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chapter 4

Dragos knew what he had to do. The beast within would accept nothing less. There was only one way Mina would give in, accept him as her mate.

He stood, ignoring the pain of his wounds, and began to walk toward her tree. If her tree accepted him, allowed the beginnings of the bond, his hunger would change. He would crave Mina even more.

They would no longer be only one vegetarian vampire in the world.

There would be two.

It was a blessing and a curse Dragos was more than willing to take on for the sake of his sotiei. Parker and his Renfield, Brian, could teach Eddy how to deal with a vampire who no longer lived solely on blood.

But first, her tree had to accept him as Mina’s mate. “What are you doing?”

The panic in her voice almost made him smile. Almost.

The scream of fear that had echoed through the forest had terrified him.

He’d been more frightened than he’d ever been in his life, and considering what he’d lived through...

He shook off the thought. None of that mattered now. Someone had

attacked his sotiei, harmed her, and he’d been unable to reach her, couldn’t help her. When he realized she was alone in the Throne, it had done nothing to soothe his beast. Finding out the cause was her nightmares hadn’t eased his fears, not by a tiny bit.

Until they bonded he would be unable to help her heal.

The thought that she struggled alone was driving him to the brink. And if someone else was responsible for her pain, he would rip them apart with his bare hands. Many things could attack unseen, unfelt by the Throne. Dragos would do whatever it took to bind her to him, to delve into what, or who, had caused his sotiei such fear.

But first things first.

He reached the great oak, its branches towering over him, sheltering him, and felt a peace he hadn’t known since... Since ever. His mother had died

when he was so young he didn’t even remember her. His father was a

vicious bastard who’d sooner see him dead, and his brothers were almost as bad, following Laurentiu’s orders blindly. It was amazing to him, even now, that he’d managed to hold on to the small spark of integrity that allowed him to be a better ruler than his father had ever been.

He’d heard his mother had been a beautiful soul. He often wondered if his father had killed her.

Dragos smiled at Mina. “I will prove you are mine, and I yours.”

“Dragos, no.” Mina stepped forward, hand outstretched as if to stop him.

Nothing could stop him, not if he wanted to finally claim his sotiei. He placed his bloody hand on her Oak, and waited for its judgment.

He found himself sucked into an intellect so alien yet so familiar he felt overwhelmed. That intelligence delved into him, sought out his darkest places, basked in the sunshine he’d managed to hold on to despite his family and the trials he’d been through. It discovered his deepest secrets, taking them and accepting them without question. It acknowledged that he, too, had once been a creature of the forest, and still was at his deepest levels. It rooted out his pettiest feelings and his deepest desires, seemed pleased that in every corner Mina existed. It latched on to his feelings for Mina and turned them inside out, examined them, pulled them apart and put them back together.

It tested his worthiness to be Mina’s consort, and found him barely

adequate. He’d allowed her to suffer alone, and her oak was displeased with him. He couldn’t blame it, but he’d only stayed away to honor her wishes. It dismissed his nobility. Its dryad had suffered, and Dragos, her mate, had done nothing.

He would strive harder, he promised silently, help her overcome her fears and drive away the nightmares. He would be there for her when he wasn’t in his day sleep, and when he couldn’t be there, he’d see to it someone he trusted was. He reassured the oak that he had only been trying to give her

what she said she wanted—space, and time to come to grips with her

changed status. She was no longer just Queen of the Forest. She was his

sotiei, his everything, and he would grant every wish of her heart if it was within his power to do so.

It accepted that.

The great oak accepted him, the bond with Mina’s tree snapping into place inside him. He would forever hear it whispering in the back of his mind, helping him guard and guide his sotiei, protect her even from herself. And when the time came, when she bound him to her in the dryad way, it would also bind their life forces together.

He hadn’t known that was even possible without changing her, without becoming her sire as well as her mate.

The oak seemed amused at that. It was only a matter of time before he fully claimed her—and she, him. The oak saw no point in keeping him in the dark over what was inevitable.

