He's ruthless every man wants to be him or the fear him, every women wants to fuck him. He has the largest mafia he coul...
chapter 1
2 lines on the test. I was to young I was only 20. My vision blurred how could I raise a child in this environment, how could I be so careless, I wasn't supposed to love him he was meant to be a on night thing a notch on the bedpost if you will.
I had to get out I could not stay with him my child deserved better, I had to protect them. I have access to his money I will take that and I will flee the country never look back no matter what. My baby deserved better that's what I told my self to help me leave the love of my life. No matter what I will always love him.
I threw the test in the trash and covered it with tissue, wiping my eyes I unlock the door and walked out.
"You where in there a while are you ok" kade asked
"Yep all good" I smiled
Tonight when he was asleep I would leave. I will leave a note for him that explained everything hopefully he can let me go then and move on even if it would kill me, I hope he finds someone else that can give him the world.
"Are you sure you look like somethings bothering you. I would do anything for you remember that"
I gulped "I know that's why I love you" how in the world was I going to leave him?
"I love you too" he opened his arms and I happily went to them.
"Let's go to sleep" I said into his chest
"Ok" he leaned back with me on his arms making me giggle.
He fell asleep quickly which gave me plenty of time to escape. I slowly wiggled out of his arms being carful not to wake him.
I pack all my clothes in a suitcase. Then I head to his stubby first with a black duffel bag and go to the the safe, I take all the cash I can fit, I leave the jewelry in case they are bugged with a gps.
I'm now in the garage I take a pair of keys and get in a black SUV. I disabled the tracker In the car and drive to the air port.
I walk in looking back to make sure no one follows me.
"Hi can I get one ticket to England" I figure across the country would be the best bet. I gave her my fake ID and passport that kade had made after about us being together for 6 months.
I made the name and finalized everything so he didn't know the name on the passport but never the less I would change it again.
I got through security and on the flight no problem. We where talking off, I looked out the window saying good bye to my old life for good.
4 years later
I had given birth to a beautiful baby girl. I had ended up in Italy and had my name changed to Valentina Salvatore. I stole Kade's last name so my daughter could have some part of her father. My little girls name is Ella Salvatore.
I cry my self to sleep most nights wishing I had kade to help me with Ella. She's an angel but I wish she had a father figure in her life. We live in a small town to avoid attention. We live in a small house by the water it's Beautiful, the only thing missing is kade.
"Mommy can we go to the beach"
"Why don't we spend the whole bay at the beach we can pack a picnic and everything" she nodded and smiled as she walked to the fridge to pick out food to bring.
"Can we bring the cake from last night?"she asks with puppy dog eyes
"Yes but you can only have one piece" I say with a pointed look. It's impossible to say no to her, she is just to cute.
We finished packing the picnic up in a basket, changed into bathing sites and sun dresses, then walked about side and down the rode to the beach.
It wasn't to windy today but luckily there was a breeze with the extra hot weather today.
"Mommy mommy can we go into the water?" We had set up everything and now Ella was pulling my arm towards the water.
"Ok let's get off the sun dresses." I say
She lifts her arms up so I can take off the dress once it's off she doesn't wait she runs straight to the ocean, she has always loved the water. I follow close behind her.
It didn't take long for her not to be able to stand she starts to doggy paddle in circles.
"Mommy look at how good I can swim"
"Very good job" I tell her
I wonder what Kade's doing. I hope he's ok, I wonder if he moved on and started a new family. Kade invades my thoughts all the time. I sometimes wish I stayed and we could have raised Ella together. What would have happened?
"MOMMY" I'm started out of my thought by Ella's yell
"Oh sorry baby what is it?"
"It's cold can we go eat the cake"
"You have to eat the crackers and cheese first" I tell her as I grab onto her had and we start walking to the picnic.
She ate the cheese and crackers fast and was telling me she wanted cake in no time. She eats the cake fast too, her cute face has frosting all over it.
"Oh you are so adorable with all that Icing on your face."
"What are you talking about mommy my face is clean" she says with a pout on her face. I laugh and take a napkin wiping off her face.
"All clean now" I say while kissing her face all over.
I read her stories and she tells me about her friends at school for the next few hours till the sun starts going down and she gets sleepy so I pack everything up and take her on my hip as I walk us home.
"Mommy who's that man staring at us" Ella asked Pointing to the side of me.
There was a man dressed in all black staring at us with his face hidden. I picked up my step.
"No one there probably looking for someone." I told her.
They weren't they stayed staring at me and my daughter. Someone had found us, it was ether kade or one of his many enemies. I don't know if I want kade to have found me but I do hope it's not one of his enemies.
I got home tucked Ella In bed upstairs and went to the kitchen to pour me a glass of wine. Maybe it wouldn't be bad if kade found us at least Ella will have a dad. But he carries grudges and I wouldn't put killing me past him.
