The car came to an halt and I looked out of the window, trying to see where we were.
"Bring her." I heard one of them say.
"Where are you taking me!" I yelled in tears. I'm so done.
The man that sat next to me grabbed me by the hand and led me out of the car dragging me.
"You are hurting me! Don't you know how to treat a lady?" I asked in anger and they bursted into laughter.
"Why not ask our boss when he comes, if he won't slit your f**king throat." They said and I kept mute swallowing hard.
I can't believe I got myself into such a huge mess the first day I decided to live on my own.
I looked up and in front of me was a very large mansion. When I saw Large, I mean a really very large mansion.
"Wow." I said not knowing when it escaped from my mouth. They led me into the gates, this time I didn't have the strength to struggle with them. I mean, I was lost in the beauty of the mansion.
"Do Ramson own this?" I asked not talking to anyone in particular.
"How dare you call him by name!" They yelled making me flinch.
"So what do I call him?" I asked as they dragged me to the main door.
"You have no right to call him anything. Just shut up." One said and I nodded keeping shut. The main door opened and they led me into the house.
"Woah." I said as I looked at the living room which looked like Heaven. The ceiling was far above and a very beautiful chandelier dropped down having such glittering colors.
"Where does she stay?" One asked the other.
"I don't know. Boss didn't mention. She stays here still he is back." He replied as they left me. I began to walk around the living room looking at it well.
"Don't touch anything. We are still here." They roared.
"Won't you offer me a seat at least?" I asked in a sweet voice.
"No. You stand till the boss has arrived." They said looking at me and I nodded sadly.
At least I will get killed in a beautiful mansion. It's better than dying on the streets.
After some minutes of standing, by legs began to hurt and I really needed to sit. I looked at the men that followed me in and I saw they weren't looking tired at all.
"Can't I at least sit on the floor?" I asked and their deadly look shut me up immediately. I sighed feeling so tired and I felt tears roll down my eyes.
I heard the noises of car entering the compound and my heart began to beat fast.
"The boss is here." They said and grabbed me by the hand to themselves. This is death time.
I really wanted to see this Ramson well. At the market,I couldn't see his face properly. I was too scared to notice his face.
The door opened and a man walked in. I looked at at his face and I got lost.
Like wtf! Why would he be so handsome and kill people with ease. He was so so cute and I couldn't take my eyes off him.
He had such a great stature, black shinning hair, a very beautiful skin. And then as he approached me,I noticed his small cute lips and narrow nose.
"Don't you think it's time you looked away?" He asked as I realized he was right in front of me. I kept mute bowing my head.
As i remembered the death of Ma'am Tonia, anger arose in me. But what can I do? I am helpless! I don't know no one, absolutely no one here. I am on my own.
I was still in the middle of my thoughts when I heard and saw him cork his gun, and my heart stopped for some few minutes.
"Your last words." He said pointing the gun to my forehead and I began to shiver. I summoned courage and then spoke up.
"Why did you kill Tonia when you knew you would kill me? I told you to let her be, kill be instead, but you did the opposite." I said in tears.
"One minute more." He said adjusting his handling on the gun.
"I wish your deeds doesn't led you and your mother where you don't want." I said and shut my eyes very tight.
I felt him press the mouth of the gun on my head and my heart nearly stopped. I was prepared to hear a sound and then that's it.
I waited for the bullet but I heard nothing. I opened my eyes and I saw him staring at me.
"You should thank mother for saving your life. Though she didn't save you from my punishments." He said withdrawing his gun.
To me the punishment sounded like more pain than death, I really wanted him to kill me. Don't want any punishments from him.
"Why not kill me and save yourself the stress?" I asked and he looked at his men.
"Lock her up on the third floor, the last room. After that, you call the maids to do their job." He said and walked up the stairs.
"The maids to do what?! What job?" I asked the men that held me and led me up the stairs but they altered no word.
We got to the top and I saw some ladies and women walking all around. They looked like maids, cos they had the same uniforms on. They were pretty many in number.
"How come he has so many of them? Don't they have parents? Or better works to do?" I thought and I saw that they looked at me and shook their heads in pity.
"Another machine." They whispered to my hearing and I looked at them not knowing what they meant.
"Hold on. What do they mean by "another machine?" I asked the men, but Instead of answering me, they kept their straight ugly faces up.
I guess we got to the room Ramson described, cos we all stopped and they reached for the door. They opened it and pushed me into the room.
I almost fell but I gained my balance rapidly. I looked up and I saw the room was very beautiful. It had a very large bed in it.
It was painted in blue, and had other amazing furnitures, like the drawer, the mirror, they were made of shinning stuffs.
It wasn't ugly as I thought it would be. I mean, where they keep people meant for punishments shouldn't be as beautiful as this.
They threw me on the bed and I felt great comfort as I landed on it.
"Wow. The bed is damn comfortable." I thought not knowing when the took my hand and began to handcuff me to the bed.
"Hey, this would hurt me." I said as they did.
"It isn't meant to make you happy." One said. I tried struggling but I only hurt myself as I did.
They handcuffed my hands and legs and walked out of the room. I breathed hard looking around the room again, then to my handcuffed hands.
After few minutes, some ladies came in looking sad. But one was smiling at me, I guess she would be someone I can talk to.
"Loose her." One said and they reached for my hands and legs, they began to release me.
"Thank you." I said and she smirked.
"We aren't here to save you. No one can save you here, so just act cool." She said and I nodded keeping mute.
They made me stand and reached for my blouse.
"Wait! What are you doing?" I asked in shock.
"To give you a bath." They said.
"I can take a bath myself. I don't need multitudes okay?" I said and they laughed except the lady that kept smiling at me.
"We all said the same thing when we go here. Strip her and get her into the bathroom." The lady I supposed was the leader said.
"Wait. I won't struggle with you. I guess you have been in my shoes before, trust me I will do anything. I will strip myself and take my bath. If you think I will try anything, you can leave someone with me."
"You can take a break. I will do just fine with one of you here. And the boss won't know about this." I said hoping they would listen to me.
"I! I will stay with her." The lady who kept smiling said and I felt so happy she was the volunteer.
"Fine. Everyone out of the room. Mary I give you ten minutes to be done with her." The woman said and she nodded.
They all walked out of the room and I sighed dropping my hand from my chest.
"You look beautiful." She said and I smiled faintly.
"Thanks." I replied faintly hoping she wasn't nice to me because she wanted something or had a plan.