"I've told you countless of times, I didn't do it. I can't murder my own sister" Lisa said wiping her teary eyes.
She was in the interrogation room where she was questioned on why she murdered her own sister. But Lisa didn't bulge from her normal reply which was she didn't kill her own sister but no one was willing to believe her. She was literally accused of poisoning Lia.
She looked at the female cop who has been questioning her. She seemed kind of frustrated that she wasn't getting Lisa to admit she committed the crime.
"Listen to me young miss. All evidence points to you. The letter your late sister wrote and a bottle of poison found in your wardrobe. Plus the tension between you and her before her death and oh..let's not forget that you've been accused of sending thugs to rape her too" The cop stated with a face that Lisa found cringe.
"So how do you expect me to believe that you aren't guilty. Not even the judge will believe that. All evidence points to you" she immediately added.
Lisa looked at her confused and shocked at what she said.
She couldn't believe her own sister had written a letter saying that she poisoned her. What was more confusing was the bottle found in her wardrobe. Her head was suddenly spinning.
"I assure you I don't know how the bottle got there and I didn't send thugs after my sister. I loved her more than I loved myself. Why will I do all this things? " Her tears dropped and the cop sighed.
The cop was about to say something when Lisa spoke up immediately.
"I remember. My phone.. I want my phone. I left the house to the club. And when I left Lia messaged me apologizing for everything. I'll show you... I just need my phone" her phone was the only thing she had as proof. Lia literally apologize to her not to forget that she had called her multiple times .
"You mean this" the cop brought out her phone.
" Yes. " Lisa said exasperatedly. She wanted grab the phone but the cop didn't let her.
"We've already checked it. It's empty. No message found" the cop announced making Lisa confused.
" Huh... How can that be possible? She sent me a message. I know that for sure" her confusion that moment was beyond the seventh heaven. This was the only evidence to clear her name Abit.
"You don't believe me? Have a look yourself" the cop offered and gave her the phone.
Lisa quickly took it and entered her message box to find it empty. Absolutely no message whatsoever. She immediately went to her call logs. Also empty.
"How is this possible?" Lisa muttered to herself. The cop immediately snatched the phone from her.
"What time did you receive the call and message?" The cop asked.
" About nine I think" Lisa answered calmly.
" And you arrived home when?"
"About ten or thereabout"
" Well....the autopsy says your sister died 2 hours before discovered. Your mom found her around ten. This means she died around 8pm so how can a dead person send you a message?" The cop asked leaving Lisa dazed at the explanation.
This means Lia couldn't have sent the message but Lisa was definitely sure she received a message from her. Or was she?
"You said you went to club and you were drunk. This means you must have been seeing double that is why you think your late sister messaged you" the female cop analysed thoughtfully.
"You have no evidence which means you did kill your sister. Only that your too stubborn to admit. Tsk tsk." She got up and grabbed Lisa by the hand.
" No I didn't. I promise you I didn't" Lisa yelled but she was pulled anyway to a cell.
Lisa was quite sure she wasn't seeing double. She saw the message. She read the message but it was all gone. Maybe they were right, she was too drunk that she mistaken seeing a message. But what about the call?
She was quite sure she saw Lia calling. As a matter of fact, she answered the call at first and she heard Lia voice.
Or was that all an imagination due to the alcohol she took?
"Hey newbie" she heard a voice call from behind. She found 3 girls sitting and staring at her.
She watched as one got up and approached her slowly.
"You must be the girl who killed her own sister" her fellow cellmate said. Lisa was a bit taken back that other criminals knew about her case even though she was just brought in an hour ago.
"I didn't kill her" Lisa muttered which her cellmate didn't hear.
"Out of all things I can do, murdering my own sister is certainly not one of them" the cellmate who approached her said and others laughed.
Lisa heart broke into two at their laughter. Everyone already saw her as a girl who killed her own sister.
Her eyes became watery with tears once again.
"Am Celine by the way" the cellmate introduce herself and offered a handshake.
"No thank you" Lisa shook her head and walked to the very end corner of the cell burying her face in her knees
"How prideful of someone who is accused of killing her very own sister" one from the other two cellmate snickered at Lisa.
"No need to worry. Cell life will humble her" all except Lisa had a laugh at the last statement making Lisa cry even more but more silently.
"Andy" Lisa whispered as she sat down facing her brother who had come to visit her. She could feel tears filling her eyes and same to Andy. It has barely been twenty four hours that she was released yet he was missing her so badly.
"I told you Lisa. I told you to leave while you still had the chance" he said letting his tears slide down his cheeks.
" No don't cry please" Lisa said raising her hand to wipe his tears while the shackles which connected her hands to her legs made noise.
"I know I know." He said and immediately wiped his tears.
"I didn't killed Lia." Lisa suddenly said and Andy looked at her.
" I know. I believe you. I know you wouldn't do such a thing" hearing those words from her brother made her heart warm. At least someone believed her that she wasn't a murderer.
"Thank you for believing in me" Lisa whispered staring at his brown eyes which he inherited from their dad.
Andy was just five years younger than her. She could remember his birth. Mom and dad were so happy to finally have a baby boy. And so were Lia and Lisa. They would finally have a little brother to take care of and pamper and love and play with. It was everything they ever wanted. Lisa loved him so much right from birth.
Even as they grew, their love didn't dwindled. Andy became closer to Lisa than anyone else. And knowing that he didn't accused her like others did made her have hope. It made her Happy... Extremely happy.
"How's Mom?" Lisa asked but before he could reply, someone jerked him up from the seat.
She looked up to see her mother giving her a cold look. Her eyes were red with both anger and hatred as she stared at Lisa
"Mom" Lisa called out but she didn't reply her. She didn't even bulge.
"Andy ... Why are you communicating with a murderer?" Her mom spoke up finally directing the question to Andy but her gaze never left Lisa's own.
"Mom, Lisa didn't kill Lia" Andy defended immediately.
"Keep quiet. What do you know? Didn't you read Lia's letter along side see the poison bottle? " She asked angrily almost yelled.
" I know but.... "
" It's okay Andy" Lisa immediately interrupted. " I didn't kill Lia mom. Believe me" Lisa said sadly.
Her own mother too were among her accusers. Nothing.. absolutely nothing hurt more than this.
"Shut up. You did. I can't believe you could do this to your own flesh and blood" her mom half yelled not wanting to attract attention.
" But mom... " Tears choked Lisa voice not enabling her to speak.
"I hope you rot here in jail" her mom hissed before grabbing Andy hand and leaving.
A cell guard grabbed Lisa and pulled her away back to her cell not minding her tears or saying any comforting words to her. He didn't have to anyway.