"Seriously? You are kidding me, right? There is no way in hell I am going to ride in the car like you," I said for the umpteenth time as Evander, his beta Alex, and the guy from last night, Jason, sat on the table while looking at me as if I was some kind of amusing toy for them.
"Mr. Jason, you tell me. Will there be no rumors between me and my alpha brother if we go in the same car? Won't they cook something in their heads when they see their teacher coming with the new girl? Even if they don't guess he is my brother, they'll know that I am somehow related to him, and what will be the use of going through the hassle of hiding things then? And even worse, what if they think I am his girlfriend or something like that? It would be a disaster," I said, feeling annoyed.
"Is there a problem with being with me? And why would it be a disaster if someone calls you my girlfriend? Why do you talk like it's a matter of shame?" Evander asked me annoyed, and I scoffed.
“Seriously? Is that the only thing you can think of?” I asked before rolling my eyes at him.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me, Avyanna,” He sighed, and I gritted my teeth before looking away.
This guy was insane. Just last night he was all okay about me not calling myself his stepsister, and now he is acting like that? What happened overnight for him to react like this? Does he suffer from bipolar disorder or something like that? I thought before looking at Jason.
"You don't teach at school, right? Why don't you drop me at school?" I asked, and Jason nodded his head before shaking his head when Evander glared at him.
"Well, actually, I think you should go with your brother instead. I mean, I don't have any problem getting involved with some rumors with you. You can make me your sugar daddy for all I care. I mean, I would love -"
"Jason, why don't you go and see what is the matter with the Blue Lake pack? I am sure you have some work to do," Evander said, his eyes glowing dangerously, and I sighed before slumping in my seat.
"You know what? Let's go. It's not like I have a choice here, do I?" I said, and Evander picked up his car keys before walking out, making me follow him, and did I mention he had a big arrogant smirk on his face?
Yes, he had one, and it was annoying as hell.
After twenty minutes we were finally at the junction that will lead to the school, and I looked at him hopefully, to which he rolled his eyes before nodding.
"You can get off here from now on. I will drop you off and pick you up from here. I have already punched my number in your phone last night. You can call me whenever you need help with something. Also, the school is attended by werewolves from the nearby packs and children of other species too, which means there will be future alpha and beta from the other packs along with kids from some dangerous families and species. You are a lantern, and I hope I don't need to tell you it's not good for you to fight them, right?" He said before leaning towards me, making me lean back as I saw him looking at my face observantly.
Wait. Did he just indirectly lecture me? What did he mean by that? He is acting like I am some kind of troublemaker.
'Well, aren't you one?' My wolf reminded me, and I rolled my eyes.
'I am, but he hasn't seen that. So he doesn't need to act like this, okay?' I said defensively before putting the mind-barrier to shun her out.
Wait. Why is he leaning towards me? Is he going to give me some kind of goodbye kiss too? And if yes, then where will it be? On my cheeks? My forehead? Or will it be on my- I thought wide-eyed before squinting my brows.
Hearing the clicking sound of something unlocking from behind me, I looked at him awkwardly when he retreated.
Darn it! He was just unlocking the car. What was I thinking? Now I am sure I either need a distraction, which will come in the form of some fun, or I need to get out of that damn house where I can stay away from my sexy brother.
"Be good, okay?" He said, ruffling my hair, making me scowl before he drove off.
Walking inside the school, I looked at the distance where Evander got out of the car, and the girls started fangirling over him.
Honestly, what do they even see in him? I am sure they'll run 10 km away if they come to know how moody he is in reality.
'Oh come on. Don't act like you didn't like those muscles last night when you were ogling at him,' My wolf said, making me realize I need some kind of meditation to keep her in control because her interruption like this, seriously gets annoying sometimes.
Going towards the head office, I smiled at the lady politely, who had a welcoming smile on her face before handing her my documents.
"New transfer? Oh, Avyanna Roosevelt, I remember you. It's so sad to hear about your only guardian's death," She said, and I nodded my head before squinting my brows when her words registered in my mind, not understanding what she meant.
Something was definitely not right. My only legal guardian? What is that even supposed to mean? Yes, my grandmother died recently, but my mother is still alive.
"Hey, I…uhh…can I see my registration form? I have recently changed my address and contact details. I want to make sure if they are right," I said, and she nodded her head before turning her laptop in my direction, making me look at the form, my eyes darkening when I noticed the name of the guardian being empty.
"Hey, is there a problem here? The place of the guardian here is empty. I am sure a lady registered me. Didn't she mention who my guardian was?" I asked, wanting to get my grip on the matter.
"Yes, I particularly remember your name because the head of the school had called us to tell us to give you a seat. We don't take orphans in this school. I mean, the orphans who don't have the certificate of an orphanage or a permanent residence proof. I am surprised the head approved of it," She said before turning the laptop towards her and punching some keys while my mind was fixated on her words earlier.
"Anyway, you will get late for the class. Here is your schedule and class number. You can have a look at the map over there or just ask any student for directions. I hope you have a good time here," she said politely, and I took the schedule from her hand before nodding my head as I walked out of the office absentmindedly.
Walking in some random direction as I heard the bell ring, I sighed loudly.
'I am sorry for your pain, Avy. I didn't know your mother would be so cruel to register you as an orphan,' My wolf said after some time as if testing waters, and I scoffed at her words.
'That's okay. I should get used to her treating me like this by now, no?' I thought before making a swift turn, groaning in pain when I bumped into someone.
