It was hard to get through the night without sneaking back to Alpha Diego's room to provoke him. I had to force myself to sleep, just to be waken by a maid, who came into my room without knocking, and placed a nice fitted black dress down for me to wear.
"The Alpha wants you to join him for breakfast," The maid said before exiting the room.
My whole body shook, taking my mind to last night's incident with Diego. "Breakfast? I hope he doesn't look at me weirdly after what happened?" I gulped down, dragging myself out of bed and straight for the bathroom.
Once I was ready, the maid escorted me to the large dining room, where I met Alpha Diego eating his meal and staring into the newspaper.
"Didn't know some people still read papers despite the technology. He must be a man of tradition then," I assumed, drawing closer to the table while keeping my eyes off him.
Just as I was about to sit down on the chair at the far end opposite him... "Here," I heard his deep voice ordering me over to his side.
He pointed at the seat at his right hand, dropping his scary cold gaze on me. I should be scared when I saw his eyes darting straight at my point, but no... I felt hungry for more of his terror.
As he wanted, I walked up to the Alpha, still flashing to last night's scenario. "What if I had taken the step and grabbed his putz? Would he have taken off my robe and done naughty things to me?" I wondered, sitting right beside him.
Now closer to him, I could no longer stare at his face. I felt this heat that engulfed my whole body, forcing me to stare down at the table, trying to control myself.
"You can get through this, Anna. Just breath and forget what happened," I advised from within, reaching for my food.
That's when I heard from him. "Didn't you hear me?"
"Huh?" I shivered, facing him quickly.
He still kept his gaze on the papers, asking again, " What's your name?"
"Name? Um..." I blushed, feeling stuffy. "Anna, " I responded.
"Anna?" He repeated, finally looking at me.
The moment his eyes locked with mine, I saw when they shimmered with his lip curving a bit to the side.
Is that a smile? Did my name sound fascinating to him? Oh God, I can't think straight.
"Hmm. I assume you come from Wolf Blood, since that's where I found you in your bridal attire," He said, taking his eyes off me and back on his papers. "I'll be taking you back to your place, so eat up quickly."
My place?!
Oh no! I can't allow him to take me back home. When father sees him, I'll be back on the streets before I can even explain myself! Then Alpha Damain will learn about this and come after me!
I can't go back there! Not like this!
"We leave at nine thirt.."
"I have no home," I lied, cutting the Alpha halfway.
He looked at me with his head turning to my side, saying, " I'm not in the mood to babysit anyone, Girl. You are heading back to your pack."
"But I'm serious. I'm..." I scanned my eyes around and dropped it on the papers in his hold. There was a headline of an Orphanage having a party for the kids, so I immediately took that word and lied further to the Alpha, saying, " I'm an orphan. I don't have any family."
My face went dull, giving the expression of a heartbroken damsel in distress. I've learnt how to act from the dramas I always watched online, and I've seen how it gets their victim's attention.
But in Alpha Diego's case... The dude didn't even show a sign of sympathy.
I had to dig deeper by adding more spice to my problem, so he'd believe me. "I ran away from a cruel man who tried to marry me against my wish. Those men are his guards. They tried to take me back. Then... you saved me."
I dragged my seat back so I'd face him properly, joining both hands together to beg him while gazing down at his lap, reminding myself of the monster that lives in-between that hot thighs of his. "If you take me back, they'll find me and wed me to that creep. Please, just... Just let me stay here with you. I promise I won't cause any problem," I pleaded, lifting my eyes at him.
He stared at me for a few seconds and gave out a smirk, humming out. "I see," He said.
Looks like my acting worked on...
"Then you're going to the shelter for the homeless. That will be your new home," He decided, rising to his feet with a cold stare.
My mouth dropped at his words. He can't be serious.
"By twelve noon we move. And don't try to change my mind because I won't listen to anything you say. Eat up." He stormed away, leaving me all alone.
I felt chills run down my spine from his harsh voice. He's really a meanie like father said.
"The shelter? Gosh! I don't want to go there." I sighed, sluggishly eating my food.
As the noon drew closer and closer, my itch increased more and more.
I found myself walking around the mansion like a dummy, looking for where Mr. Grumpy might hiding. The servants that saw me, thought I was exploring their Alpha's palace, but this freak of nature was searching for their hunk of an Alpha to gawk at his body before she dies of starvation!
No dildo, no phone... Now I can't find that Alpha anywhere! I've been to his room, pretending to be lost again. But he wasn't there.
To ask the helpers made me ashamed. I don't want them knowing that it's because of him I'm moving around joblessly.
"Goddess, I know he's a bad man, but can't you just spare me this one time? Just show me where the Alpha is hiding? All I ask is for a brief entertainment, just once," I prayed, entering a path I've never been to before.
Only for me to hear voices coming from a strange room three doors away from me.
It sounded weird.
I drew closer to the room and found it slightly opened. Peeping through the tiny space, I found Alpha Diego inside this weird room with two of his guards holding a man they tied up with silver chains!
