like no other, which I hated the most.
Perhaps, it’s time to do something that will take my mind off her. For now at least.