I have decided to concentrate on my job and ignore what had transpired, but with the passing days I find myself thinking of my mate often. All hopes I had of forgetting him are now gone and, I find myself unable to distract myself from thinking about him. I don't know why it is so hard for me.
Right now, he is off planning some extravagant wedding with Josephine, while I sit here saddened by the thought of my mate mating with someone else.
Yes, I have finally come to terms with what has happening to me. I have found my mate and that's all there was to it. I can't change it or do anything about it. I just have to accept it, he belongs to someone else.
I try to ignore the urging of my wolf to go to him, and at times it is a bit overbearing. It is exhausting having her in my mind all time with no way to switch her off. I know she wouldn't give up until we have him.
The only problem is that he doesn't know we exist. I'm not exactly sure what I am going to do about that either. Some parts of me want to let him go since he seems so happy with her, but another part of me wants to claim what's mine. It isn't fair that she belongs to him and it isn't right either.
Doesn't she have a mate of her own? Where is he in all of this? Has he rejected her or she him? Haven't they met yet or did they get tired of waiting?
I've seen it before. Some people don't find their mates until they have already aged and have lived out their lives. One of our pack members only found their mate a few years ago and she was seventy-five years old. It must have been so hard to wait that long but worth it when they found each other though.
Finding your mate is the most special thing in the world. Nothing can make you happier. That's why you should seize every opportunity to be with them.
But I couldn't because she had him. Josephine.
Over the past few days I have come to hate that name. Just knowing what she is to my mate kills me. I know that it isn't her fault though. She doesn't even know about me. But that still doesn't stop the hatred.
"Order up!" Josh yelled while ringing the bell.
I lay down the rag I have been using to wipe the same spot with for ten minutes and go to get the plates.
It is fairly slow right now with it being between rush hours, and also I am trying to find ways to keep myself busy so I can stop thinking. Thinking is only painful for me. I prefer not to do it.
"Here you go," I smile, setting down the plates in front of the elderly couple. "Can I get you anything else?"
"No, thank you dear," The woman says kindly. "I believe we have everything we need."
Her husband must have agreed because he doesn't even look in my direction before eating his meal.
I nod my head at them both before turning away to go back to the counter I was wiping down before I was interrupted.
I let out a sigh once I reach my destination and prop myself up on my elbow. I take a glance around the place, seeing if anyone needs anything before realizing that no one else is there. This is going to be a long three hours.
I suppose I can make more coffee but I don't want it to go to waste. Two of our three burners still have full pots on them so it really isn't necessary for the third.
If John was here no doubt he'd have a list of chores for me to do, but
thankfully he isn't coming today. He hates to see his workers sitting free but today he had to take his wife for some kind of
yearly check up and only said he'd be back to close up shop later tonight.
The bell on the door rings, bringing my attention to the new customer walking in. He nods to the elderly couple who are watching as he enters and offers them a kind smile as he passes by. He is practically radiating with confidence and energy, which I find rather odd. Normally only Alphas give off that kind of energy, but to be honest I can't tell if he is even a werewolf, and if he is I haven't seen him around here before.
He continues passing by the many tables not bothering to give them a
second glace as he makes his way to the counter where I am standing not breaking eye contact the entire way.
The moment feels quite intense.
He takes the stool directly in front of me while giving me a breathless smile and running his hand through his thick dark hair. His ocean blue eyes staring back at me make me feel more nervous than I am already. For some reason I can't look away from him. It is like he is willing me to engage me in a staring contest.
There is no doubt about it, this man is very attractive, but something about him seems suspicious. He has a smell I can't place. It doesn't seem human, but it isn't werewolf either. It's almost like he has masked it or something.
"Hello Grace" he says staring at me with those hypnotizing eyes, waiting for a reply from me.
My breath is caught in my throat at the sound of my name escaping his full smooth lips.
"Y-you know me?" I stutter, probably sounding like a complete idiot in front of this Greek god.
A smirk quickly covers his face as he reaches towards me, taking my name tag between his fingers then quickly releasing it. I can feel my heart going into overdrive at his closeness.
"Oh. Of course," I chuckle nervously while trying to cover up my embarrassment. "What can I get you?"
"How about today's special and your number?" he asks. I stare at him in disbelief, making it fairly obvious I was taken by surprise at his request. Has he really just said that? I mean sure, I have guys that hit on me occasionally but he...he is different in his approach. Something about him seems so dark.