By the time it was done, Dragos was ready to drop from pain and blood

loss. The tree withdrew from his thoughts, leaving behind the knowledge that it was frightened for its dryad. Something was attacking Mina, but it couldn’t figure out what, or who. And until Yew was returned safely, she

refused to commune with her tree—joining with it in the most intimate way a dryad could, becoming one with it. If she did, it would immediately know who, or what, was giving his sotiei such a hard time.

It was also the best way for a dryad to rest, to recover from wounds both physical and psychic, and to strengthen their bond with their tree. To kill the tree was to kill the dryad, and vice versa.

Dragos might have to move his office to the Throne just so he could protect them both.

The great oak laughed in the back of his mind, but Dragos could hear the

budding affection. It was amused by his thought, but found it unnecessary. Mina was normally capable of taking care of herself, but recently she’d been agitated, and afraid. It didn’t know how to help her.

It believed Dragos could. “What have you done?”

Dragos turned his attention to Mina. The sight of her standing there, still fearful, the light of hope slowly dawning in her eyes, nearly brought his beast to the surface. “Started the process of claiming you, my Mina.” He took his hand from her tree and began stalking toward her, slowly so as not to send her running. He wouldn’t take her from her safe place. Not yet.

She needed to be in the Throne, and he would make sure she stayed until she was ready to leave. That didn’t mean he wasn’t going to start claiming his sotiei, and the first step was drinking her blood.

Once he did that, she would be his.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of.” He held out his hand. “Your oak accepted me, and I’m not going to force you from the Throne.”

“You won’t?” She gazed at him skeptically. “No. Not until you’re ready.”

“You give me your word?” The suspicion in her voice stung.

He bowed. “On my soul, I will not force you from here unless the emergency is so dire your life, or the life of your tree, is in danger.”

She studied him for a moment before she relaxed. “I accept that.”

“Good.” He pounced, faster than she could react, and struck, sinking his fangs deep into her neck, starting the first half of the bonding process. She tasted sweet—a forgotten flavor, like elderberry wine on a cool, distant


With the first taste of her blood he was addicted. No other would ever satisfy him again.

Dragos pounced on her faster than she could blink, his fangs piercing her neck. White-hot pain shrieked through her, followed quickly by a mind- searing pleasure so intense she never wanted it to end. Long pulls at her neck pulsed through her, like hands intimately caressing every part of her

body. She screamed, the orgasm ripping through her going on and on as he continued to feed from her.

Something snapped into place inside her, the first hint that Dragos was in more than her veins.

She wanted more.

She wanted him inside of her.

Mina began tearing at his clothes, desperate to touch skin, to smell his scent, to taste his cock. She needed him like she needed her tree, with a desperate longing she’d never experienced before.

Dragos grabbed her, took her mouth like he’d taken her, so quickly she didn’t even protest. He swept inside her mouth with strong thrusts of his tongue. His claws ripped her clothing from her, the simple T-shirt and jeans melting away before the onslaught, her bra and panties quickly following, a shredded pile of cloth on the forest floor.

Dragos lay her down in the middle of the Throne as he continued to kiss her. When her back hit the soft earth he finally released her mouth, only to latch onto her breast.

Mina arched her back, forcing more of herself against his lapping tongue.

Goddess, the sensation was so intense. Was making love with a vampire always like this? If so, she should have tried it sooner.

Dragos growled above her, his eyes burning red. “No thinking of other men.” His teeth nipped at her breast, drawing a tiny drop of blood. He

slowly licked it off, his eyes closing in ecstasy. “You taste so good.” He

opened his eyes, his gaze drifting down her body. “I wonder if you taste as sweet all over?”

Mina damn near whimpered, her thighs quivering in anticipation as

Dragos licked a long line down to the top of her pussy. She clenched her hands into the dirt, digging deep into the loam as he took his first taste of her. His tongue moved from her hole to her clit, and he hummed in

appreciation. “Delicious.”