I take out my phone and go to the album labeled kade, there are photos of him and me that I have shown Ella but there are also all the videos of baby Ella and her talking and learning how to walk. I took then in case kade ever found us and wanted to see his little girl grow up.
I press play on the video of her walking I smile when I see her wobbling, then she falls to her bum but she gets back up and eventually makes it to me and the camera.
I press play on another video it's her 1st birthday and her trying to blow out the candles. This one I'm in and someone else is holding the camera I ended up helping her blowing out the candles with her clapping and all smiles.
I watched a few more videos and finished my cup of wine. I took a long hot shower to try and calm my nerves I shouldn't be this nerves I could be complying wrong about kade. After my shower I brushed my teeth washed my face and changed into my silk shorts and top pajama set.
My last thought before I fell asleep was what If kade actually found us. I wonder what his reaction will be. He will definitely lash out I don't doubt that but would he be happy to see me and his daughter. I don't want to focus on it I want to see what will happen because now that the guy saw me it won't be long until kade or someone else is at my doorstep to kill me or ask me where I have been.
4 years earlier
I woke up and found no Maria I walked into the bath room and still no sign of her. Her clothes were missing I don't know where she could have gone maybe this is some prank.
I walked into my study to see if she was hiding there but all I found was a note with my name on it. I immediately assumed the worst and that she had been taken from me so I ripped open the letter as fast as possible.
if you are reading this you have woken up and I am gone. I am ok and have not been taken, I want you to know that I will always love you but I can't stay In your world any longer. I would have stayed longer and tried to make us work but there is a new developing complication that has made me decide to leave. I will always love you don't ever doubt that no matter what you will always be in my heart. Please don't try to find me it would be best if you just move on. I have taken your money and on of your cars I'm so sorry I had to steel from you but I couldn't get a job or afford to leave if I didn't. I love you and will miss you so much.
catch me if you can, Maria.
She left me. I can't breathe my vision blurred how could she leave me. She left me like it was nothing like I could actually move on from her she was my drug and I was addicted. How could she do this to me to us?
I love her and she loves me I thought we would be forever. Obviously I was wrong but what was the compaction that made her leave. If she had talked to me we could have worked this out.
I cursed the paper in my hand, I pull my self together I can't cry about it I have to find her she could have gotten hurt while she is trying to run away. I picked up my phone and called Jacob, he's the tech guy go my group of Close friends.
"Yes boss" he answered on the first ring
"I need you to fine Maria" I say in a stern tone.
"Why what happened?" He asked
"I don't need you in my dam business I just need it done." I snapped at him, it not something I would usually do to him be I just needed her to be found.
"Of course bossy apologies"
"And she has most likely changed here name so it would be best to stick to checking cameras"
"Will do boss" I here him say before I hang up.
I will catch he and I will make her wish she never left me. She will be my women till the end of time no matter what. I will see here again and I will remove whatever complication she was talking about in her damn letter.
My phone starts to ring.
"I see her purchase a ticket to England at 12:37pm last night."
"Looks like where going to England, keep digging and see if she went anywhere else"
I gather up my men and we got to the private jet that is prepared. I will find her and I will destroy her no matter the cost.
The plane is ready for us to bored in a hour, me Cameron and Jacob get on the plane. We land in England and we ask around even go to authorities for help but no one has seen her or talked to her.
I walk up to at old lady I haven't talked to yet "have you seen her?" I say holding up a picture of Maria.
"Yes, but she had different clothes" she talked slowly but it was helpful.
"Did she talk to you"
"Yes, she told me about how she couldn't believe she just left the man she loved. You wouldn't happen to be him would you?"
Those word broke my heart, so she did love me. "That would be me, yes"
"Find her, that girl was clearly heart broken"
"I will" I said and walked away from her.
We stay in England for 5 nights we searched all the hotels and alleyways we even searched abandoned houses, there was still no sigh of her. I looked everywhere before we had to go back to America. I still have a mafia to run even if that's the reason she left. I will still track her down and I will find a way to get to her. She is the only thing that matters.
I think she has probably changed her name and has gone somewhere else so I will have to widen the search area.
I have to go underground and have everyone believe she is with me because if my enemies learn she is unprotected they will go after her and use her as a weakness to hurt me.
We have not had any more sightings of her. It looks like she thought this through. She really wanted to run away that badly. What did I do to make her want to leave me. Was It something I said, did someone else say something to her?
She was happy yesterday there was no reason why she should have left. I had bought a ring our 1 year anniversary was coming up I was planing on proposing to her then. Now I won't get that chance because she has decided to rip my heart out and stomp all over it.
How was I going to function with out her she was my breath, I was in a bear dark place before and she brought me out of it. This sound cheesy as hell but she was my sun.
No matter how long it take I will find her and I will make her my wife no one and definitely no complication will stand in the way of me making her my wife.