I am even more surprised by my wolf. She doesn't have much to say about him and remains quiet in the back on my head. It is as if she were studying him.
"Uh," is all I manage to get out while staring at him blankly.
I honestly don't know what I am supposed to say to that. I don't want him to have my number but I have this feeling that he isn't going to give up that easy either.
"I'm sorry, but that's not on the menu." I say before forcing myself to look away from him and writing down his order. I waste no time distancing myself from him, taking his order to the chef. Once I have returned he is still watching me intently. I sigh while brushing a stray blonde hair out of my face and shake my head. "I don't go out with guys who don't have a name." I say.
"Well lucky for you I do, as a matter of fact I have one" he says, offering me his hand to shake. "Samuel Jackson."
I look down at his hand, cautiously debating on whether or not to shake it before finally giving in. His warm hand embraces mine gently, holding it there so that I can not move.
"Grace Brooks," I say.
"You're not from around here are you?" I ask him.
I don't want to seem too suspicious, but I have to ask him. I think I'd remember if I saw a face like his before.
He chuckles while releasing my hand and leans back in his seat a little. The withdrawal of his hand from mine makes it seem so empty and dull now.
"Am I that transparent?" He has an amused expression on his face as he waits for my reply.
"It's just that I haven't seen you around here before," I state.
"Actually this is only my second time here," he admits. "I'm looking for someone."
"Well what's their name? Maybe I know them," I say, hoping he'd tell me and allow some insight into who he was. He just seems so mysterious and that makes me eager to find out more about him.
If he is looking for someone in my pack then most likely he is a werewolf like me. But if he isn't then he is just the most intimidating human I have ever met. And that is a lot coming from a wolf.
"I'd bet on it," he says.
I am not sure what he means by that, but I have a feeling there is some kind of hidden meaning behind it, that I am sure about. Mr. Tall, Dark and Mysterious isn't giving anything up.
"So how long are you in town for?" I ask, changing the subject.
He shrugs as if he doesn't even know the answer to that question himself before replying. "A few days, maybe even less."
He is purposely being vague. Figuring out this guy is like trying to solve the Da Vinci code. It isn't going to happen. He is treading lightly, making sure not to give up too much information. He is up to something. I just don't know what it was.
"What would you like to drink?" I ask, grabbing a cup by the beverage dispenser.
"Water's fine," he says while searching for something in his jacket pockets.
As I began filling up his glass with ice I glance at him from the corner of my eye.
"Would you happen to know where the pack house is?" he asks, squinting at the piece of paper he holds in his hand, that has just come from the pockets he was previously digging in.
His question takes me by sheer surprise and only confirms what I have been speculating from the beginning. I fight to push away the shock. No one goes there uninvited. Unless they are a werewolf.
"The pack house?"
"Yeah, I have some business there," he says easily.
So he is a wolf. Then why can't I smell him? All wolves have a scent but he doesn't have it. Something is wrong with this man.
"It's about four miles up the road," I begin. "Once you pass the motel, take a left and then just follow the signs."
You'd think that if he was planning on meeting with my pack he'd know how to get there. Besides, I don't know how he even got on to our territory without border patrol knowing."Order up," the chef yells, ringing that obnoxious bell again.
"That would be yours," I mumble before turning to get it.
"That's okay," he says causing me to stop in my tracks halfway to the order up counter. "I have what I came for."
I raise an eyebrow to him as he pulls a hundred dollar bill from his wallet and lays it out on the counter in front of him.
"That should cover it," he smiles while getting up from his seat. "It was nice meeting you Grace. I'll be seeing you again soon."
Before I can question him on what he means, he is already out the door and from my sight while I stand in wonder.
Something is definitely weird about him. Maybe I should warn the pack that an outsider is asking some questions.
But then if I did that I'd have to talk to Logan and then he'd know we were mates. It would change things for both of us. I would either get accepted or rejected and I am not ready for either of them.
Perhaps I wouldn't have to talk to him at all. Samuel came in alone, so that doesn't exactly scream threat to me. Maybe he is just passing through and looking for a friend, just like he said. It is certainly possible.
I glance back down at the money lying on the counter and realize he has left me an unnecessarily large tip. His untouched meal is less than ten dollars. No one in their right mind would leave a tip so large.
It is strange, almost as strange as he is.