Mina’s head felt like it was going to explode as he continued to eat her. The wet heat of his mouth was intoxicating. She began to thrust her hips against him, wanting more and more of that wonderful tongue.

When Dragos took her clit into his mouth and sucked, she grabbed hold

of his head. Right there. She needed him right there.

With a shriek she came, her fists clenching in his hair, holding him in place until the orgasm ripping through her had dulled to a soft ache.

Still he loved on her with his mouth, not allowing the arousal to fully die. Soon she was once again clutching at his hair, trying desperately to drag his mouth back to her clit and keep him there.

When he turned his head and sank his fangs into the junction of her thigh, she almost blacked out from the pleasure. She had enough awareness left to know he’d rolled them so that she straddled him.

“Ride me, sotiei.”

She reached down and stroked him through his slacks. What did it say about her that the fact he still wore his clothes was an incredible turn-on?

“Free me and ride me.”

The demand in his voice was hard to miss, his eyes still glowing a feral red. She slowly undid his zipper, unleashing his beauty of a cock. She

slithered down his body, intent on her prize.

Two could play at that game. He’d had his taste. Now it was her turn.

She took just the tip of his cock into her mouth, laving the slit with her tongue, tasting the bittersweet drops of his precome. He shivered hard beneath her. His body remained carefully frozen still as she tasted him to her heart’s content, the velvety-hard heat of him feeling right in her mouth.

How had she resisted him for so long? She felt like a veil had been torn.

She’d known since she was a little girl that Dragos was the one for her, but she’d been too young to claim him in the way of her people. She’d been a child—hiding away from the adults at a party she barely remembered— when she’d seen the most amazing man in the universe. Or so she’d thought. Tall, dark-haired, gray-eyed, he’d been a vision in a black tuxedo

and pristine white shirt. He’d been standing in the garden of the mayor’s mansion, staring at the moon with such a sad smile it had broken her heart.

Then she heard her name being called and the moment was broken.

Dragos never saw her, but she remembered him for years afterward. In that split second in the moonlight, just the two of them, her heart was captured by a wistful smile and gleaming gray eyes.

She hadn’t seen him since she’d come of age. Not until Amara appeared on the scene and forced the ruling dryads to leave the sanctity of their Throne and go back into the town.

She’d felt sucker punched when she saw him sitting next to Kate Hassell.

The woman had treated Dragos as her own, demanding his attention, his protection. She’d touched him like a lover, spoken to him with the ease of long familiarity.

It had pissed Mina off big time.

But Dragos... He’d seen her standing before him, and suddenly it was as if Kate no longer existed. His gaze locked on Mina. If he’d felt even a fraction of what Mina had, she was surprised his beast had allowed her to leave the town hall unclaimed. Kate was virtually ignored even as she


Kate, in that one shining moment, had no longer been his lover. Mina had.

Now he was claiming her in the vampire way. She’d have to claim him the dryad way for it to be complete, but not yet. Not until she got over her irrational fear of anything outside the Throne. She owed them both that.

Mina hummed, smiling around his cock as he moaned. “Now, Mina.”

Mina’s brow rose at the command, but she obeyed. She was just as eager as he to join their bodies, to feel his cock stretching her wide. She rose to her knees and straddled him, stroking him till she was in position. She lowered herself onto him, groaning as he filled her. His pants were stiff

against her swollen pussy, adding an extra element of excitement. She placed her hands flat on his chest and, leaning over him, stole a kiss that took her breath away.

He grabbed hold of her hips, his claws almost, but not quite, piercing her flesh, and began to pound into her. She lost control of the kiss immediately, too busy trying to catch her breath to continue.

He wasn’t treating her like she was sick, or broken, or wounded. He was treating her like a lover who could take it the way he wanted to give it to her. Rough and wild.

She loved it. For the first time in ages she felt whole again.

The sensations built inside her again, her orgasm cresting almost immediately as his pants rubbed against her clit. Mina cried out, tossing her head back as he kept pounding into her, never once slowing.

