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Taming The Arrogant Daddy

Favor V April
61.0K · Ongoing


Warning: 21+ When Jade discovered that her mother had stolen her educational funds, she decided to pursue the man her ...


What's your fantasy?

~Jade’s POV~

90, 91, 92. This has to be the worst ad ever; how the fuck did I post ads on websites, different websites, to be exact, and yet I haven’t received a call in a week?

93, 94, 95, 96.

I always count to 100 every day before switching the damn phone off. “Cheers to yet another productive day, Jade!” I said to no one specifically but myself. I thought people loved phone sex, but I guess I was wrong.

97, 98, 99, 100.

I sighed. This shit is outdated; people want the real thing, not some phone sex with a stranger. One does not have to rely on the Internet; it is deceptive. Suddenly, my thoughts were disturbed by the ringing of my phone just as I was about to turn it off. I cleared my throat and swallowed hard while trying to master the most seductive voice that could make a man cum over the phone.

“Thank you for calling The Heart Of Desires; what’s your fantasy?”

“Your juicy pussy.” Straight to the point, I blushed shyly. I don’t know what I’m doing, but if this has to work, I have to go with the flow. I have never done phone sex before, but I need the cash, and besides, it’s not like I’m having real sex. I swallowed hard again, trying to convince myself and answer the man at the other end of the line.

“Straight to the point, I like.”

“How many clients have you got so far?” I should lie, but there is something about his voice that dares me not to. The authority, the power, everything about this voice makes me want to go look for him and lay on a table for him to devour my virgin pussy.

Aargh, Jade, focus!

“Just you. I opened last week and haven’t had calls since then.”

“Honesty, I like. Now, my fantasy. I would like you to give me your phone number, and I would like you not to have any more clients. Just me, what do you say, Juicy J?”

“How do you know my name?” This man sometimes sounds like he’s from another era. His voice was so cold like ice that could freeze a beating heart.

“The ads you posted online, Miss Juicy J,”

“Oh yeah, the ad. So Mr...” I dragged the Mr. part out for a little too long before he told me his name.

“Dark, call me Dark, but when I call you for your services, you can call me Dom.”

“Dom? As in, like Dom Daddy?”

“Even better.” We are engaging, but this man shows no emotion; his words are icy, more like an “I’m the one paying” kind of conversation.

“Dark, I just opened and you are my first client; what if I lose money while entertaining you alone?”

“Dark doesn’t share. Name your price?” Oh God, I don’t know much about money. I mean, I’m only 18; how much is enough?

Shit! This is tricky.

“How much can you afford, Dark?”

“The whole world, I guess?”

“I’m not good with prices, Dark.”

“How about we see how juicy your boobs are for $1000, Miss Juicy J?” I almost screamed at the top of my lungs, but wait, he just said,


Who are we? Aargh, who cares? He wants to give me $1000 just for my boobs. I can send him a picture of boobs from the internet. A knowing smile appeared on my face.

“Miss Juicy J, when you send your boobs, please make sure today’s date is showing. Oh, and I know how to spot boobs from the internet; technology makes things easier these days.” I cursed. Argh, I lost. “Is the number on the ad your number, Juicy J?”


“Good, give me your personal number and our business starts when you send me those boobies.” Make sure you create an Apple Pay account." I gave him my number, and he sent me a winking emoji as a text.

Shit! This man is going to be the death of me. I went to my room. I stood in front of the mirror with no T-shirt on and no bra on, staring at my boobs. I turned to the side to be sure my boobs were full enough to be displayed. Call me crazy, but I need that $1000, and if I want more cash, I have to make sure my boobs are worth it.

Great, I’ve got full, round breasts. I’m sure Dark would like it. I sighed and took the damn picture. I closed my eyes and pressed the send button. I threw myself on top of my bed, waiting for Dom Daddy to text me what he thought of my boobs.

Five minutes passed, and there was nothing…..

Did he fucking scam me? Oh my God, I was scammed. I fell for a scam!

How the fuck do I report this? I laughed at my stupidity; I just sent a stranger a picture of my boobs. Holy mother! I will start trending soon. What will my dad say?

I started pacing back and forth, not knowing what to do. I can’t delete a sent message. I have just proven to Kate that I am indeed useless. My dad is going to kill me.

In the midst of my panic, I received a text message on my phone, which I opened to find a fucking $3000!

Holy Christ! It was supposed to be $1000. I took my phone and texted him.

Jade: What happened to $1000?

Dark: Miss Juicy J, this is business, and besides, I am a generous man. You need to learn how to negotiate. I can even pay $20,000 if you can convince me.

He sent a winking emoji again. I smiled and laid back on the bed, thinking of how much more I could make if I just did what Dark asked me to do.

I think I will love this; I will never be broke in college. I will at least get the things I need. I sighed, knowing that I would get to help my dad with his business, too. Kate took everything from him, and now we are just managing. Some mothers protect their children, but my mom is about going after the richest men ever registered. She’s all about being young and marrying rich men. Well, marriage number 7 didn’t work. Who is her next target?

Maybe Domenico Lombardi I laughed; that man is unreachable. I heard he is scary and handsome as hell, and I will be working with the devil himself as his part-time personal assistant.

I went inside my bathroom, took a shower, and rested; tomorrow I have a long day ahead of me. An interview with the devil and going to the bank for my tuition fees.

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