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Let's be friends

Peace's POV cont'

The both of them arrived at Kayla's house and sat down on the sofa, Kayla who is so happy to finally have Peace in her house quickly went into the kitchen to prepare some snacks for them to eat while Peace turned in the Television to watch some show.

Kayla saw that the only flour in the kitchen as an X sign on it which means it belongs to that strange girl, she decide to use it since she never touch it and replace it later.

She starts to make some pancakes for the both of them while cleaning up the mess her friends made in the kitchen also.

"How could they leave the kitchen so dirty" Kayla thought annoyed and remembered she left her room disorganized looking for a perfect dress in the morning.

She left the kitchen and quickly entered her room to tidy things up so peace wouldn't see them

Peace turned the channel a couple of time not interested in the things that are being showed on the TV, he is not really the type that is interested in football and finds watching movies boring.

Just as he stood up to go check on Kayla in the kitchen and keep her company instead of being bored, he heard a noise from a nearby room and turned towards its direction.

A girl comes out with her eyes closed as she imitate the singer of a song she is listening to with headphone on her ears, she twist her body in a funny way and dance singing the song out loud not aware that there is someone else in the room.

Peace stare at her amazed and watch her silently with making a sound, she move towards the living room and picks up something from there before proceeding to go back and stopped seeing him.

"Hello!" Peace greeted knowing that she saw him and smiled. He never knew Kayla has a housemate that is so funny like her; whenever she tells him about her housemates it always have something to do with parties.

The girl freeze and looked so shocked to see him there, she touched her back as if searching for something instantly turned her face down

"Who are you? How did you get in?" She question with a stern and annoyed tone

"Am Kayla's boyfriend" Peace quickly replied and felt familiar with the voice.

He thought of who it could be and before the reality hits him, she ran like a lightning to the room in front of her banging the door.

Kayla comes out that minute and question Peace about the noise she just heard but before he could answer, she rushed in to the kitchen to check on the pancakes then return to the room to see Peace still standing in the position she left him

"Is something wrong? What was the noise I heard earlier about?" She asked again and sat down.

"One of your housemate is around" Peace said getting over the surprise and returned to sit down beside her

"My housemate? What do you mean my housemate? They all left..." Kayla stopped and realized that it’s the unknown housemate of hers

"Did you see her? Wait a minute, she came out of her room?!" Kayla exclaimed amazed and that confuse Peace.

The girl he saw just now is the same girl he has been trying to find or so it looks like.

The other two times they met he didn't get to see her face clearly but seeing her whole face today he is sure she is the one.

He had thought that Kayla knows and didn't inform him on purpose but hearing her strange words he doubt that possibility.

"Did you see her face? How does she look like? Have not been able to see her clearly" she continue looking excited

"You don't know her? Isn't she living in the same house with you?" Peace questioned and Kayla took a pancake taking a bite from it before answering his question

"Yes, we don't. She never comes out of her room or go to class, I even doubt she is a student we even had a thought that she might be so ugly to show her face so she hides all the time" she said and gives one of the pancakes to Peace who took it and drops it back in the plate

"She is too ugly?" Peace said repeating her words; the girl he saw just now isn't anywhere near ugly.

"Yes or some vampire but I saw her days back by accident and am sure she is not ugly but still a weird girl" she replied.

"Weird girl indeed" Peace murmurs and decides not to tell Kayla that she is the girl he has been searching for or she is going to get upset

"Just forget about her, she wouldn't come outside again. I will grab some drink for us" Kayla and left to get it...

Dennis's POV

Dennis panicked after returning to her room, she pace the room up and down feeling restless and confused thinking whether to call Luther or not.

She couldn't believe that the crazy guy is in her house and even one of her house mate's boyfriend, she tried to avoid him and even stopped coming to some class but he still followed her to the house

To make things worse she didn't even cover up her face like usual which means he saw her face and must recognize her already

"What if he is lying?" Dennis thought, she didn't remember seeing a girl with him earlier and everyone should be at a party.

