(Caroline's POV)
Sighing, I threw my keys on the table and closed the door behind me once I got home. I was still in my volleyball clothes from the intense practice I just had to suffer through. I leaned against the door and pulled my hair out of the ponytail it was in, shaking it out with my hand a little. It fell in a wavy curtain.
"Ninny!" A high-pitched scream came from the living room. I smiled softly as my favorite toddler ran up to me. I knelt and picked him up as his small arms wrapped around my neck.
"There's my big boy," I smiled. No matter what kind of mood I was in, Preston could always make it better. He kissed my cheek before his head rested on my shoulder. I knew he wasn't in the least bit tired though. He just always did that when I picked him up. Preston had wild almost platinum blonde hair and crystal gray eyes. Freckles spotted his nose and across his cheeks. He was only three but he was very intelligent. He was the most adorable little booger ever. It was almost like he was my own son. His small finger touched his lip as he gasped and shot up.
"Ninny!" he said in an urgent whisper. "Can we play cars?" he asked. I smiled lightly and kissed him lightly before I walked him back into the living room.
"Ninny's tired baby," I said, setting him down in front of his toy cars again. I could already see the pout appearing on his face. I reached in my bag and wrapped my fingers around a peppermint. I smiled at him excitedly, immediately sparking his interest. "But, I have a piece of candy for you," I said. His eyes lit up with excitement as he started bouncing up and down happily. He stuck his hand out and I unwrapped the hard red and white mint before putting it in his hand. He immediately popped it into his mouth as a wide grin crossed his face.
"Thank you, Ninny," he said, his voice muffled by the treat.
"Don't tell daddy though," I said in a whisper. I heard a deep chuckle from behind me and smiled.
"Daddy already saw the whole crime," the voice said in amusement. I turned to see my big brother, Daniel, leaning against the wide, open doorframe with his arms crossed. He was smiling at me in a way that said he didn't care though. My brother was the picture of perfection. He had blonde hair, like me, but his hair was lighter than mine. His eyes were the same blue-green-gray bipolar color as mine. We had the same nose and everything; only his jaw line was more defined and he had rippling muscles everywhere. I had long muscular legs and a big butt from volleyball, but my waist was little and I was at least a C, bordering D, cup. I smiled and skipped over to give him a hug.
"What's for dinner?" I asked.
"Spaghetti and meatballs," he threw over his shoulder after he let go of me. I groaned and slouched slightly as I followed him into the kitchen.
"Again, Danny?" I asked in a whine. My brother only shrugged.
"Preston loves it. Plus, that's all Christy really taught me how to make," he said wistfully. My heart squeezed for him sympathetically. Christy was his girlfriend, and also the mother of Preston. After Daniel found out that she was pregnant, he bought a house. After Preston was born, he asked her to marry him. She flipped out and let him to take care of Preston by himself. After our parents died, I moved in with Daniel and helped him take care of Preston; hence, why he is like my own son. I'm practically his mom. I sighed and pushed off the wall I was leaning on.
"You know, you really should bring Preston to one of my games," I said changing the subject. Daniel raised in eyebrows in amusement.
"He would distract the shit out of you," my brother chuckled. I couldn't help the small smile forming on my lips. Danny was such a bad influence. I only shrugged.
"You keep the kid locked inside all day like you don't want anyone to see him. He's not Elsa, you know. You can let him down from the tower," I said, poking Danny in his side. He wrinkled his nose at me. Okay, yes, I just made a Disney reference. Sue me.
"Alright, if you say so, Princess," my brother teased, throwing my princess metaphor back in my face. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help the smile that was creeping on to my face. "I'll bring him to the next game," my brother gave in. I smiled widely as I headed back towards the living room.
"Great, I'll see you tomorrow then," I threw over my shoulder.