"You know, the only thing I'm hating right now about your body, is the fact that another man fucked you and took your vi...
Chapter One
Chapter 1~ TAKEN
Freya sat on the three-seater couch, slowly grinding on her popcorn while she watched the latest TV horror show, "Evil Dead Rise." She had heard of the movie, so she decided to give it a try.
While she was busily watching the movie, the door suddenly banged open. Fear gripped her heart. In a reflex action, the popcorn in her hands fell to the ground. She frowned, thinking it was Olsen, her elder brother, since that was another trait of him whenever he returned home.
"What the fuck has gone over you, Olsen!" She yelled, only to see a group of masked men walk into her home.
One of them had a gun pointing at her. Freya was still and she remained quiet. "I will need you to remain silent, Miss Bred." He instructed
Freya was lost in confusion as she couldn't comprehend what exactly was going on. She glared at the masked men, specifically at the one who had a gun pointed at her.
"Please. Please, I beg you, don't kill me." She pleaded.
"No one is hurting you, Miss Bred, not until I say so." A young gentleman, dressed in a black suit with a hat on his head which almost made his eyes invisible, walked in. He has a golden cane in one hand and the other in his side pocket.
Freya got more scared at the figure, she felt like pissing on her pants. She hadn't experienced such a situation before, and she didn't need anyone to explain to her that they were actually here for her brother Olsen.
He glared around the sitting room before dropping his gaze on her. "You don't have to be scared, Miss Bred, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm only here to ask you a few questions."
"I will answer whatever question you ask, but please don't hurt me." She said in a shaky tone.
He touched her cheek. "Like I said, I won't hurt you. Well, now I see why my nephew didn't stop coming after you." He smirked.
It was then Freya understood who her stranger was. "Your brother killed my cousin two days ago, and he has refused to surrender himself for his actions." A hint of pain sounded in his voice but he acted cool to hide it.
Freya's mouth was halfway open, but words couldn't find their way out. She was speechless. His cousin was Dento, her boyfriend. Olsen killed him after several warnings about her staying away from him. Freya loved Dento to an extent one would think they were going to marry, but Olsen never acknowledged their relationship.
After so many attempts to push Dento away from his sister, he finally got him killed two nights ago. Freya had been mourning for him since she heard the news and she was restricted by Olsen from going to see his dead body. All she did was sit on her ass all day, watching movies or eating popcorn to clear her head from sorrow.
Since that same night, Olsen never returned home. He only sends people to check on her and deliver her meals. He did whatever it took to make sure she was safe from outsiders. But little did he know...
"I haven't seen Olsen since that night." She said. "He never called, he only sent people to check on me. He didn't even allow me to see his body. I swear, I don't know anything about that night." She said, tears streaming down her eyes.
"You don't have to cry, sweetheart, I believe you."
He looked at the man who was holding the gun. "Drop the gun down." He ordered and he quickly dropped it in his back pocket.
He turned to another and said, "Toma una foto de Ella, envíale la foto a Olsen."
Freya was scared, she didn't understand what they were saying. She had thought he was asking him to bring out a photo of Olsen for her. But when the man took out his photo, he took a photo of her instead.
"We'll send this to your brother to notify him that we have you with us. And that you're definitely in safe hands too."
"No. No, please. You can't take me with you."
"It's the only way to bring him to us. When he surrenders himself to us, then we will let you go."
Freya pleaded with him to let her go but he didn't listen to her. He ordered them to take her to the car. Before he got to where the car was parked, Freya was deep in sleep. He hops into the same car they had kept her, zooming off the compound without any one noticing them.
Not so long after the stranger had left with Freya's body, Olsen came home to find everywhere quiet. He called Freya's name but got his echo bouncing back at him. He rushed to her room. There was no one in there. When he tried reaching her line, her ringtone sounded in the sitting room.
She had left her phone on the couch.
He noticed a white paper was folded on the same couch Freya's phone was on. He unfolded it, reading through the words. "Say goodbye to your little sister."
His phone beeped, a message popped in from an unknown number. He opens the message, it reads "I believe you've seen my message. Your sister remains with me until you hand yourself over. If not, await her corpse in the next 48 hours."
He drops a picture of Freya while they were in the sitting room, and another while she lay unconscious in the car. "I don't joke when it comes to family, you should know that before now, Olsen. Her life is in your hands. The clock is ticking." Was the last message he sent.
Olsen paced the room, unable to think. He was out of ideas, he wasn't expecting Vincenzo at his home so soon. He had come to take Freya to his place only to find everywhere empty. He angrily kicked the glass table to the ground, not minding breaking it.
"Fuck you, Enzo!" He cursed.