“Watch your mouth pixie, I don’t enjoy your stupid games right now” he warned her, taking a step towards her until she w...
"You're wasting your time, that guy won't love you back even if you gave him your body and everything you own" Alexander snorted, throwing the butt of his cigarette into the empty tray as he straightened in the seat and blocked the girl's vision in the casino. Her gaze narrowed, an obvious frown on her lips, Alexander was in the nicest of terms, a jackass, but the only thing he had going for him was his blatant honesty. Pitch black hair and mirroring eyes, it was like staring into a black hole. He stood 6 foot 8, taller than any man she'd ever known, aside from his brother Cael, and his lean frame was a characteristic from his mother's side. Unlike his half brother, Cael who was massive, muscular and looked rough on the edges, Alexander had more delicately grim features.
Alexander was fair, with a sharp jaw and slim face, slender, bony fingers and half the muscle mass as his half brother. Every suit the man had worn looked so perfect on him, it was almost impossible to tell the first few years of his life was in the trenches. He had enough of a build to fit his frame, but he wasn't her type. She preferred stronger, rough-looking men. Men who looked like they weren't afraid to get wild and dirty, men like Cael, who was big, strong and looked out of place in any formal attire.
"It's none of your business, besides, I don't remember inviting you to my table" she snapped, scouring her nails over the coin in her hand as she watched Alexander light up another cigarette, much to her disgust. He was foul, mean and atrociously displeasing to talk with, everything that was Cael was not. Despite his rough exterior, Cael was a gentleman, kind and friendly who didn't fail to appreciate a woman in all her insecurities.
"It is my business. I may not look like much, but the last thing I need is my birdbrain of a brother taking home a..." he paused to look her up and down, "...well, whatever you're supposed to be, for a wife." He scoffed.
"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that. You're the rudest, and obnoxious creature I've ever met."
"You should be honoured"
"God, do you ever loosen up? Learn a thing from Cael on how to appreciate a woman and maybe you'd find one to tolerate you" she scoffed, slamming the coin on the table and getting up to leave.
She was getting nowhere arguing with a man who only cared about money and himself, there was no way either was going to win this argument. She needed to leave now, or she would miss her opportunity to slip into Cael's line of vision. The man she was pining for treated her with the most respect, honesty and kindness, and while she was ever so grateful, maybe it wouldn't hurt if he was more assertive. She got up, taking her purse with her to make her way around the table when she found herself pulled-no yanked roughly by the elbow back to her seat. Looking up into a pair of empty black eyes, she froze immediately and gripped her bag tightly.
"Trust me pixie, Cael has nothing to give you," he growled, his voice so low it made her chest tighten as her frown deepened.
"Who died and made you king? I'll do what I want" she countered, trying not to show the obvious fear on her face as he leaned closer.
"Oh will you now?" he taunted.
"Yes, I will. I'm starting to assume you were jealous" she knew it was said only to pester him, to annoy him and make him upset, but the look he gave her made every strand of hair on her body raise when he snorted, pulling back and straightening.
"Maybe you're right pixie" he dragged his eyes over her mouth and along her neckline.
"You're such a creep" she shuddered, grabbing her things and leaving. Cael was no longer here, and she had assumed that he went to the special VIP section. She was already having a bad night, now it was ten times worse than she expected.