WARNING ⚠️⚠️⚠️ This chapter contains violence, use of substance, and strong language. Read at your own discretion.
The brunette mixed the substance on the table, hit it with a ruler, and sniffed it. She smiled as she sniffed in the substance and tilted her head, looking at the ceiling. This was what she lived for, so she kept all those drug lords and rich men around. They gave her enough money to get her Coke. She wanted nothing more in life as long as she kept f*cking men to get her coke. Last night's client was one she wouldn't forget in a hurry. He was an extremely hot and handsome hunk and a master in bed, too. He was the kind of client she needed every night. He didn't only give her the most mind-blowing sex, but he also tossed her a considerable pay, which would last her a few days. And she loves his angry spirit.
Although he had been mad at her for disrupting his phone call with his friends, she still found him sexy, even when he tossed her out of bed and choked her while threatening her. But what she liked the most about the night was the money he dumped on her.
A heavy knock came at her door, and she looked up immediately. She had asked Jenny to stop visiting her at night. She was not always around at night, but the nosy b*tch would not hear her. She pushed the other wrap of coke under the table, stood up, and wiped her nose, sniffing to make sure she appeared normal. Without checking the peephole, so sure it was her nosy neighbor, she yanked the door open and came face to face with a tall, pretty woman in a supervillain costume. A pair of black leather pants, jackets, and gloves. Her face was not recognizable because of her makeup.
"Yes? Can I help you?" Bella asked, casting her a leery look and standing between the door and the lady.
"You are Bella Alvarez, right?"
"And you are?" Bella asked.
The mysterious lady pushed her away and walked into her apartment with so much confidence. Bella walked up to her.
"Who the hell are you, and what are you doing in my apartment?"
The lady turned and hit her on the face so hard that she saw stars and crashed to the ground. Bella tried to get up, but her eyes were dizzy, and she heard the sinister laughter from the mysterious lady. Wondering if she was dreaming, she blinked twice and pinched herself. When she felt the impact, she looked up and heard the metallic sound of a knife. The lady went behind her, stooped down, and put the knife to her neck.
"Now, that should teach you some manners," the lady said in a low and cold voice.
"What do you want?" Bella asked, her voice strangled.
"Your life."
"Leave me the f*ck alone," Bella said and screamed in agony when the knife was driven into her arm.
The intruder drew the small knife away from her arm, and blood gushed out. "Now, that's for yelling at me."
Bella was whimpering in pain now, wondering what she had done to any b*tch to come after her like this. Her business was with men. The intruder removed the duct tape from her leather jacket, tore it, and duct taped her mouth. She took out wires, tied her hands behind her, and tied her legs; then, the intruder stood in front of her.
"I came to teach the likes of you to stay away from what belongs to me."
Bella started to say that she had nothing that belonged to the woman, but the duct tape muffled her voice. The intruder walked around her tiny apartment, looking around the place, her hands stuck in her pocket.
"This sh*thole you live in is as ugly as you," said the intruder as she took out her gun and quickly pointed it at Bella. "You are going to write your suicide letter. Where do you keep your papers and your directories?"
Bella, crying now, as she felt like a jackhammer was hitting her head, darted her eyes towards the drawer.
"Good girl. People would say that you killed yourself, crackhead," the mysterious lady said and went over to the drawer. She rampaged into the drawer but didn't see any paper or pen. She moved back towards Bella. "Are you joking with me right now?"
Bella murmured something. The mysterious lady went and tore the duct tape from her mouth.
"What did you say?"
"Fuck you bitch!" Bella spat.
The mysterious lady matched her legs severally with her thick, heavy boots. Bella screamed in pain, but the lady didn't stop marching her legs until she had hurt her to her heart's content.
"You get f*cked, b*tch! You don't mess around with me!"
"Why don't you just kill me instead?! Kill me! Kill me!" Bella cried.
The mysterious lady laughed another evil laughter. "Yes, I will, but you were never born to die peacefully. Forget about the suicide note. I will escape as usual." The mysterious lady bent down and stabbed her left thigh." Bella shrieked in pain. "You will die an agonizing death." She stabbed Bella again in her right thigh, stabbed her again, repeatedly, until blood soaked Bella's clothes.
