Under the brothers, days blended in Emma's head. While the mind of hers was mostly cloudy, blank as to who she really was, her body slowly recuperated. The brothers' gentle presence comforted and confused her simultaneously; she sensed their attentiveness, yet none was in a rush to press her for answers. She did not know why, but their protectiveness seemed normal, like since forever she had been supposed to be near them in some way.
Each brother differed in the special warmth that they brought into her life. Dave was quiet and kind, monitoring her like some precious thing. He would sit quietly by the bed, still and steady, as a peace that always came. Dan was light, his jollity filling the house, smoothing the bearing of her thoughts. His humor was soft, his energy contagious; he would always manage to make her smile, no matter how much she refused. Then there was Dean-reserved, observant, and eternally patient. Though he spoke the least, in his words lay a ring of sincerity that soothed her in ways she could hardly explain. She felt a pull toward him, comfort in understanding, even in silence.
As days passed, Emma found herself falling into the unusual routine. One brother was always there by her bedside, replacing each other so that she should never be left alone. Gentle souls, yet their compassion did little to quiet the gnawing questions in Emma's mind about herself-who she was, how she came to be so badly hurt. Her recollections were shut tight behind a thick veil; each time she attempted to grasp at even the slightest thread, it slipped from her grasp into nothingness. Many times, she would find herself staring in the mirror, her search on her very own face, as if the answers lay veiled within her reflection.
This closeness was not normal on this particular morning. Restless, she waited until she was sure that the brothers were out to their usual tasks and then, with a deep breath, made her way from her room and decided that it was time she stretched her legs to explore what was beyond her small haven.
The air was fresh outside, crispy, and cool; Emma felt her spirits lift as she meandered around the compound. It was quiet-twisting leaves being one of the few sounds. She walked randomly, paying attention to the calmness. Her fingers brushed leaves of bushes she passed, melting into the simplicity of the moment. Yet, a faint loneliness still pinched at her—except for Jude and the brothers, she hadn't seen anyone else.
Finding a clear patch of ground, she sat down, crossing her legs and leaning back as she gazed up at the sky. Wisps of clouds floated lazily across the expanse of blue, and she felt her mind begin to wander. Who was she? Why had she been hurt? She clenched her fists, frustration boiling inside her. Each moment, as she tried to remember her past, felt like blank, bottomless pits that had refused to reveal their secrets.
A soft sigh escaped her lips, and in that quick moment, she let herself slip into the peaceful reverie to take the quietness in and soothe her restless thoughts.
But the tranquility lasted only a moment. An abrupt and shrill voice cut the air, startling her back to reality. "Who is you? What are you doing here?!"
Emma blinked, raising her eyes to find a young woman standing beside her, hands set on her hips. The woman's eyes were narrowed, scanning Emma with an unmasked suspicion bordering on hostility. She was beautiful-sleek, dark hair fell over her shoulders, her figure hugged by a black dress that left little to the imagination. Yet despite her beauty, there was something so harsh in her gaze that spoiled the elegance of her appearance.
The woman's eyes raked over Emma, right down to her plain clothes, mussed hair, and residual bruises. Her lips twisted in a sneer and Emma felt the air grow tight, charged with an unspoken challenge. For reasons she couldn't fathom, instinctively she knew this woman was trouble.
Emma turned her gaze back to the sky, ignoring the women's scrutinizing stare, hoping by the law of disregarding, she would be left well enough alone.
But this woman was one that did not easily take 'no' for an answer. She took a step closer, her voice louder and edged with irritability. "Did you hear me? Are you some new maid or something?" The words were laced with disdain. "Do you even know who I am?”
At this, Emma felt a spark of curiosity. She tilted her head, studying the woman with an amused smile. Of course, this was satisfying in an odd kind of way, watching her fume as if she had already won something from this stranger.
"No," Emma replied simply, a slight widening of her smile. She watched the stumble of confidence in her demeanor, surprise fluttering into her eyes.
For one flashing moment, the woman paled as her jaw clenched down; her glare turned to Emma. She recovered pretty fast, her features hardening in place. She was clearly unused to being dismissed, especially not by one so non-threatening. The Confidence in Emma's quiet tone threw her off balance, and just raised the bitterness of it.
She took another step closer, her voice dropping to a hiss. "I'm Merina, the brothers' lover," she announced, lifting her chin proudly. Her eyes bored into Emma's, a smug glint in her gaze as though she expected her words to hit like a blow.
Emma's eyes widened slightly, the surprise flashing in her eyes. She blinked, taking the declaration in, and then—unexpectedly—she let out a soft, incredulous laugh. The thought of three brothers taking one woman hit her as a preposterous statement; she couldn't help the mirth bubbling up inside her.
"Really?" she whispered, barely containing the humor from her voice.
Merina's eyes slitted, a surge of anger sparking in her at the reaction Emma had given. The laugh hadn't been the response that Merina had expected, and it just ruffled her, threatened her. Merina had always believed she would be the one the brothers were supposed to pay attention to. Being the granddaughter of one of the elders of the pack, she grew up around the brothers, fit into their lives in quiet, unspoken ways.
This person, this woman with otherworldly beauty and silent strength, threatened all that. There was something otherworldly about her, some sort of presence that commanded attention without trying for it. And that, indeed, made her dangerous.
Emma noticed the hitch in Merina's voice, the gritting of her jaw, the flash of insecurity in her eyes. For all her bravado, it would seem that Merina's confidence still wobbled under Emma's steadfast gaze. Sensing an opportunity, Emma rose to her feet, brushing the dirt from her clothes as she looked down at Merina, a polite smile curving her lips.
"Oh." she murmured, nonchalant, as if Merina's revelation was of little consequence.
But the response only added to Merina's irritation; her hands curled into fists, her glare fixed intently on Emma. "I asked who you are," she repeated, her voice tight with barely concealed anger. "And what you're doing here in my man's place!”
Emma's eyes sparkled with humor as she heard the insecurity in Merina's words. It was almost amusing, the woman being so possessive when the brothers had been nothing but nice to her, never once mentioning another person in their life. It certainly seemed that this Merina was more of a nuisance than a threat.
Giving a small, teasing smile as Emma met Merina's gaze, her voice came out light, almost playful. "Guess.”
For a moment, Merina remained completely still, her eyes wide in silent disbelief. The audacity of Emma's answer rendered her speechless, while her brain tried to run a marathon with the possible consequences. Emma's meek strength, her relentless calmness, added to the sense of danger Merina felt, a silent threat that rattled her.
A faint rustling in the distance heralded the approach of someone, and both women turned toward the sound with instantaneous tension, the silence between them heavy with anticipation.