"What's going on here?" Fear took over me, as I watched the Alpha grabbing this fellow by the head, asking for his last words.
Looking at this stranger in chains... I recognized him immediately! He's one of Wolf Blood's top business men and someone father described as a bad influence to the pack. Just like Alpha Diego, this man was also a Mafia, under a boss like father had shared!
I always watched news of him on the internet throwing crazy parties to celebrate his success in the business. But seeing him here all chained up like an animal... I'm scared.
One of the guards took off the cloth in his mouth and the tied up man said, groaning at Diego, "You won't get away with this, you bastard! Soon, you'll burn in hell like the rest of us!"
"Your times up," Diego said, springing out his claw from his right hand. And right before my eyes, he pierced his hand deep into the chest of this man, rooting out his heart! My eyes grew large at this horror, causing me to wince at this.
Horrible! So horrifying!
Diego placed the bloody heart close to the face of this dead man, bidding him farewell. "Rest in hell where you belong," He said, tossing the heart to the ground and grabbing a napkin to clean up.
As I kept on staring and trembling, unable to make a move, Diego... He suddenly turned over to the door and saw me peeping!
His red eyes flashed at my direction, forcing me to make a run for it!
"Shit! Shit!! SHIT!!!" I panicked, just running into any path my legs took me to! I was so afraid of what he'd do to me if he gets his hands on me. Maybe he'll take my heart out and feed it to me too!
Scared, I ran into an opened room and immediately shut myself in, praying Diego doesn't find me in here.
I slowly drifted away from the door, breathing heavily when all of a sudden... "YOU!!" I heard his familiar strong tone from behind!
I screamed out and tried to run, only to be pinned to the wall with force by Diego, who grabbed me by the neck tightly, staring into my eyes furiously.
"How did he get inside?" I choked, glancing to the corner where he came from, just for me to see that the room has two doors to the outside. That's how he got in.
"You were spying on me?!" He groaned, squeezing harder.
"No!" I forced out, grabbing his hand to pull it off from me. But the more I struggled, the more he pressed harder. And the more his strength came down on me, the more... The more...
"God, no," I moaned, drifting into one of my crazy fantasies again.
The way Diego held me against the wall with his hand dominating furiously, caused me to see him as a dominant Alpha, who wants to get inside my body no matter what.
I no longer felt scared but felt aroused, moaning in Diego's hold while running my fingers on his hand.
My eyes rolled back, as my left hand came sliding to my chest, reaching for my breast and... He stopped?
I opened my eyes to see Diego staring at me confusingly. My craziness must have surprised him.
"Why... Why did you stop?" I asked, feeling my body itching while drawing closer to him.
He didn't move but kept looking at me.
"You were asking me a question. Don't... Don't stop," I begged, about to reach for his hand. But he swiftly grabbed my jaw, gripping me tightly with so much power.
He doesn't know the impact of his rage on me. It's only increasing my libido by seconds.
I want him to just take me.
"What kind of game is this?" That's the question he threw, drawing closer to me.
Due to my problem, the murder he just committed no longer made me scared. It felt so attractive and hot in my eyes.
Since I didn't respond, Diego growled at me and threatened, pushing me against the wall again, "Whatever you saw in that room, remains buried in this mansion. If you tell anyone about it, I'll punish you."
"Punish? How?" I asked, feeling the heat.
It's like I'm in one of those bondage sex were the lady is punished for being a bad girl. "I'm... I'm a bad girl. I'm a very bad girl," I moaned, stunning Diego even more.
His eyes flashed at me in suprise, as I asked like a maniac, slowly running my hand on his chest. "Why don't you punish me? Make me a part of your world, Alpha. That way my mouth will stay shut," I pleaded, losing myself.
It's clear that the disease was taking over me. I could no longer control my thinking.
"Do you know what you're saying, girl?" He leaned his head to the side, sliding his thumb against my lips. "I am not like your ordinary Alpha. I'm a hundred percent Bloody Mafia. You must have heard that word before, haven't you? " He asked, clinching my jaw.
I nodded, still caressing his chest with my finger playing with his buttons. I felt like ripping it off.
"I rule the underworld. I'm the boss there. It's not meant for ladies like yourself. So, it's best you stop this game because you won't last a minute."
"You can't know unless you test me, Alpha Lord. Who knows..." I slowly ran my hand down to his belt then back up a little. "I might just be the one to spin your world around."
God! Since when did I start talking like this?! I can't stop myself. I just can't!
"Think about it, Girl. Once you become a part of my world, there's no turning back. You will be my puppet and dance to my every tune." Diego glared, tightening his grip around my jaw. "You can never return back to your sweet life. Once you disobey me, I make you pay."
And when I felt his strength, my body shivered. I couldn't hold back my hunger anymore. I could feel my V getting really wet.
"I don't care." I moaned, reaching for his belt and pulling myself closer to Diego. "Just... take me. Take me, Alpha Lord," I groaned, sliding down to feel his rod.
"Take me," I moaned, feeling the hardness with my hand while getting aroused, desperate to pull his cock out.