When the first rays of sunlight crept into the room, the silence was broken by the gentle tapping of a phone alarm.Christine slowly stirred on the bed, rubbing her eyes as she tried to shake off the lingering drowsiness. It was time to start a new day, and with a sigh, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and sat up.Her feet felt cold on the wooden floor as she slipped out of bed and fetched her robe. Slowly, she walked to the window, peering outside at the neighbourhood as the sky started to lighten. The world was still peaceful, and with a deep breath, she gathered her strength and turned to begin getting ready for the day ahead.She started with a shower, letting the warm water wash away the remnants of sleep from her skin. The steamy fog in the bathroom enveloped her, and for a moment, she felt like she was in a cocoon, protected from the outside world. Taking a deep breath, she stepped out, feeling invigorated and alert.As she walked to her closet, she felt a sense of determination and responsibility wash over her. Today was an important day, and she had important work to do. The primping routine began. She looked for the perfect outfit for the day and styled her hair, and listened to some of her favourite songs in the meantime. All the while, her mind was racing, trying to remember everything she had to do and everything she had to prepare for the day. A sense of urgency crept up as the minutes ticked by, but she remained calm, determined to stay on top of everything.Finally, she made her way to the kitchen, with the steaming coffee pot already filling the kitchen with its rich aroma. As she sipped the first cup of the day, she felt the warmth radiating through her, its caffeinated boost turning up her adrenaline and making her feel energized.The minutes slipped by, and before she knew it, it was time to step out the door. She grabbed her satchel, and her phone, and double-checked to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything. She scanned through all the things she’d need for the day- her laptop, presentation, water bottle, notebooks, and she pronounced everything inside her bag. She went to her room and kissed Robert on his cheeks.As she walked out, the cool, crisp morning air slapped her cheeks, and she inhaled deeply. Everything was going to go well today, she was sure of it. Even though the upcoming day would be filled with stress and pressure, she had prepared herself well and was ready to tackle the day head-on.With a small smile, she walked away from the house, her day already underway.Christine got to the car and drove straight to work. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It was a typical Monday morning for Racheal so she woke up at 6 am to get dressed for work. She chose her favourite navy blue dress and black heels, wanting to look professional for her job at the accounting firm.She grabbed her coffee mug and headed towards the door. As she walked out, she noticed that the air felt a little chilly. She shrugged it off, reasoning that autumn was approaching and the temperatures would be lower than usual.Racheal walked to her car and put her bags in the back seat. She turned the key in the ignition, but the engine made a strange noise and wouldn't start. Rachael tried several more times but it was no use. The car had spoiled, most likely in the cold weather.Frustrated and upset, Racheal called her boss to inform him that she would be late. She then contacted a tow truck to take her car to the mechanic's shop. Racheal was disappointed that she had dressed up only to find out that her car wouldn't start.While waiting for the tow truck to arrive, she remembered that there was a bus station nearby. She decided to take the bus to work instead. The bus arrived and Rachael got on, surrounded by other people of different ages who were also commuting to work. Rachael finally arrived at work, an hour later than usual. She walked through the doors, her heels clunking on the floor. Her boss looked up from his desk and asked, "What happened?" Racheal explained her situation, telling him about her faulty car that had spoiled her journey. Her boss nodded his head in understanding and told her to take the day off.Christine was already at work, waiting for Racheal to be at work before she did.She was stressed out worried, and confused so she called Welbeck to ask why their secretary was still not at work. It was then that Welbeck announced that she was in but she didn't get to work on time." She has a flat tire ". Welbeck said. Christine stared at her and smirked. " Go and get your car done before you come to my office".Christine said and walked away. Their Boss, Welbeck, was quite surprised. He looked into Rachael's face and told her to proceed with what she had to do.Defeated, Racheal walked out of the office, feeling disappointed that she had missed her work. However, she was also glad that she had managed to make it to the office despite the inconvenience of her spoiled car. Racheal decided to use the day off to take her car to the mechanic's shop and fix whatever was wrong with it. She hoped that her car would be back to its usual self, ready to take her to work whenever she needed it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Racheal managed to Catch up with the mechanic before it was too late.She got to the workshop and had a long talk with him. "Always a businesswoman" " there mechanic said I was a mock complaint. "You must be kidding". Rachael said and beamed. "Honestly, I can give you a protocol to work in our company, I can't give you every detail trust me ".My CEO is very good and humble.Racheal added. The mechanic smiled and shook his head." I learned he's into women and especially beautiful and young girls like you" The mechanic said with ease. Racheal said and laughed, telling him it was time to get to work. "I will expect your call from the office"No need to worry ".Racheal boastfully said. The mechanic thanked her and as she turned to get to her car, she couldn't believe what she saw.