When he grabbed hold of her hair and pulled her head to the side she knew what he wanted. She didn’t fight him. Denying him had nearly loosened the beast, and now they both needed to lay their claim to her.

Dragos bit, and her world went white. The sensations from his bite seemed to lead directly to her clit, making the orgasm that much more intense. It was like being fucked and eaten at the same time.

Dragos withdrew his fangs and howled, his hips stilling as he poured

himself into her.

Mina collapsed on top of him, totally spent. She was wrung dry. She yawned, and Dragos moved them until she was spooned against him, her

ass against his groin. She wasn’t cold—not here. The Throne would protect its Queen.

“Thank you, sotiei. I thought you’d never accept me.”

She blinked. “Neither did I.” Now that she’d had him, she couldn’t imagine letting him go. She yawned again, cuddling closer into his warmth.

“Well, I’m glad whatever was holding you back has been resolved.”

She tensed. Why had she let Dragos into the Throne? Wasn’t she supposed to keep him out?

“Mina?” He licked where he’d bitten her, sending a jolt of need down her

spine, driving away the thought that he shouldn’t be here.

And that was wrong on more levels than one. No one deserved to be with her more than her mate.

She forced herself to relax, but the worry and the fear were still there in the back of her mind. “I’m not sure it has been.” She glanced over her

shoulder, aware in the deepest part of her soul that she was about to make a huge mistake, but it was something that needed to be done. She could no longer fight her demons on her own. “Call Selena.”


Dragos cocked a brow at Selena. “How bad is hmm?”

Mina was beginning to look worried. He’d called Selena the moment

Mina had asked. He’d realized as soon as she tensed up that something was very wrong, and a quick dip into her mind had proved it. Where seconds

ago she’d been relaxed and warm in his arms and accepting his embrace,

now she was a jumble of confused thoughts and conflicting emotions. Her thoughts had been a pleasant buzz in the back of his mind, but the moment he’d asked why she’d waited to allow him to claim her she’d begun fighting within her own mind.

Her thoughts had veered toward questioning why she’d allowed him into

the Throne, and only by pressing his claim upon her by touching his mark had she realized something was seriously wrong.

She’d begun to panic.

Luckily his sotiei was strong. She’d fought the belief that she needed to kick him out of the Throne and instead asked for the witch doctor. It had been a silent battle against the urge to remove him, one that had cost her. She was pale and shaken, frightened of him as she had been before they’d joined. She’d asked him to wait on the far side of the Throne—the distance between them enough to still the irrational fear that pulsed through her.

He hated it. He wanted nothing more than to hold her, to have his presence ease her fears. To know he was the cause of them had his beast howling in rage.

This was more than the lingering effects of Terri’s torture. Something

else was going on, something insidious, and Dragos was going to get to the bottom of it.

“Hmm means I’m thinking.” Selena circled Mina, studying her, the

expression on the witch doctor’s face more of curiosity than anything else. “I sense...something there, but it’s elusive. Why didn’t I feel this before?”

“Because you were too busy dealing with my physical wounds.”

Dragos winced at Mina’s dead tone. Her wounds had been horrific.

Deadly, in fact, and the urge to force the change upon her had been strong.

If he’d fed from her before giving her blood, it would have begun the

change in her. It took three exchanges of blood to make a mortal turn, and as much as dryads were supernatural their life spans were finite.

Now that he knew her life span would equal his, the urge to change her had disappeared. She would live, and he was content with that.

Still, his fear that he would lose her had been strong. He’d almost

changed her, but he’d fought the impulse, knowing Mina would hate him

for taking her choice away. Once begun, the process could not be stopped. No one knew that better than he did. His conversion had been both a tragedy and a blessing rolled into one, showing him his family’s true colors. Not one of them had stopped his father from beating him and, when that failed to kill him, banishing him.

Dragos had been compelled to give her his blood anyway to save his unconscious sotiei, but without an exchange the sacrifice had left him weakened for days.

It had been worth it to see her open her dark, gorgeous eyes once more.