"Avyanna? Where have you been? I've been trying to locate you for so long. And why didn't you pick up your phone?" I heard Evander's voice, making me look up at him.
Seeing the worried expression on his face, I couldn't help but scoff.
"You don't need to act so worriedly about me. It's not like I am your sister anymore," I said before walking past him, and I had only walked two steps when I felt him gripping my hand, making me jerk it as fast as he held it.
"Avyanna, behave. We are not going to have this conversation here, and you are coming with me to the class. No ifs, no buts," He commanded, and I had no reason to oblige him. However, at the moment, I was too tired to speak anything.
Probably taking my silence as my agreement with his arrangements, he held my hand by the elbow before dragging me through the empty hallways.
'Avyanna, step out from it. You are stronger than that,' I heard my wolf say, and I sighed before nodding my head.
"I think I can walk," I said, jerking my hand away, making him look at me.
However, rather than giving in to his angry stare, I looked back at him challengingly.
"This is your class. I am going to call you in a minute. So come after that," He said before looking at me as if to ensure I got the point.
Sighing loudly, he entered the chaotic room that became silent as soon as he entered, and I noticed how he looked in the front with a neutral expression.
"So guys, before starting the lesson for the day, I would like you to meet the new -" He started plainly, and I rolled my eyes at his way of starting my so-called introduction.
Walking inside the room, without even waiting for him to finish, I stood beside him, looking at everyone, as they looked back at me curiously.
"I am a transfer student," I said before taking the chalk and writing my name on the board.
'Avyannaa Roosevelt' I wrote in my cursive handwriting before looking at Evander, who had a relaxed expression on his face.
"Would you like to introduce yourself?" He asked me, and I know he had said those words sarcastically, but who was I to drop the chance?
"I am Avyanna Roosevelt. You can call me Avy or Anna. Don't mess with my surname. I treat people how they treat me. Also, don't pick on me thinking I will take anyone's shit, I know to fight back," I said before grinning at Evander, who sighed before nodding his head.
"You can pick whatever seat you want to," he said, not bothering with arranging me one, which I was glad for.
Seeing a girl, sitting in the farthest corner with a hoodie, hiding more than half of her face, I shifted my bag from one shoulder to another as I walked towards her.
Placing my bag on the bench casually, I sat on the seat, squinting my brows when people started whispering while looking in my way as soon as I did that.
As if disturbed by the sudden commotion, Evander looked at me, his eyes darkening for a second before he sighed and went back to teaching.
Intrigued by the girl sitting beside me as she didn't say a single word even after thirty minutes, I nudged her leg softly.
Yes, I know what everyone is thinking. I can't mind my business. I need complications and problems in my life. Besides, I was sure it was because I sat here that everyone was looking at me like that.
"What?" I heard her annoyed soft voice, making me smile for no reason.
"I thought you were mute," I said, and she turned to look at me before sighing and going back to do her idling, making me squint as the student sitting in front of me turned to look at me before shaking their heads at me.
"There's a reason they are looking at you like that. And I think you should look around your surroundings and get the hint already," She said after some time, and I looked at her again.
"Get the hint? Observe my surroundings? The only thing I see is an introverted girl sitting with the hoodie, trying to scare me off. But what she doesn't know is she is looking even cuter doing that," I said when Evander went into the teacher's room, and everyone around me gasped.
"Look here, pup, you better not call me that. You don't know who I am and what I can do, so you better stay clear of me," she said, and I nodded my head at her.
"Your defensive acting makes it more believable. Besides, what are you? Are you some kind of demon that I should be afraid of?" I asked, and she scoffed.
"Nope, not a demon, but her daughter instead," She said casually, and I widened my eyes, looking at her with astonishment.
"You are what??!!" I practically yelled before standing, making Evander look at me with an annoyed face.
"Is there a problem, Miss Avyanna?" He asked me, and I shook my head as my hand was pulled down by the girl, making me sit.
"Can you keep it low?" She hissed, and I nodded my head absentmindedly.
"There are humans too in this school. Can you not make a fuss about it? Now you know why they don't talk to me. They are scared of me, and you should be too if you want to stay alive," She said the last statement as if it was nothing, and I scoffed.
"Just because you are the demon's daughter, I should be afraid of you? Egoistic much? I am going to sit on the same seat from now on. You've got a problem with it? You can leave, but that doesn't mean I won't follow you," I said, and she looked at me through the hoodie, her eyes not visible to me, but I was sure she was glaring at me.
'Avy, are you out of your mind? There must be a reason why even the alphas in the room don’t interact with her as she said. Don't dig a hole for yourself just because you are sad about what your mother did with your registration form,' My wolf said, reminding me of why I was sad, and I scoffed.
'It's not about that. Don't you remember how I used to stay when I used to have no friends? Demon's daughter or not, everyone deserves a friend who looks out for you, and since I know many of them are going to be fake, she can be one of my best friends here. Why? Because she has been in my shoes. Look at her. Who'll call her a demon's daughter? She is so adorable,' I said, and my wolf shook her head at me.
'Only you'll call a demon's daughter adorable,' She said before leaving me alone, making me squint my brows as this was the first time she left on her own accord.
Looking up, I understood why she did that. Almost everyone has already left the class, including the hoodie girl, and right now I was the only one in the class with Evander looking at me as if demanding answers, and I, who didn't even know what the question was, looked at him innocently.
“Can I help you, Mr. Sterling?” I asked, mustering my best innocent look, and he rolled his eyes at me, making me sigh.