Dennis thought over and over on the best thing to do and decide to text Luther first then go out to see what he is doing but as she make a move to open her doors she heard giggling coming from a girl and stopped

"Seems like one of them is home" she thought and retreat then text Luther again that its nothing before sitting on her bed to relax.

Dennis usually come out of her room whenever the girls are out because she has an exceptional hearing and can hear things or people from a long distance so she knows when they wouldn't be home and she usually have the house to herself and a time to stop hiding so much and have fun.

Still worried that he has recognized her and might have some intention Dennis decide to tell Luther everything.

The day after she went to the lecturer's office, she was sitting at the back of the class when she heard someone call her name from the back wondering where she is.

Dennis knows she has no friends and no one would look for her in class and used her ability to listen to the discussion between the two guys, apparently the guy is looking for her because of the mistake she made on the test by letting herself come first and wants to know who she is.

At first, Dennis thought that if he doesn't find her in two days he will give up but doesn't except him to keep looking and then she begin to suspect the he probably has an ulterior motive or even working for those people

Dennis trembled at the thought of those people and a shiver went down her spine, she has done everything to make sure they wouldn't find out where she is and decide not to trust anyone except Luther of course.

"I need to do something" she thought getting back to her song


Peace's POV

Peace left the house the next morning because Kayla insists he spend the night and wanting to see Dennis again he agreed easily but she didn't come out of her room.

He came out in the middle of the night to check if she will be out thinking they are sleeping but she remain in her room, he could swell he didn't hear any sound from her all through the night.

With a plan in mind, Peace entered the class after convincing the lecturer to get the attendance for the class since he doesn't do that regularly.

He sat down in a seat where he will be able to see everyone in class as they answer their name and waited

The lecturer soon start calling names and he heard him call her name after the firth person's name, Peace turned eagerly to hear her answer her name but she didn't talk.

The lecturer called her name again before marking her absent and move on to the next name.

Peace was disappointed his plan failed and effort wasted, he decide to focus on the lecture while thinking of other ways to get her to come out of her shell.

At the end of the class, he sat down for a few seconds before leaving and since Kayla isn't taking this class he walk alone to his car and suddenly felt a smack in his back.

Someone rushed at him and twisted his hand backwards before pinning his whole body on the side of car and used the other hand to choke his throat.

"Who are you?" Peace heard a female voice say.

He was shocked at first but knowing it's a girl he was even more flabbergasted and couldn't think of who it could be but despite his situation he found the voice soft and tough at the same time

"Who am I?" Peace questioned back clearing the unnecessary thoughts out of his head

"Who sent you? How many are you here?" Another set of questions rushed in and before Peace could wrap his head around what is happening, she pinned her hand on his throat choking him so bad that he let out a cough and struggle.

He couldn't believe that he doesn't have the strength to shake her off

"Answer me!" She thundered getting impatient

"Am Peace okay, why are you asking who I am? Who the hell are you?!" He yelled after she let go a bit so he can talk

"Peace?" She repeated slowly and Peace recognize her voice but not sure if it’s just his guess, he tried to move but she quickly held him down again not letting him have a space to escape

"Dennis? Are you Dennis? Why are you holding me down like this? Are you crazy?!" He yelled at her again managing to get a space to breath

"Shut the f**k up, why are you asking around about me?" She replied back in the same tone and released him.

Peace rub his throat in relieve and turned to face her and talk but didn't except she would have a knife in her hand pointing at his throat.

His body trembled greatly as he swallowed hard at the danger pointing at him

He move back to avoid the knife and raised his hands up; he felt something around his neck earlier and didn't realize it was a knife which means he could have died earlier

"What on earth are you doing? I just want to know you" he said but with a trembling voice this time, this is the first time someone will be threatening to harm him and he is sacred to his bones

"Know me? For what?" She asked and seemed to have calm down and she dropped the knife then move away from him pondering on whether to believe him or not

"Am the number one student in the department, am sure you know me" he answered and paused before he continued

"Let's be friends" he told her and Dennis looked at him like he just said the funniest word in the world.

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