Bloodshot as they’d been, he’d never seen a more beautiful sight.

He paced across the Throne, keeping his distance from Mina. “I tasted nothing wrong in her blood.” Indeed, she’d been the best thing he’d ever tasted. Not a hint of pain had marred her flavor. Pain or fear often made the blood bitter. Dragos had long ago determined he preferred the taste of pleasure.

“Good to know.” Selena closed her eyes and lifted her face to the sky.

When she opened them again, they were filmed over. The tree of life was a blazing symbol on her forehead, and underneath each eye were three glowing dots. She stared at Mina, her expression contorting into a grimace. “Damn.”

“What is it?” Mina’s shoulders went back. His sotiei was bracing herself for a blow.

“You’re cursed.”

Dragos began swearing in every language he knew. “We killed the bitch too quickly last time.”

“Well I’m not planning on putting Humpty back together again just so you can get some extra blows in.” Selena tilted her head. “Although...”

“What?” Dragos could feel his beast straining at the leash. His mate was cursed, threatened, and he wanted to rend and tear. He would feast on the one who’d done this until nothing was left, not even a fleeting memory on the wind. If he had to dig up Terri’s ashes, allowing her to become whole just so he could destroy her again, he would.

“Your mating has started to break the curse. It will take time, and your bonding will have to grow stronger, but I believe it will eventually overcome it.” The light faded from Selena’s face, her eyes returning to normal.

“The fears, they’re part of the curse?”

“I believe so, yes.”

He was so relieved he felt lightheaded. “Then Mina should be able to leave the Throne.”

“Eventually, yes.” She turned back to Mina. “If the symptoms become

worse, you have to tell me. I might be able to do something to help, but I truly believe your continuing bond will take care of most of the curse, if not all of it.”

“Why is this happening now? Terri is dead.” The panic in Mina’s voice had him growling.

Dragos understood his mate’s confusion. There was no way the witch could perpetuate the curse if she was gone.

“I’m not sure what’s going on. I’m not even sure it was Terri who did this.” Selena frowned. “There’s the stink of evil, a rottenness that reminds me of Terri, but she was already dead when she arrived here. Her power was over plants, not magic. Without a soul, she had no connection to the earth and couldn’t cast magic.”

“Greg tells me you are not rooted in the earth, but in the spirit world.” The knowledge that he could hear Greg without Selena’s assistance seemed to surprise Mina. The ghost was unable to communicate normally with

anyone other than Parker and his Renfield, Brian, without assistance.

Selena stilled, confirming Dragos’s information. Dragos smiled. “Then he’s correct.”

“I have a soul, thank you very much.” She glared at him. “Terri did not.” “I wasn’t—”

“My magic works the way it does because of where my power is rooted.

Do you know what I had to go through to become what I am?”

He held up his hand before she could continue. This was why he’d never taken Selena up on her desire to bed him. They were both too alpha, too

confrontational, but in different ways. They would wind up breaking each other instead of helping one another. “I never said any differently. I was

wondering if it was possible Terri had also rooted herself in the spirit world and could still influence us here on the material plane.”

Selena opened her mouth, but the scowl smoothed out, becoming a

confused frown. “You know, I have no idea. Huh.” She tapped her foot. “I hate that.”

Mina laughed. “We noticed.” She leaned against her tree and its leaves rustled in a nonexistent breeze, indicating she wasn’t nearly as nonchalant

about the whole thing as she was acting.

“Pfft.” Selena rolled her eyes. “We’ll figure it out. I’ll do some research, get a hold of my contacts. If Terri is still able to influence you, she might

also have a hold on Parker.”

“That won’t do. Amara would lose her mind, trying to protect him from

something she can’t even touch.” And that would, in turn, destroy Parker, as his mind was linked to hers now.

“I could try to keep her calm, but with my issues, I’m not sure I’d

succeed.” Mina blushed adorably. “In fact, my panic attacks could trigger her hamadryad instincts. She’d tear the town apart trying to find what threatened us.”

