MORRISON INTERNATIONAL was a corporate behemoth. It dealt with computer software, importation and assembly of computers as well as supply of information technology to major institutions including governments.
At the helm was Mr Andrew Morrison as CEO , having inherited the position upon the death his father who had formed the company from scratch. The old man had made it clear in his will that his second son was his preferred heir, sidestepping his eldest son Steven for unknown reasons.
Steven was however given some shares in the company as well as a junior management position, and since the old man's will left no room for contest the two men had no choice but to abide by it. They were the only children of the founder and there was more than enough for both of them.
Andrew had married his childhood sweetheart and they had a daughter, Brenda while Steven had been unlucky in that field. He had a drinking problem that could not allow him to hold onto a relationship for long thus he left a string of broken hearts in his wake. Now approaching fifty years, there was little hope that he would stop the habit and settle down.
His other problem was the fact that his money seemed to have wings, the moment some funds hit his account he would be roaming the night clubs and casinos, looking for women and gambling, only to reappear at work when the last cent was used up.
He would then engage in financial improprieties to get some few coins which he'd use to buy cheap liquor that would take him through to the next paycheck. Somewhere inside him a fierce fire was burning though, he was always angry with their father for sidestepping him. He couldn't understand why his younger brother was the CEO while he worked at junior management and when he was drunk he would use unprintable words on his brother.
Andrew was the complete opposite. He worked very hard at work and grew the company to high profitability. They were making heavy strides and soon plans were in place to open branches in other major cities.
In the family front he had suffered a major setback. His wife had developed cervical cancer immediately after giving birth to Brenda and she had struggled with it for years before finally succumbing to it.
That left Andrew to take care of their only child as well as run the company.
He did it exceptionally well, balancing between home and work and when Brenda finally went to high school he took her to a boarding facility.
That way he found some time to raise the company's portfolio.
Two years of hard work started bearing fruit and plans were made to list the company in the city's stock exchange.
To celebrate this milestone he decided to take a sightseeing tour of Africa, to take a break from all the hustle and bustle of the corporate world.
All was going according to plan until an accident occurred as they were crossing a flooded river.
The vehicle he was traveling in was swept away by the waters and all the five tourists aboard died, including him.
The news were broadcasted all over the world.
Steven was in office wondering where he was going to get some money for his escapades when his TV broke the news.
He sat for a while, thanking the gods for coming to his aid. He wished he had some champagne, he would have celebrated. But that would wait, he needed to break the news to his only relative, his niece Brenda.
Driven in a company car, he went to Brenda's school and informed her, his heart rejoicing at the priceless look in her eyes as she absorbed the news. The little bitch had hated him for long and now time had come for returning the favor.
He had been treated badly for long and now his time had come to rise to the helm. Brenda wasn't old enough to steer the company and he was naturally Andrew's next of kin.
Stupid Andrew, multiplying all the money only to leave it in his hands.
He would now have time to enjoy his father's wealth. The hindrance was gone, he thought as he was being driven back to the office.
Brenda had refused to leave school into his hands. She had wept bitterly and proclaimed her hatred for him to the surprise of her teacher and the principal.
She had then made it clear that she would never board the same car with him, lest she ends up like her father.
Was she blaming him for her father's death? He wondered as the chauffeur parked the car in the vast parking lot.
The company's lawyers were waiting for him, he had summoned them on his way back from Brenda's school.
Their leader, an elderly gentleman wearing big large glasses was carrying a big briefcase, obviously full of the company's records.
“We are so sorry for what has happened. Your brother was a virtuous man and we regret his death. We are even more concerned with the gap he leaves in the leadership of this company." The old man said once they were settled.
Steven, now smoking a cigarette, wondered where the conversation was heading to.
“Just that we're clear, there's no leadership vacuum here. I am now in control. Naturally I am Andrew's next of kin and I'm capable of steering this company to achieve what our father dreamt of." Steven responded.
They all say wordless, everyone certain that under Steven's leadership the company will come crashing, sooner or later.
“What about Brenda?" The old man asked.
“That one is still a kid. I love her, she's my nephew and I'm going to see her through school after which I will bring her aboard the ship." Steven responded.
“Well, we have documents that you may need. Since we understand that you have much to do, we won't take much of your time. Excuse us." The old man said, handing over some files.
Steven was all of a sudden an important man and he would soon be sitting at the CEO's desk, holding sway over the big corporation.
His days in the gutter were over, his brothers death had opened a new chapter for him.
But there was a little problem.
Brenda would soon become a thorn in his flesh.
He was now sure that she was going to cause him trouble in future.
She had to go too for him to enjoy any peace.
Before moving from an assistant manager of security to the CEO he had to arrange that.
His most trusted associate was always a phone call away and he summoned him to his office.
The burly man entered only a minute after the call, eager for deployment. Steven had used him before in very dirty games and the man always delivered. The only problem with him was that he wasn't cheap.
“You know what has happened, my brother is dead and I'm now next in line to becoming CEO. His daughter however poses a great risk to my progress in future. We have worked together for some time now and I trust you. Right now a bright future exists for both of us but only if the young bitch is out of the way. I'll trust you to do it professionally. Make it look like an accident." He gave his orders.
The man listened in silence, only nodding to show apprehension.
“Three hundred thousand dollars." He finally said.
“But that's too much?" Steven countered.
“Then search for a cheaper guy. I'm not cheap and you know it." Replied the burly man.
“Okay. I'll pay." Steven said, wondering what would happen if he didn't.
As the man walked out he remembered the several jobs he had contracted him to do and shuddered with pity for his niece.
But this was necessary, he assured himself.