The mysterious woman stood up and walked towards Bella's table, taking her coke before the intrusion, grabbing the wrap under the table, and weighing it in her hand.
"Hmm, this is perfect," said the mysterious lady. Bella was crying with pain and was tired already. The mysterious lady moved toward her with the wrap of coke and tore it open with her knife.
"No, no, no," Bella cried when she saw what the lady did.
The lady smiled mischievously. "You want some? I see you want some." She moved closer to Bella, forced her mouth open, and poured the bag's content into her mouth and on her face, making the whore gasp as she took in excess coke in her system. "Feed on this crackhead."
Bella wiggled, fighting for her life, but the lady won't stop feeding her the coke. Then Bella started to convulse from the excess substance. Her pupils began to roll up, and she wiggled on the floor like a snake whose head had just been severed.
The woman, clad in black, stood there watching her as she fought for her life. She watched her until she went silent in death. The woman watched her for a while, dropped the remaining content on the floor beside the dead woman, cut the strip she had used to bind the woman with, grabbed her knife, and walked out of the house.
The man she had known as Eros Castillo walked up to her, but she breathed with relief when he walked past her to a seat behind her. Her heart was pounding in her ears so loudly that she couldn't hear what other people were saying.
"Nice hairpin," she heard someone comment.
She looked up and saw one of the men that had walked in with Eros smiling at her. She didn't know what else to do, so she smiled impulsively.
"I'm Javier Gonzalez," the man said, stretching his hand for a shake.
"I'm Cassandra Lopez." Cassandra took his hand.
"Cassandra, I have not seen your face before..."
"I am the new...slave," she swallowed hard after saying that.
"Oh, I see. Eros' girl, huh?" Javier said with a defective smile. "I hope he rejects you."
Cassandra didn't know if she should be happy or mad at that statement. She managed a smile, and her eyes moved to Lucia, who was dancing with other girls.
"Until then, I will just sit and admire your beauty," Javier said and went away from her, the smile still plastered on his face.
She watched as he went and wondered when they would finish everything. Lucia was supposed to be the person closest to her, lecturing her on the party's rules. Then her eyes shifted to Eros, who was seated adjacent to her at the far end of the room. Her heart almost jumped out of her mouth when she saw his eyes on her. He watched her without blinking, not minding that she had seen him. He stalked her with his eyes, and she suddenly felt naked in her skimpy dress. Her hands started to quiver again, and she blinked, looked away from him, and decided to go for Lucia. But even as she went away, she could still feel Eros Castillo's eyes on her.
She didn't understand why he made her nervous. She hated him yet found herself attracted to him; it was a dangerous combination. She finally found Lucia, who was having the best moment, and tapped her.
"Hey, girl! Let's have fun!" Lucia yelled.
"Lucia, can I leave this place?" she whispered in Lucia's ear, glancing across at Eros. His eyes were still on her.
Lucia turned to her, a slight frown creasing her forehead. "Don't even think of it. This place is bleeding with men who would shoot you and ask questions later."
"Alright, everyone! The party is officially about to start!" the announcer's voice fell over the place.
That was when Cassandra noticed a tall woman walk in. She wore a little lacy black dress, which blinked with the lights in the room, and her hair was tied back in a ponytail. Cassandra recognized her. She was the lady that had threatened them earlier. Cassandra watched as the lady went over to where Eros sat and sat beside Eros with a satisfied smile.
Then she watched as two naked women with gags and binds were being led out of a room, and the people cheered as the women were being led to the center of the room, and everyone started taking seats. Lucia grabbed her hand.
"Let's go take a seat."
Cassandra was confused and utterly oblivious to what was going on. She looked around and marveled at the interest on everyone's faces. One of the girls looked scared and nervous, while the other was all smiles. The girls were made to kneel at the center.
"What is going on?" Cassandra asked.
"Game," Lucia replied without caring to look her way.
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