Logan Nielsen
"Tell me why are you studying when we just start school?" I looked at Mandy completely annoyed.
"I like to take notes and re-write it. I'm a perfectionist." She said as she took a quick glance at me.
"You're boring."
"That's for picking me as your friend, it's not too late for you to go away." She hissed coldly.
"You slept yesterday as we're watching Grown Ups, are you freaking kidding me?" I bursted and she suddenly shoved my mouth with a piece of carrot.
"I'm not a bunny!" I said as I threw the carrot back to her.
"You are! You talk too much.." She glared at me as she ripped her notes again.
"That's the tenth times you rip your notes, Mandy. You have to know that our world is having a global warning crisis." I said and she gestured me to shut up.
"Fine.. I'll entertaint you then." She smiled and I smirked nodding.
"That's the spirit, what's your plan?" I asked as I took my bottle of coke.
"Tell me about yourself.. why did you move to London from Denmark?" She said as she rest her head on her hands looking at me waiting for my answer.
"Well, my father is actually a spy and he's actually move here to kill people." I said whispering as I looked at her seriously. Her eyes widen and she gulped nervously.
"Are you serious? Is that why you pick me to be your friend?" Her eyes was about to popped out from it's socket.
"Yeah, my father is here to kidnap the Queen." She gasped in horror and I can't help but to laugh my ass off.
"I don't want to be friends with you anymore!" She said in a panicked tone but I stopped her.
"I'm messing with you." I said and she still looked at me suspiciously.
"I don't trust you." She said shaking her head and I looked at her flatly.
"You said you wanted to entertaint me.. it's working." I smirked big time and she smacked my arm so hard. I groaned in pain and she glared at me.
"You're mean, Logan."
"Sorry.. I'm bored." I said and she let out a sigh.
"What's your dream?" She suddenly asked out of the blue. Actually, no one's ever ask me that question and now I realize that I never have a dream that I want to achieve.
"I have no dream, how about you?" I asked and she leaned back to her chair looking up thinking.
"I want to be a successful businesswoman, I want to expand my wings to the United States and all of Europe." She said as she's smiling weirdly and I chuckled.
"The world will be sad if you be a successful businesswoman, imagine how many papers you will waste when you make a deal?" I said and she turned to me glaring.
"Don't be mean! When I become a successful businesswoman, you won't be able to see me as often because I'll be busy." She said in an arrogant tone and I rolled my eyes.
"Well.. I hope one day I'll be a good leader, maybe that's my dream."
"Leader? What kind of leader? President?" She asked and I can't help but to smile when she said that.
"Maybe.. I'll be a good president."
"Yeah right.. If you really want to be a president, you have to start studying. You have to study politics, economy, language, social and etc." She doesn't know that I've been studying it ever since I can talk, read and write. I've learned a lot of things since I am the future King of Denmark.
"Yeah.. I can do the studying part later." I said as I waved my hand as if I'm trying to get rid of a fly.
"Will you go back to Denmark if your parents don't with work here? Or do you have plans to go somewhere else?" She asked she's back with her notes.
"Go back to Denmark, why?"
"You should tour me around Denmark one day, I really want to go there."
"How much are you willing to pay? I'm a local remember?" I said proudly and she turned to me rolling her eyes.
"I'm find another guide then.."
"Where the fun is that? You didn't even tour me around London. I'll give you a free tour if you give me one." I said as I leaned closer to her.
"I have no money for that.. I'm the poor Estelle." She said the last part in not so friendly tone. I knew about her family because I looked it up and I never see or judge her as the poor Estelle. She's just taking people's mockery very seriously.
"Who said you need money to tour me around? All we need to do is walk around and just enjoy it." I said shrugging my shoulder as I leaned back to my seat again.
"I'm busy helping my father, I don't have time to tour you around." She said in a cold tone.
"Do you already have plans for college?" I asked trying to change the topic.
"Yeah, I'm going to CASS. How about you?"
"I still don't know, I don't know if I want to take it in London or back in Denmark." I sighed as I looked at the table blankly.
"You need to find your dream first, you need to find what you really want then you can decide." Too bad that I don't have any other choice than be a King. I'm the next line of the throne so I have to fulfill my duty.
"I need to look for that." I said as I turned my eyes to her. When will I tell her my real identity? Should I tell her or not? I mean our friendship will only last for a year so.. why should I tell her right?
"Good.. because if you really want to be a leader, I support you." I raised my eyebrows when she said that.
"I have a feeling that you'll make a good leader." She smiled at me and I found myself smiling back at her.