“Then we need to stop what’s happening, and fast.” Selena’s gaze darted around the Throne. “Where’s Ash? And Greer? I thought they’d be all over you.”

The way Selena had rushed through Ash’s name had Dragos hiding his smile. She would never admit it, but the witch doctor was attracted to

Ashton Ward, far more so than she’d ever been to Dragos. She was fighting it with everything in her, but her blushes when he was around told otherwise.

“Communing with their trees. Between keeping Iva’s yew alive and trying to help me, they were both exhausted. They needed some time, so I ordered them to take it.” Mina’s eyes flashed and her chin tilted. There was the Queen of the Forest—ready to do battle for her people—that had so

captured his attention during that town meeting. It was good to see her like

that again.

Selena’s brows rose. “I’m surprised they obeyed.”

Mina’s smirk had bitter undertones. “I didn’t give them a choice.”

“So when it comes to the welfare of your people, you’re able to act. But when it comes to your own...?” Selena shrugged as Mina grimaced. “Sorry, but that helps define the parameters of the curse, which in turn helps us figure out how to break it faster.”

“So I need to help her feel safe?”

Selena shook her head. “I don’t think so. I think you need to push her boundaries, force her to accept you when she fights you. And she will fight you.”

“I’m right here, you know.” Mina sniffed, aggravated. Selena tilted her head at her. “Was I speaking to you?”

Dragos bit back a laugh.

Mina crossed her arms. “This is my problem, not his.”

“Uh, wrong.” Selena held up her fingers. “One, it is his problem now that he’s started the bonding process. He might even share in your nightmares.”

Mina looked utterly horrified. “Please tell me you’re lying.”

Selena huffed. “Fine. I’m lying.” “Oh, thank the Goddess.”

“He might be an active participant in your nightmares.”

Mina stood there, blinking for a moment. “I hate you so much.”

Dragos watched the women spar. If he was mortal he would have broken out popcorn.

“Two, whoever is targeting you—be it Terri or someone else—will

eventually figure out that the bond has begun.”

The great oak began to sway. The trees in the Throne reacted to their mistress, thrashing at unseen enemies.

“She’ll go after him.” Mina stared at him, unblinking, and he understood how dangerous a dryad in the forest could truly be. She could kill him with a thought from miles away, impaling his heart or taking his head before he could defend himself.

It was oddly arousing, the power that flowed through her. Her strength drew him in.

“Calm yourself, Mina.”

“No.” She began to stalk toward him, and from the ground where she stepped moonflowers sprang in full bloom. “You’re in danger.”

“Poisonous flowers aren’t going to save him.” Selena plucked one of the blooms. “But I’m running a little low on supplies, so thank you for that.”

Mina shook her head, but some of the tension that had ridden her eased. “You are the strangest woman I’ve ever met.”

“I know.” Selena waved a hand, and her broom landed in her palm. “I’m outtie. Let me know if you need anything else, Dragos.”

He nodded, more of a bow of gratitude than a casual farewell. “Thank you, Selena.”

“You’re welcome. Just...do me a favor.”

“Of course.” He watched as she straddled her broom and lifted from the ground.

“Take care of her. The forest needs her.”

Since the marks on her forehead were glowing faintly in the moonlight, Dragos took the warning to heart. “I will guard her with my life.”

“That wasn’t what I meant, you stubborn... Ugh. Vampires.” Selena leaned down and poked him on top of his head. How she managed that without falling off her broom he’d never know. “I meant, when the night terrors hit, help her. Help her overcome her terror of stepping outside the Throne.”

“I will.” His mate would overcome this affliction, he had no doubt of that. He would feed her his own strength if need be.

“I believe most of what’s going on is due to the curse. Perhaps Terri, in her death throes, tossed something at Mina, and it’s taken her link to you

and twisted it. Until I can do a little more research we’re flying blind.” She blinked film-covered eyes. “No pun intended.”

“Thank you, Selena.” But he stood by what he’d said.

His sotiei would be safe, no matter what the cost.

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